Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 45 Drink the Strongest Wine, Do the Wildest POI

When the scouts reported to Herni Marreb that Shadralo's troll was moving, the young Marreb Ensign nearly dropped the cup on the ground. The worst situation occurred when the Terminator fortress was the most empty. And when the follow-up intelligence determined that Shadralo's troll did not march towards the Terminator fortress, but chased in the direction where the main coalition forces left, Herni Marebu's scalp numb, and cold sweat slipped down his back.

Something has to be done. Keeping the Terminator fortress is the most stupid behavior.

Although the Terminator fortress reserves the army's ten-day use of food and grass.

Although the Terminator fortress is the key to the retreat of the coalition forces.

Although as long as the Terminator fortress is not lost, the coalition forces still have a node of support.

But what about it, the sudden enemy stabbed from the back during the battle, and the coalition was over.

People are gone, what's the point of keeping the fortress intact, leaving food and grass for the trolls to eat?

Only the wounded and the sick were left to guard the home. At Heney's request, even Carlos's long follower Todd also put on leather armor and set off with the team with weapons.

Putting together eight hundred troops, Henni Mareb marched all the way, and finally rushed to the front of the troll army led by Oka.

Falling rocks, cold arrows, polluting water sources, harassment at night, ambushing patrol sentries, harassing the rear team, setting fire to the mountains. For fifty-two hours, Heni Mareb was sleepless, using all his strength to delay Orka's marching speed.

In the end, his exhausted subordinates were left in place by him, and only fifty guards of the treasure house of less than twenty human soldiers and dwarves were left beside him.

After Oka saw nothing to do and led the army to escape into the mountains, Carlos, who received the message, came to visit these behind-the-scenes heroes. The exhausted soldiers just found a stone and fell asleep on the ground. He insisted on guarding. Nimareb's entire cheek was sunken, and the black smoke ring could fight the Pandaren.

"My lord, congratulations, this is a great victory." After speaking, Hennie Mareb fell unconscious to the ground.

It took two full days for the coalition forces to complete the work of regional raids and institutional return.

"General, although you were late for an hour, you came after all. Moreover, we won. So I decided I didn't hate you." Carlos said.

"In this matter, I hate myself, even if the final result is good, but the glory this time has nothing to do with me." General Odren blamed himself very much, and did not appear on the agreed battlefield at the agreed time. , He felt that he had tarnished his glory as a soldier.

Carlos grabbed Odren’s shoulder and said, “Hey, don’t do this, just win. Where can you buy troops with more than 1,500 people in a short time? It’s me who brought that kind of danger. Don’t be so bitter.”

"If it wasn't for the lost dwarves who happened to be near you, we would have lost. In these two days of dreams, I dreamed that the boys were chased and killed by trolls. The blood of coalition soldiers spewed down from the Hinterlands, Balrog The whole Hillbride." Audron's emotions were a bit out of control, and his voice was crying.

"Do you know why you can't be a king? Although I didn't like you before, we are friends from now on, you old fellow with a conscience." Carlos let go of his hand holding Audron's shoulder. , Stepped back two steps, "I won't see an old man shed tears, but please calm down as soon as possible. After all, you are the commander-in-chief of this army."

"I will." The general found a lying tree trunk and sat down.

After the troops were gathered, the results of the war were counted. The coalition soldiers killed 846 people, injured 2,323, and 117 people were missing. Annihilated the evil troll 1,720. Six people, beheading 413 prisoners, basically wiped out the threat from Sinsaro's Evil Branch Troll.

Five hundred soldiers were left to continue searching for the missing, and the army retreated to the Terminator Fortress. After a short rest, this journey of revenge is about to come to an end.

On September 26th of the three years of the Dark Portal, a coalition from the Human Kingdom of Lundaron and the Hinterland Wildhammer dwarves broke through the troll city of Shadralo and wiped out more than 600 defenders and residents.

"Okana bastard ran away!" Carlos roared angrily. Witherbark troll Oka led his people into the mountain. Shadra Lori only had some old and weak and Shadra's brain-dead followers.

"Detective Ji, is the tomb of the troll intact?" Carlos calmed down a bit and asked Rukia.

"It's all right," Tan Ji replied.

"Oh, let's run away." Carlos changed his face in an instant, with a happy look, "Shaderalo underground mausoleum copy, ready to open up wasteland."

"Master, what are you talking about?" Detective didn't understand Carlos.

"It does not matter."


Just when Carlos was about to reap the fruits of victory, thousands of miles away in Stormwind, the mage Khadgar secretly sneaked into the bedroom of Archduke Anduin Lothar.

"Master Khadgar, do you have any special hobbies for middle-aged men?" Anduin Lothar, who was only in pajamas, teased Khadgar.

"Sir Lothar, forgive me for being presumptuous and abrupt, but it's important, I dare not divulge the least bit of wind. In the entire Stormwind City, only you are worthy of my trust." Khadgar said solemnly.

"Well, if you leave Medivh's tower, you won't be here. Did you see any important images in the Hall of Illusion?" Sir Lothar poured himself a glass of water.

"Worse, a demon, a demon named Sargeras, took possession of my teacher's body. Medivh is no longer the watchman, Medivh is no longer Medivh. That demon, it, is planning to destroy the entire world ." Khadgar said suffocating words.

"Tell me, that's a joke." Sir Lothar's hand holding the cup froze.

"Sorry, I can't laugh. The teacher's soul is gradually lost in the confrontation with the devil. Soon, things will fall to the worst. We are running out of time." Khadgar looked directly at Anduin. Lothar's eyes spoke sad words.

"I have a room at 26 Donald Avenue, where can you rest temporarily." Sir Lothar needs time to digest the news. Although he has felt that something is wrong with Medivh in recent years, the news that his childhood friend was actually occupied by a demon makes him heartbroken.

"Sir, please make a decision early, sir, he won't be able to hold it for long." Khadgar finished speaking, cast a transformation technique and left the window.

"Medivine, my friend, how should I face you." Anduin Lothar felt flustered.

PS: Anduin Lothar, Ryan Wrynn, and Medivh are friends who grew up together in childhood. Anduin Lothar is the only direct heir of Thoradin the Great of the Kingdom of Arathor. Ryan Wrynn's throne was obtained by defeating other people who were eligible to inherit the throne with Anduin Lothar's support, that is to say, Anduin Lothar gave the throne to his brothers.

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