Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 482 Chromie Destroys the Parking Lot

What is the flow of time?

Is a lie.

Chromie never considered himself stronger than other bronze dragons in power, brackets, and physics.

Compared to night elves, trolls or tauren, dragons are indeed powerful.

But as a bronze dragon who participated in the battle of the quicksand three thousand years ago, Chromie knew that the road of muscles and flesh would never be limited. Compared with all kinds of non-dragon creations, the competition of brute force will always be defeated.

As the guardian of Azeroth, the defeat of the Dragonflight means the destruction of the world.

So Cromi can accept setbacks, but cannot accept failure.

How can I be undefeated?

Have more power than the enemy.

How can those get such power?

Learn. Knowledge is power, and learning makes me happy.

Chromie differs from other bronze dragons in that it has discovered a lie about the flow of time.

It's not the lie that the cave of time and the scales of the quicksand flicks the brave on the timeline of different worlds to the bronze dragon, but the lie that even the bronze dragon itself believes—time cannot change.

The Great Enchantment of Azeroth is real.

This huge magical position based on the Emerald Dream distinguishes Azeroth from other planets transformed by the Titans.

Chromie didn't know what the real effect of this enchantment was, but one thing was clear, that is, the so-called multiverse, the so-called breaking of the dimensional wall, is only effective for Azeroth.

This means that once leaving Azeroth, or being able to leave Azeroth, there is only one Chromie.

The branch world that was originally thought to be meaningless, thinking that it can't be corrected, just annihilate it.

But whenever Chromie tries to predict the future of this world line, at the end of destruction, there is always a trace of incongruity.


Once or twice can be regarded as the resurgence of your craft, three or four times can be considered as the sand of time expired, five times and six times can be understood as oneself not awake, time after time, then there is a saying.

Sure enough, she never did useless work, unable to get the most critical fragments from the memory of death. The talent of Chromie Bronze Dragon was invalidated. She didn't know what caused the speciality of this world line, and she didn't know what this special was. Value, can cause more than two hundred of themselves to commit suicide collectively.

Does the blood sacrifice come out of an orange costume?

But as a proficient bronze dragon, rational thinking is the most basic operation. Chromie stroked his thoughts, and it is not difficult to use the method of elimination to get the answer: Carlos Barov.

The variable is in this human being.

And this human being is now planning a war against the orcs.

To be honest, Chromie admires the will of the mortal race to fight for survival.

But the short-born species are short-born species. Behind the impassionedness is the irresponsibility of going away with one hand, which is a kind of self-satisfaction intoxication.

Putting the orcs into Azeroth is already the worst choice.

There is a time paradox here, and Chromie can’t explain it. First, Rocks. Saurfang’s brilliant performance in the War of the Ancients, and finally touched the deeds of Sargeras with the body of a mortal. With the Burning Legion's attention to the orcs this race, Kil'jaeden finally laid out Draenor, which led to the fact that the orcs invaded.

For the confusion of cause and effect, Chromie once asked Nozdormu, and the great bronze dragon king just made him want to see more.

Okay, the big guys don't worry about what they are worried about. Chromie is not a dead end, because he is so busy at work and there are so many unsolved mysteries in the world, so why bother yourself.

What you say to mortals is no different from putting P. Whatever the end of every time stream means the destruction of the world. The time stream for the end of the Bronze Dragon Lord’s movement has increased. When a world line is critical for the entire Azeroth When it is stable, destroying it is the best way.

Because of the existence of the Great Enchantment of Azeroth, life has become like a game for the bronze dragon, with the opportunity to read files again. The only problem is that this game has only one life, and if you die, you really die.

If you don't have the innumerable ability of my clone like this.

Well, to describe it aptly, the name of this game should be called "One Life: Regret Medicine".

Repeated investigations and repeated verifications, in a year's time, Chromie previewed the direction of the world.

A small number of orcs were brainwashed and enslaved and joined the alliance. More defeated orcs were slaughtered. Grom Hellscream led the remaining tribesmen to massacre, and the tribe was still established under the scourge of Medivh.

With more hatred and more disputes, Carlos Barov successfully prevented the Burning Legion’s plan to invade Azeroth in the next fifty years, but lost the natural disasters of the undead, and when the ancient gods returned, the entire Azer Russ' casualties were even more painful. Then, the scarred Azeroth could no longer stop the endless infiltration of the Burning Legion. In order to fight the Burning Legion, the lingering ancient god detonated Azeroth's star core.


A wave of operations are as fierce as a dog, but they are all pig teammates.

The world line with no bright spots is not as long as Jaina as the Demon King Go.

The prophetic spell of the bronze dragon, which is an expert prophetic spell with a talent bonus.

If there is no external interference, the future is inevitable.

As it should be.

But when Chromie made predictions and observations on this world line, there was always a sense of violation, instinctively feeling that the prediction results were wrong and there were omissions.

After thinking about it, it could only be that what happened to Carlos Barov when he passed through the Dark Portal, and this grandson was particularly tolerant, and he never started this foreshadowing.

Then things are simple.

Or block the intervention of Carlos Barov through the Dark Portal to Draenor. Or follow along and see what happened.

A lighthearted, no difficulty. The other is going to risk death.

Well, how to choose? How to choose.

Chromie struggled for less than three seconds before making a decision.

Still have to think about it?

Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

My Chromie is a person who is afraid of death, right, dragon! ! !

Do whatever it takes. First go to threaten Onyxia by force and delay her plan to infiltrate the human society, and then pass a small note to Nefarian to let the little brother know that Aunt Red Dragon is watching you, and then go to Kaoda Pull did the damage, so that Malygos had no time to be distracted. After dealing with the Dragon Legion that may be bad, shield the attention of Scales of Sand on this abnormal time flow.

Chromie sneaked into the expeditionary army going south, prepared a small bench with melon seeds, and planned to be a quiet beautiful girl to watch the show.

At this time, it is already spring.

Lordaeron's final and fiercest argument - the argument about whether Varian should return to Irvine with the army has also been settled.

Terenas left Varian by his side after all.

This disappointed a lot of thoughtful nobles, but also satisfied other thoughtful lords.

And Carlos, who has already left, is not interested in these dirty struggles.

He put all his thoughts on how to prevent Orgrim from blowing up the Dark Portal.

When the war began, the orcs had the final say.

When the war will end, I have the final say.

Carlos Barov entered a state of war again after more than a year.

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