Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 48 Outside the Long Pavilion, by the Ancient Road, and the Grassy Sky

The search for Shadralo came to an end on the fifth day of the city's destruction, and the horn of the gathering of troops blew twelve times.

"Carlos, how do you decide the share of the spoils that the soldiers will hand over?" General Odren asked at the meeting of all the nobles.

"My personal opinion is 50-50. After all, the garrison and the dead also need subsidies." Carlos and the surrounding little nobles discussed a few tokens and gave their opinions.

"Well, a very good suggestion, I agree, then proceed to the vote." General Odren nodded.

Passed by a vote.

"Um, what do the dwarf brothers say, is it really okay for us to leave them for the meeting?" Biglas questioned.

"It's just a symbolic inquiry afterwards. Isn't it said that it is easy to use Terminator fortress to pay off debts?" Glenn recently fell in love with a tonic called Bilian, and was full of red light.

The two mobilization of the Storm Griffon group to fight, and the various war preparation materials provided by the Eagle's Nest Mountain, in fact, human beings owed a large debt to the dwarves, so Carlos had already obtained all the nobles before the proposal of using the fortress to repay the debt. Agree, the envoy has gone to the Eagle's Nest Mountain to negotiate with High Lord Metz.

"Then how to implement the previously mentioned troll head exchange for bounty, there are still many troll heads in the hands of soldiers. Don't take it up, your subordinates will swing in front of you with a string of heads on their waists at any time. Come up, the soldiers who turned in free of charge are still in trouble." Someone asked a very real question.

"This is easy to handle, you go down and tell your subordinates, when will the battle result statistics work be completed and when will the money be paid. If the conflicts will be transferred, the soldiers will make trouble by themselves." General Audron looked in a good mood and didn't mind. Others teach their own way of leading troops.

"What if the collection is over, how should I explain to the soldiers?" Someone continued to ask questions, but was looked down upon by others with contempt.

"I'm going to retreat soon. If you have any problems, I'll go to the king to complain!" Glenn couldn't stand it anymore, and reprimanded.

"Well, huh, if there is nothing else, let me say a few more words." Carlos watched the scene calm down and stood up.

"The soldiers fought bloody battles. We can't treat them badly (don't think of deducting money from Qiu Ba). In the revenge operation of destroying the temple and destroying the tomb, we seized a batch of ancient troll artifacts (yellow white Colorful). This batch of cultural relics is not worth much, but it is very valuable for collection. Let’s discuss the auction (splits meeting).” Carlos said solemnly.

"Well, this is also..." Biglas's words were buried in a sea of ​​cheers.

"Please be quiet, please be quiet, pay attention to your image, gentlemen." General Odren stood up to maintain order.

"According to the usual practice (previously agreed in private), the best must be dedicated to our great King Aiden, so I think the three statues in the temple are pretty good." Carlos continued.

But no one answered. We divide the gold and the silver, and give the king three big rocks? You all know that the eldest master of your Barov family has already opposed the king in terms of position, so doing so is too much.

"Well, huh, let's talk about this later, let's talk about the rules of the auction." General Odren froze when he saw the scene, and hurriedly closed the field.

"In this war, the Alterac Kingdom paid a great price to support us. Of course, the insignificant wealth acquired in Shadralo must be added to the empty treasury. After the excavation of the underground mausoleum is completed, we will still How about fifty-five?" Carlos smiled cordially.

The audience cheered, and the meeting ended successfully.

A group of people with ghosts left the venue contentedly.

"Little friend, if you divide it as you suggested, the Barov family is afraid that it will suffer a miserable loss. The fellow Aiden is no longer providing food, and the current rations of the coalition army are all supported by your father." Biglas found Carlos, in a kind reminder.

"The men of the Barov family must pay for their kindness and revenge if they have grudges. How can they treat the friends who are willing to be with Barov?" Carlos said awe-inspiringly.

"Sometimes, prestige is not more important than a piece of bread." Bi Glass kindly persuades.

"Uncle, your kindness has been accepted, but at this time it's not worth the gains of carelessness." Carlos replied.

"I hope." Biglas patted Carlos on the shoulder.

Returning to his camp, Carlos removed his professional smile.

"Uncle Brick, how is the plan going?"

"It went well. The large utensils and everything were transported away, but the jewels and rare metals were hidden. It would not take much time for your thieves to quietly transport them out. The dwarves are not good birds either. After getting the job done, Metz agreed to compensate us privately, and we will leave to the dwarves whatever we can't get away." Fang Zhuan replied.

"Well done, cut the big end in half, and divide the rest into half, Uncle Brick, I won't forget your share." Carlos couldn't help laughing.

"Aristocrats are really dirty." Fang Zhuan found sadly that he was not disgusted with doing such dirty work.

In the dead of night, Brother Bald sneaked into Carlos' camp.

"Master, it's already arranged." The recovered bald brother took the place of Carlos and lay down on the bed. Carlos changed Todd's clothes and put on a wig and left the tent to pretend to start the night.

After several rounds of dress-ups and cover-ups, Carlos, accompanied by secretly arranged guards, arrived at a stone hut built by a troll. Signaling his subordinates to arrange the positions of the guards and guards, Carlos walked into the cabin alone.

"Mr. Oka, you dare to sneak into Shaderaro secretly. I also admire your courage."

"His Excellency Carlos, it took me so long to learn that your name is also my impoliteness."

"If you don't say anything that satisfies me, you may not be able to leave here completely."

"My rhetoric will definitely satisfy you."

"for example?"

"For example, the redemption fee paid to you personally."


"The troll is willing to redeem Shadraro from you, as long as you stop your subordinates from destroying the city and farmland."

"That's not cheap."

"How about two hundred bags of sands like this."

Oka gave Carlos a pocket sewn with animal skins.

"Four hundred such bags."

Carlos weighed the weight, and the lion opened his mouth.

In the quiet night, only Qiu Chan's cry was left.


After Carlos counted 89 heartbeats, Oka responded.

Shameless deeds and transactions, calculations and calculations between alliances, this war in the name of revenge ends at a moment of irrelevant revenge.

That night, no one except the participants found that Carlos had left his camp.

In the next five days, the coalition forces completed preparations for dividing the spoils and retreating.

If there is no accident, the soldiers can return to their warm home before the New Year.

The night in the Hinterlands began to freeze.

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