Carlos's plan is actually not complicated.

To put it bluntly, it was the Mingxiu plank road that darkened the warehouse, although Azeroth did not have the warehouse.

The terrain of the dark swamp determines the conventional route, and you can only follow the edge of the mountain. It is not meaningful to rely on small troops to cross the swamp and play special infiltration.

So Stonenard became a sad place for the league. The road was originally difficult, and there was still such a fortress armed to the teeth stuck there, and the alliance could not go deep.

If there is no way to go deep, the materials cannot be transported, the personnel cannot be used, and the alliance's number advantage cannot play its due role.

So Turalyon and Orgrim have been deadlocked for more than a year for this reason.

Carlos wanted more than just annihilation of the orcs in the Dark Swamp, he wanted control of the Dark Portal.

This determines that breaking Stonenard has only tactical significance for Carlos, and has no strategic value.

Assault Stonenard, gather all the orc's vitality to Stonenard's line, and then rely on the siege equipment to open a path to the dark gate in the dark swamp, bypassing Stonenard's main orc first control The Dark Portal, turn around and wipe out the orcs.

This is Carlos's wishful thinking.

So, it is enough to have dozens of RTX-440 and RX-75.

But which traverser can endure the dual charms of Duo Rianzheng Gang and huge robots.

No, which man should be able to resist the romance of pure men and the glory of humanity?

No, men who don't want to drive a Gundam are wastes who have been mentally castrated!

Carlos was convinced of this, and the King of Alterac firmly believed that as long as General Turalyon experienced the pleasure of driving a steel tank, he would help himself to wipe out the military deficit of the 1.76 million gold coins.

"This lever is forward, this lever is backward, the pedal on the left turns to the right, and the pedal on the right turns to the left. Yes, release the handbrake, step on the clutch, and force your buttocks. Your seat is the hydraulic throttle device. Push the forward lever and walk. You~~~~"

"It's okay, turn off the engine, it's normal, which old driver dares to force him not to turn off the fire on the road of life. Turalyon, come, take a deep breath, adjust the sitting posture, let's do it again. Step on the clutch, push your hips hard, push the forward lever, Leave you~~~~"

With the completion of the final commissioning of the steel tank RMV-1, five thousand light infantry equipped with the artifact of straw shoes and twelve RX-75s guarding the behemoth RMV-1 set off.

The alarm of a large number of swamp birds and the ripples of muddy water made the orcs know that the alliance was coming again without looking.

On one side of the mountain, more than two hundred high-ranking knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand marched forward on foot, and the small-scale ambushes of the orcs will be handled by the holy light tin cans. On the other side of the swamp, the light infantry equipped only with breastplates and helmets were surprised to find that three weird sandals with large soles really had the ability to walk in the mud of the swamp. These light infantry, with muskets and crossbows as their main weapons, are responsible for guarding the weak parts of the steel tank cluster.

This is the first time that the Alliance forces have given up close combat capabilities during the war, relying entirely on long-range firepower to confront the enemy.

The first to be in place were twelve RX-75s driven by dwarves and dwarves. These guys who are produced under the guiding ideology of Explosive Doctrine are simply sorry for the name of the tank.

Steel plates less than two centimeters thick can be easily chopped by fierce men in the alliance, not to mention the arms and legs of the orcs. But at the expense of defense, these small-body cannon-resistant RX-75s fired in one round, turning the orc observatory outside Stonenard into a stinky mud puddle.

"Change the firing position. The foundation is unstable. If you fire one more shot, it's time to sink."

The dwarf captain stretched out his head to look at the condition of the tracks, and made a decisive judgment and gave orders.

The orc did not let go of such an opportunity, taking advantage of the RX-75 transition, launched a counter-attack.

Instead of using big straw sandals like the Alliance, the orcs use tough bark.

Although the mages of Azeroth have not yet summarized the physical formula of surface area and pressure, the orcs of Draenor have come up with a set of practical methods without a teacher.

However, the previous round of shelling of the RX-75 was not without effect. The kinetic energy of the shells softened the originally weak silt mound, and the fastest orc rushed into the muddy cement slurry with a single thud.

There is no way, the orcs can only detour, relying on the previous visual memory to visually inspect the artificial isolation zone created by the Alliance Iron Guy.

Sure enough, the orcs dug cat ear holes on the side of the backing, and when Stonenard’s troops attracted the firepower of the crossbowmen, the hidden orc warriors filed out and rushed towards the Paladins. .

They could see the movement just now clearly from the observation port. If those human deformed tanks occupy the hardened ground, Stonenard would be in danger.

Moreover, the guy who looks very big and dangerous must be destroyed.

There were more orcs in ambush than imagined. The two hundred high-ranking knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand could not defend the entire impact surface even if they fought against the enemy. At least forty orcs broke through the defensive line composed of Paladins. , Approaching RMV-1.

Swish swish, Alleria completed three consecutive shots in an extremely awkward posture at the observation port of the fort, killing three orcs, and following Guy O!

But her outstanding performance not only did not usher in the applause of her teammates, but was criticized instead.

"Gunner Alleria, throw away your bow and arrow and poke at me!"

Khadgar yelled dissatisfiedly.

"Comrade Khadgar, Chief Engineer, take care of your boiler. Is it my fault that the fireball gun did not warm up?"

Alleria snorted and sat down again.

"Load the hand tiles, increase the magic conversion power!"

"My name is……"

"Comrade Sola, snacks are forbidden in the car!"

"I'm nervous. Chew."

"Well, please adjust your mood as soon as possible."

With the rise of Khadgar's play, Turalyon kept clamoring about the handbrake clutch or something. Mograine couldn't help asking Carlos: "Really there is no problem?"

"Deputy commander, technology is the number one combat force, you must have confidence in the Holy Light."

"But aren't those orcs carrying the explosives we stolen?"

"Don't be nervous, trust the defensive power of light cast iron armor."

While talking, the orcs who broke through the line of defense climbed up to RMV-1 with a handful of arrows.

Carlos calculated that the time was almost the same. He added Alahu Akbar's voice in his mind and activated the RMV-1 Holy Light Rigid Shield together with Mograine.

After a blast of explosion, RMV-1 was unharmed except for the top of the fort being blackened by gunpowder smoke.

"Driver Turalyon, go ahead!"

Carlos felt it was almost done, and issued an order, followed by a sound of my day~!

"The lever next to it, can't you hear the reminder sound of reversing, please pay attention?"

"Don't make trouble! You are more nagging than my father!"

The murderous Turalyon was so nervous that he pulled the wrong lever.

"I'm really your father, I killed you! Hurry up!"

Carlos cursed with hatred for iron and steel.

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