Carlos designed seven response plans to deal with the changes that may occur in the battle.

"What to do if the orcs are too strong to beat"

"What to do if the orcs are weak but the bunker can't be blown up"

"What should I do if the orc yin I was fooled"

"The Orcs are weak but the Burning Legion squatted with me, what should I do"

"What should I do if the Dark Portal can't be defended"

"What if the orcs of Draenor come to support"

"What should I do if I can't defend myself"

Not fighting the air, Carlos, who knew that the Burning Legion was the black hand behind the orcs' invasion of Azeroth, did not dare to have the slightest carelessness.

Although judging from the results of the battle, Carlos is indeed fighting the air.

The huge pressure on the front line forced Orgrim Doomhammer to transfer almost all of the tribe's combatable soldiers to Stonenard. But the great chieftain of the tribe paid much attention to the back road, so that he placed nearly five thousand orcs in the dark gate.

Considering the current weakness of the tribe, this is already a precious group of troops.

But under the long-planned surprise attack by the Alliance, this garrison defeated too quickly.

Without a trace of defense or hesitation, the alliance appeared in the orcs' vision, covering all directions.

The rain paralyzed the orc defenders of the Dark Portal.

Hunger, cold, and exhaustion have greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of human soldiers.

Although the Alliance soldiers almost relied on one breath to hold on and launched the offensive, the panic destroyed the orcs' sanity.

On this foggy and rainy day, the Alliance appeared like ghosts in the fog. In the pale background, the sound of steel collision was like Shinigami's urging hook and sickle across the heart of the orc.

The spirit broke down, the morale collapsed, and the strongest troops could only be defeated.

In all fairness, if the orcs knew the true number of the Alliance’s surprise attack force and knew the true physical strength of the Alliance soldiers, as long as they stuck to the fortifications, they would be able to achieve a glorious victory.

But there was no if on the battlefield. Carlos' carefully prepared surprise attack worked. The exhausted soldiers might not be able to swing their knives as much as 70% of the usual, but this fierce and powerful momentum destroyed the orcs' psychological defenses.

"How many enemies are there?"

"Countless, patriarch, we are done!"

Kilrogg grabbed the desperate clansmen in his eyes and watched the Alliance dash through the barricades and swept through the camp. Knowing that the situation was over, he couldn't help sighing.

It's over.

It's really over.

"Blow the horn and order everyone to gather at Gaotai Square and prepare to retreat."

"You, immediately go through the Dark Portal, and order the people of the Tanarian Jungle to strengthen the fortifications and prepare to deal with the possible counter-attack that the Alliance may launch."

"You, take advantage of the chaos to go out and inform the warchief what happened here."

Kilrogg made arrangements calmly, and his composure calmed down the panic of the people around him.

Unlike the Blackrock clan where Orgrim is in, Kilrogg and his blood cave clan's biggest enemy on Draenor is not the ogre, but the arakkoa.

The Tanalian Jungle is different from the two heavens of Frostfire Ridge, different from the majestic and majestic of Gorgrond, and different from the endlessness of Nagrand. It is a green hell.

Similarly, it is also the home of the blood cave orcs.

Kilrogg didn't believe Ner'zhul's narrative that the draenei was about to start a war against the orcs.

But the chief of the blood cave clan did not refuse to drink the blood of the devil.

Because a strong and united tribe is good for the orcs and good for the blood cave orcs.

Through the secret method passed down from generation to generation by the Blood Cave clan, Kilrogg foresaw his death.

So Kilrogg has no fear of death.

Death is just the inevitable result that all orcs will face, and it is not worth fearing.

Kilrogg's life is a picture of fighting for the clan. The beginning and the end have been doomed. The meaning of his existence is for the clan and the tribe he recognizes.

For humans, Kilrogg does not have the reputation of Orgrim, but the chief of the blood cave clan is worthy of the hero of the orcs.

Whether it was breaking Stormwind or siege of Ironforge, Kilrogg led the Blood Cavern clan to make an indelible contribution to the tribe, and it was precisely because Kilrogg trapped the dwarves in Ironforge immovably, Orgrid Only then can he drive straight north to Lordaeron.

Similarly, it was Kilrogg, who stood up at the time when the War in the Burning Plains was the most anxious, and went south to fight against the invasion of the trolls.

Kilrogg is worthy of the Horde.

But Orgrim understood that at the time of the decline of the tribe, the orcs could not tolerate two voices and could only marginalize Kilrogg.

But Kilrogg didn't hate Orgrim.

If it was him, if Kilrogg was the warchief of the tribe, he would do the same.

But Carlos' surprise attack was too hard, the alliance's offensive was too sudden and too violent, Kilrogg had no chance to show his warfare ability.

When the alliance took advantage of the fog and rain to complete the encirclement of the Dark Portal, when the offensive was launched, the orcs had already lost.

"This is not the end that I have foreseen. It is not my destiny to die here."

The scene of prophecy at the expense of one eye is the shackles Kilrogg can't get rid of in his life.

So he chose to retreat.

Sending someone to break through to report to Orgrim is already his last sense of responsibility.

So after layers of resistance, before Carlos arrived, Kilrogg led all the gathered tribesmen and returned to Draenor through the Dark Portal.

At this point, the Dark Portal suppressed the battle, and Carlos had a complete victory, and one of the seven plans he envisioned was useless.

A glorious victory that can be recorded in the annals of history, a strange battle full of whims and shit luck.

When the Alliance soldiers cleaned the orc camp and prepared to adapt to local conditions, Carlos fell into a short-term confusion.

What should I do?

The exhausted soldiers are no longer able to fight, and forcing them to pass through the dark gate is no different from murder.

And it is meaningless to lead a small number of elites to Delano. It is a completely unfamiliar world, without any preparations, is it going to take a free tour?

The most important thing is that Turalyon is fighting Orgrim hard in the direction of Stonenard.

A distance of less than ten meters ahead is the Gate of Darkness. Opposite the gate of time and space that is strange and blurred is Draenor, the hometown of the orcs. Carlos subconsciously stretched out his hand, as if stroking something that didn’t exist. With curious eyes, he grabbed his fist.

"Hurry up, eliminate the scouts and explore the road, order the troops to guard strictly, and at the same time explore the materials left by the orcs, to see if they have moved to the Dark Portal. In addition, arrange a line of defense to prevent the orcs from being possible all the time, and start from the other side. Offensive. At the same time inform Turalyon that we succeeded."

Finally, the responsibility has overcome the desire, Carlos decided to turn around to solve Orgrim first, solve the tribe.

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