Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 469 The Second Five-Year Plan

Ironing had to be hard by itself, Alterac wanted to make his own voice, and the war halo on Carlos was unreliable.

Therefore, production and construction have become the common goal of the new and old Alterac people.

The invasion of the orcs failed to destroy the social order of mankind, but it shook the foundation of the rule of the noble lords.

But Carlos didn't have the idea of ​​being a thousand miles away. In this society where magic is prosperous and powerful, why should the strong talk about equality with you, because of faith or love?

Therefore, to increase national power, we cannot rely on the rational distribution of social materials, but only on the innovation of production technology.

Fortunately, the acceptance of new things by humans in the world of Azeroth is far higher than Carlos expected.

The Construction Corps, which was originally thought to cause great turmoil, did not cause much turmoil and backlash.

Because Alex, the Grand Duke of the Regent, saw it thoroughly.

Didn’t it just change the name?

Turned the earl into the commander of the corps.

Turned the Marquis into the head of the regiment.

It's just a military rank to divide the big and small, and change the soup without changing the medicine.

With the Grand Duke of the Regent reconciling it, Alterac's old and new nobles also felt that it was boring to talk about this kind of thing with His Majesty, the most fisted king. Coupled with the elite return of Alterac from the Southern Expedition, everyone understood one thing---not convinced, holding back.

Adding to the fact that the royal family divides fields, joining the Construction Corps seems to make no difference.

Before you suffer real suffering, let's do this first.

So, because of the entanglement of interests, this matter was actually implemented like this.

Carlos himself felt incredible.

Agricultural reclamation has been carried out by humans for hundreds of years. Anjador and Hillblad are indeed good places to fill up marshes, shovel rocks and flat mountains, and cultivate large tracts of arable land under the power of collective labor. At the same time, because of the return of a large number of troops, Carlos couldn't raise a one-time reward for all soldiers. He could only deal with it first with a lot of badlands, big medals and few gold coins.

In order to prevent the army from doing things idle, they directly pulled out to plow the land.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the plowing of crops, it's the direct corps to clear out wild monsters and manually set up safety zones.

Alterac's unique terrain showed its superiority at this time.

Guy Erdalon, the traditional power of the Barov family, everything is calm.

Anhardol, after completing the handover of Brill with the Menethil family, has belonged to Carlos. The lords of Hearthglen have not yet completed their own pioneering efforts, and they are in peace with Alterac.

Alterac City, plateau snow ridges, virgin forests, nothing happened in other countries.

The only thing that matters is Hillblad.

Alterac now has a population of more than 500,000, and 200,000 of them are Hillbride refugees. How to resettle this part is a big trouble. In addition, the nobles of Gilneas, Lordaeron and Stromgarde secretly acted. The situation is really unstable.

The most troublesome thing is the imprisoned orcs.

In order to resist the Japanese War, the people of Hillblad paid the price of blood and tears. As the most severely damaged area by the war, Hillblad was truly a waste of money.

However, the scattered orcs fled to the forest, and they have not been cleaned up so far. Is there still news of scattered orcs attacking the village?

This has led to large numbers of people flocking to large towns such as Brental and South Blue.

The result is that wasteland is still wasteland, and the original villages and towns are overwhelmed.

This runs counter to the development blueprint designed by Carlos.

What is the use of a site that cannot generate revenue?

That's right, I won't give you the long grass!

Carlos is not a god, nor does he have the superpower to control people's hearts. Knowing that someone is behind him, there is no way.

But if I can't eat it, don't even think about it!

So Alterac's king waved his hand and resorted to the Blue Star Beauty Demon's reclamation order. Those willing to go to Anhador and Alterac not only did not collect taxes, but the government also paid as many gold coins as they opened up wasteland.

Hillblad's land can be deserted, and people can't be idle. Part of it will be divided first.

Then, manually bid up the land prices around Brental, letting out the wind that Brental was about to build a city, and deceived it for a few months before talking.

In the end, they resorted to the trick of passing a slip to restrict population movement.

Yin me, come on, hurt each other!

After the war, there is bound to be a wave of baby booms, but babies only eat and do not work. Except for the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the problem of shortage of young labor has begun to appear in all countries. Carlos relied on the experience of his predecessors to circle a wave of population first, and he was taken for granted. Others calculate.

Time is the best medicine to solve the problem.

Either the problem a is dragged and dragged and then it is dragged away.

Either problem a is dragged and it is dragged into problem b.

Either problem a is dragged and it is dragged into problem A.

Anyway, the original problem disappeared.

And the handling of orc prisoners of war was dragged from a to A.

The problem broke out.

Half a year has passed, and it is almost summer before I know it.

With the semi-militarized management, Alterac's land is very sparsely populated, and the contradiction between man and land has been replaced by the backwardness of productivity and the huge demand for materials from the people.

The continuous and efficient reclamation has made Alterac's ruling class have a high tolerance for the king.

The expectation is positive, what do you like, let's listen.

And the crops in the fields, the goods in the market, so that the people have no idea of ​​making troubles. After all, the war has just gone, and you still have to be content.

Carlos' ambitious Alterac transformation plan succeeded only one-third, that is, he successfully turned Alterac City into a semi-factory and semi-handicraft manufacturing center.

The cooperation with Eagle Nest Mountain and the assembly line style blast furnace ironmaking greatly stimulated Alterac's economy.

The dwarf is worthy of being a natural blacksmith. Although it is different from the industry in Carlos's mind, the model of smelting iron in a blast furnace and then manually forging still puts the metal products on the Alterac specialty label.

It is precisely because of this that Alterac's reclamation went so smoothly.

Moreover, the export of a large number of ironware also greatly relieved Carlos's deflated pockets.

So with regard to the king's decision to return to Guy Erdalon to escape the summer heat, although the administrative officials looked constipated, no one raised objections. Didn't the Grand Duke of Regent say nothing?

In this way, Carlos’s mother Giannis brought her little daughter to Alterac City to see her husband. His sister returned to Dalaran to continue his studies. The two younger brothers were sent to South Blue Town to study sailing and trade. The whole Guy Darlon, It belongs to Carlos and Galiya.

Pride and lust, I am coming!

After working hard for so long and enjoying the King’s Holiday for the first time, Carlos felt so refreshed to fly.

However, sometimes the time of three or four times is always short.

Less than two weeks after arriving at the heart of the Lake Gurdalon, Brother Bald appeared next to Carlos who was fishing on the lake with three superstitions.

Three major events happened in the alliance.

In the first case, Turalyon asked Terenas for help. He believed that the time had come for a decisive battle.

The second case is that Gilneas is unstable in the country, and Gene Greymane and the real power lords in the country openly tore at the banquet.

In the third case, Terenas was about to send an invitation to the leaders of the alliance to open the conference again.

"Very well, you have done a very good job."

Carlos couldn't help but praise Brother Bald after reading it.

Intelligence work is like this, one step ahead of others, step by step.

Although everyone will know these news within a few days, passive response and active layout are not a concept at all.

Carlos feels a little regretful, the rare holiday is about to fall through.

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