Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 484 Small Snacks and Shortbreads Are The Best Selling

To be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. Almost all intelligent races with spoken and written languages ​​have similar proverbs handed down to the world.

For example, the dwarves have the legend of Enoch the fool.

It is said that in the days of Anvilmar, the king of the mountains, a young dwarf relied on his strength and bravery to fight against a huge beast that was a disaster.

Anweimar asked him, is your equipment enough? Let me support you.

Enoch showed his shining teeth and answered the King of the Mountain: Big husband, cute big breasts.

Enoch set off, Enoch rushed... released the corpse.

Back in Ironforge, Enoch honestly changed into a bronze armor.

Before leaving again, Anweimar asked him if your equipment is enough, or I will give you better.

Enoch, with a blue nose and swollen face, replied to the King of the Mountain: A big man, just want a big breast!

After a hard fight, Enoch rushed to the street again.

Enoch, who was rescued by good-hearted people passing by, learned from the pain and knelt down in front of Anweimar, shouting loudly, Great King of the Mountain, please give me the best equipment.

Anweimar replied, the best I wear, I will give you a set of Penultimate Dragon King with nine chasing and thirteen.

As a result, Enoch, who set off again, beat the little monster with a single shot.

Enoch, who was empty in his heart, returned to Ironforge and looked at Anweimar who greeted him with a smile. He finally realized that he had become the original powerful party.

This story has educated generations of dwarves, and equipment is also part of their strength. If you don't agree with you, you can also get gold.

Carlos has a deep understanding of this story right now.

Turalyon’s plan to set fire to the mountains is indeed bold and generous, but it reveals the narrow limitations of the small peasant economy in the agricultural society.

The Dark Swamp is a forbidden zone for mankind, a living purgatory of horror. But transformation is naturally a common topic for all civilizations. The siege tanks weighing more than 20 tons on Ironforge have already been produced on an assembly line. You still want to set fire to the mountains...

The blind zone of thinking is really terrible.

Every man has a heart that drives a big wood deep in his heart.

This is true of Carlos, this is true of McNee, and even more so is Gelbin Mekkatork, the dwarf master craftsman.

When visiting the production workshop of the dwarf craftsman, Carlos asked this question, and the two race leaders of Ironforge were dumbfounded.

The original siege tank can also be transformed into a tractor!

Abandon the heavy protective shell, use full-track travel, install cutting saw climbing and power mechanical arm, and then equipped with bucket and crushing drum.

The dwarves and dwarves completed the modification of the experimental prototype in just two days.

Stupidity is its motto, and explanation is its epitaph.

Although the prototype only lasted for twelve hours of test run on the frozen soil of Dun Morogh, the engine exploded and died, but the experimental accident did not cause the staff to frustrate, but received unanimous praise.

"The engine explosion indicates that the power is insufficient, and there are too many parts to be deployed separately. This is a genius idea. Give up the heavy protective layer. These siege tanks can be installed with more specialized mechanical parts. Your Majesty Carlos, we will have the right to name it. As a gift to you, it's up to you to decide the names of these big guys."


Dongfeng 200?

59 down the mountain?

Carlos suddenly felt embarrassed.

Finally, a name shining with humanity emerged in Carlos's mind.

That is the highest masterpiece of Duo Rian Zheng Gang, that is the ultimate romance of pure men.

"Call him [Steel Tank]."

It takes time to deploy troops and supplies. As the temperature rises, the Palatine Bay, which has been silent for a winter, is filled with ships. Carlos has been a guest in Ironforge for half a month. Lordaeron still has three Ten thousand soldiers waited to take the boat to Menethil Harbor.

It’s useless to rush, and the experienced generals will naturally handle the problem of gathering soldiers, and the most taboo of airborne command is to take it for granted.

Before meeting with Turalyon, Carlos didn't want to think too much about the war in the Dark Portal. The more he thought, the more psychological cues, and the more mistakes and paranoia.

So during this period of time, apart from patrolling the camp to urge the soldiers to adapt to the environment, Carlos did not issue operational instructions for the mission at all.

Originally, Carlos also mentioned to Magni whether he needed to invest more troops to encircle and suppress the orcs who fled into the mountains.

However, Magni simply rejected Carlos's kindness.

No, because it's not cost-effective, it is the best solution to let the orcs freeze to death in the severe cold of Dun Morogh. It is enough to keep the military pressure to force the orcs to flee in a hurry and live in an uncertain place. Put more manpower and material resources, the effect may not necessarily be there. Good now.

Knowing that he had taken it for granted, Carlos decisively corrected his mentality, started eating, drinking and having fun, and studied dwarf engineering with Mektor. During this period, Magni Bronzebeard often absent from work in the name of accompanying King Alterac.

The three masters of different races had a happy time when the pure masters never looked back at the explosion.

Those engineering equipment became big toys for the three old boys of Warcraft.

Until the arrival of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The suppression of the warlocks has basically come to an end. The really happy guys have fallen under the hammer of justice. The invasion of the devil has been suppressed on the surface, and the few warlocks who escaped have all died away. In the city.

The work of the Paladins and the wizards to suppress the riot warlocks has achieved remarkable results. The rest of the anti-microbial propaganda work is handed over to the governments of various countries and Dalaran. Alonthos Faor issued an order, the Paladins Freed from the work of the referee's heresy, he was ready to devote himself to the just cause of hammering the orc's head again.

The unforgettable hatred made this group of paladins have a very firm attitude towards orcs, that is, only dead beasts are truly good orcs, and the stronger the paladin, the more profound the hatred of the orcs.

This is not normal.

What about a good human moral benchmark?

What about the conscience of the alliance?

Chromie wandered around in the food street of Ironforge, and he was puzzled by his discovery, and fell into the abyss of thinking about me.

The southward journey of the Knights of the Silver Hand also brought a touching story, that is, the reunion of the three Bronzebeard brothers.

After receiving more than half a year of Paladin conversion training, Muradin Bronzebeard happily announced that he could not feel the so-called source of light and gave up his plan to transfer to Paladin. But Muradin has not been in vain in the past six months. In the exchanges of many powerful Paladins who have returned to the country, the Storm Hammer of the King of the Hill has finally become famous. With a flying hammer, you have practiced a hundred shots and a hundred hits, which is extremely fierce. . This time, when Muradin returned to his hometown, Brian had just completed an inspection project and took a rest in Ironforge. The three brothers, who hadn't gathered a bunch for decades, had an excuse to circumvent Prohibition.

Just when the human dwarves were a family, Chromie was thinking about whether to meet Turalyon.

Because Cromi is not sure whether Turalyon will make the "right" choice.

"Small snacks and shortbread are the best sellers. Would you like to have some?"

Chromie, who has transformed into a dwarf, meets another energetic little dwarf. This snack seller smirks at Chromie with a pair of big round eyes, hanging on the stall in front of him, freshly baked The snacks exude an attractive aroma.

Forget it, anyway, I'm just an observer now, so why do I spend so much effort?

"I want this, this, and this, plus another strawberry juice."

"Thank you for your patronage, six silver and twelve copper coins."

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