Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 462: Last Wish List

Don't talk about feelings if you can talk about money, because talking about feelings hurts money.

Don't talk about money if you can talk about relationships, and you'll get old if you don't fall in love.

Praising the great Elune, Carlos felt for the first time that his high elf face blindness was a positive buff.

Body fragrance, soft muscles, big breasts, nice people, noble status, big breasts, strong fighting power, reputation and big breasts.

Alleria has so many advantages, how did she manage to sit still?

Sure enough, no matter the butt party or the European party, they all look at their faces!

Carlos sent Alleria away with a letter and a seal ring, but Turalyon was greeted with excitement.

Turalyon excitedly embraced what Carlos wanted to say, but Carlos pretended to be kicked out of the room with a kick on the ass.

"Listen well, the courtship is based on charm rather than charity, and it is not because of you that I refuse Alleria!"

"I know, but I can't compare you to anything. If you fight with me, I can't. Carlos, thank you."

Suddenly, Carlos understood something.

Because of his existence, Turalyon is no longer the most dazzling star in the league after Lothar's death.

In other words, Turalyon is not confident anymore, at least in terms of love.

"No, you love her more than I do, that's enough."

"Well, this is the only thing I have confidence in."

"Don't be like a little wolf dog in estrus, and don't go to the end of such a foolish business."

"I just know by accident..."

"Okay, accidentally, accidentally... I'm going back to Lordaeron to continue my battle soon, and you should adjust your mentality and fight for you as soon as possible."

"I will."

After Turalyon left, Carlos suddenly smiled, laughing inexplicably. In some respects, these two guys are really married.

It’s not that I don’t have no feeling for Alleria. After several years of friendship, Carlos knows that Alleria is a good woman, without the arrogance of high elves, without the paranoia of longevity, and everyone who has been in contact with her will not hate her. .

But this good woman is currently stuck in a dead end of thinking. What she needs is power and strength, and it's just a deal with Carlos.

This made Carlos very uncomfortable.

The friendly match is not impossible, Turalyon hasn't caught up yet, and there are no moral obstacles. Even if you don't look at her face, Alleria is also very good.

But I feel uncomfortable, how uncomfortable.

Therefore, Carlos gave Alleria some of the things that were not very visible in his hand, which was regarded as all the friendship of friends.

Among them is a letter from his former chief guard.

That guy was still alive, but ran away with a demon. He said that he should faithfully practice the way of the paladin of Professor Carlos. In essence, he ran with a wild woman.

Carlos has a deep feeling for the guard he brought out. If the chief guard brings this woman back, he will properly arrange everything.

But the guy chose to stay with the woman, leaving him with no excuses.

He thinks everything he did is correct.

Well, after reading the letter, Carlos even had a murderous heart, and he felt betrayed.

But in the end, Carlos chose to let go.

After all, the head of the bodyguard contributed to the alliance and shed blood for the war of resistance.

Just assume that there is no such person.

It took several days for Carlos to let go, choose to give the chief guard the life he wanted, and promote a new chief guard - this position had been vacant before.

But the letter from the former head of the guard, apart from the concealment of his motives, revealed a lot of very important news.

That's the news about the orc warlock.

The demon girl got the magical props that looked amazing, and researched some famous ones. Moreover, the human resistance organization hidden around the ruins of Stormwind played a more or less role, and obtained some specious information.

Perhaps out of atoning psychology, the head of the guard sent all these information in the letter.


"His Majesty."

"You said, when you marry a wife in the future, what kind of gift should I give you?"

"The chief guard is not that kind of person."

"Shut up, now you are the captain of the guard."

"You teach us loyalty and integrity, and I will not hide my thoughts in front of you."

"I also ask you to obey orders as your bounden duty. Now, I order you not to mention that person in front of me in the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

On the second day, after Carlos said goodbye to Magni, he abandoned all the farewell ceremonies and, accompanied by the Oakland army, began his return journey.

After two rounds of statistics, the Alliance’s troops south of the Palatine Bay totaled 143,176.

Fragments are all fucking things, Carlos roughly thinks that the Alliance has less than 130,000 people in the south, and this is just the number of humans.

In other words, in order to defeat the tribe, at least 70,000 good men have died on the fertile soil from the wetlands to the burning plains.

The cost is not small.

However, it is already the limit to the Burning Plains. If you want to continue fighting, it is imperative to withdraw troops. The next battle must rely more on refined personnel and Ironforge dwarves.

The 130,000 people going south to Irvine would be a disaster for the orcs, and it would also be a disaster for the seven nations of mankind. The alliance would be dragged down by the long logistics line.

So after repeated calculations, Carlos decided to withdraw 100,000 people.

The wounded and sick go first, and the holders of various medals go first. This group of people can probably go for 50,000.

And the remaining 50,000 people, although they are definitely going to be evacuated, they can be used to bargain with the various forces in Lordaeron, which is very good.

Then came Alterac's army.

Although his father had already abolished a part of the militia in the north, Alterac was still a brutal force. Excluding the domestic reserve team, more than 30,000 Alterac people who went south were still alive.

Yes, they are still alive, not war dead.

Bringing most of these people back, this incident broke Carlos's mind.

Those who are willing to stay to fight are loyal and have a deep hatred of the orcs. This group of people cannot allow them to die in battle. Without the support of the Wuxun faction, the country is unstable. But you can't say that people who are willing to return to China are speculative parties and will kill a lot of them.

So in the end, Carlos used a one-size-fits-all approach.

Those with parents, wives and children must return home.

Those who have enough military exploits to be promoted must return home.

Those who have been rewarded with more than ten acres of land must return home.

The immediate family members who died in battle must return home.

Although it is inhumane, the advantage of crossing the line across the board is that the voice of opposition is relatively small.

In addition, the remaining approximately 7,000 Alterac soldiers had a relatively strong basic willingness to fight and could be used by Turalyon at ease.

Regarding the situation in the south, Carlos believes that he has done his best.

Don't have to rush the return journey. The news that Carlos left Ironforge and returned to the north went faster than Carlos himself. He sat in the wagon in the box, and at the writing desk, Carlos made a list at will, reflecting on whether he had missed anything.

In the northern Baladin Bay, storms are gathering.

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