Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 51 Pan Lv Deng Xiaoxian, the old man only has money

At the celebration ceremony, the two major factions within Alterac Kingdom did not openly tore up in front of foreign envoys, and went through the cutscene in the superficial unity and harmony.

The lunch banquet hastily coped with a meal, afternoon tea time the nobles gathered in twos and threes in the royal garden to set up stalls, and the open-air cocktail party in the evening was the highlight.

Biglas Bertone led the Stromgarde cavalry to escort the spoils back home, and Danas stayed in Alterac after completing the escort mission.

"Carlos, the king is not very kind to you anymore." Danas was wearing a decent white shirt, with two strong pectorals faintly visible, sitting on a stone bench with a wine glass and talking with Carlos in a low voice. .

"He is Pirenoord and I am Barov." Carlos vaguely stated the truth of the matter.

"Your Alterac girls are awesome, and their skin is much better than the ladies of Arathi." Danath's smile was indescribable.

"Have you seen it again?" Carlos felt betrayed.

"After I was done, Uncle Alex left me to live in Guy Erdalon. I was afraid that your maid team would have your affection. I have seen the pride of the Xueshan girl, and I will tell you, praise! "Danas has lost the restraint of his father and elders, and his nature has been exposed.

"Anhador is not the territory of Alterac Kingdom, don't talk nonsense." Carlos gave Danas a blank look. Good day, your sister. He practiced training all the time before, and he was so tired every day. Who has the time to look at the girl. .

"This is not the point, the point is your coming-of-age ceremony. I used to think you were a tall man, and you were called your eldest brother. After a miserable loss, you are still a little boy after a long time." Danas looked mean. He said to Carlos, "My father doesn't care about my marital problems, let me find it myself. The eldest son of your family won't be treated so well, right? It's time to get engaged when he's an adult."

"..." Carlos didn't want to bother with this guy.

"When you get engaged, the maid who had hooked up before should be so sad, and the lady's dream should be broken." Danas continued to fan the flames.

"I'm so energetic, I will try two in a while?" Carlos looked at Danas with disdain.

"Gu left and right to talk about him." Danas put his left index finger on his temple, "there is only one truth, you are still a virgin!"

"I will write to Uncle Biglas." Carlos took a sip of his wine and said lightly.

"Good brother, let the little brother make a living." Danas smiled flatteringly, and said that a good brother combines innocence, innocence and shyness.

After talking nonsense with Danas, Alex sent someone to call Carlos. Apologizing to Danas, Carlos went to the adult circle.

"Hello, uncles and uncles." Carlos greeted him in a circle and sat next to his father.

"My son, I am very happy to see you come back without incident. Your performance in the Hinterlands is very good, and I am proud of you for my father."

Alex said with a smile on his face: "The uncles here are very curious about your experience on the battlefield, please satisfy the curiosity of the adults."

Carlos probably understood what was going on when his father summoned him, so he played ten percent of his skills and blew the coalition up and down.

On the one hand, everyone here is deliberately flattering, on the other hand, Carlos's eloquence is indeed okay, and the coalition's fighting is really wonderful. When Carlos talked about the decisive night battle, everyone was nervous as if they were on the scene, and a marquis crushed the glass.

"At that time, we shouted Alterant's battle cry and launched the final charge to the chief of the troll. But the soldiers were too tired, and the troll's physical advantage was infinitely magnified. I can only pray for the Holy Light. Guide me where I go. At this time, a miracle happened. A group of dwarf allies who lost their way in the forest saw the signal I left and appeared on the battlefield in time. We flanked back and forth, and the troll fled. I think next year At this time, the forest will be more luxuriant."

"Why, Sir Carlos." At this time, there will naturally be interesting guys willing to drag.

"Because we squeezed the last drop of blood from the troll in that forest."

A burst of applause drew the attention of others.

"Let us offer a glass to the heroic Sir Carlos."


Hello, my hello, everyone. After the praising conference is over, Carlos's heroic deeds will quickly spread out. It can be foreseen that a young hero is rising.

After listening to the story, everyone in the room left with vision and left, leaving room for Barov and his son to talk.

"Take it away, your mother gave you the pendant." Alex handed [Mother's Love] to Carlos, and it was a curse.

"Very good. I will take the lead in the charge. I have a future. I will defeat the enemy late at night. That's awesome. My son is a great hero. Do you know how worried your mother is about you."

Even though there are 11 million truths, pretending to be a bear under the scolding of parental care is the only correct way out. Carlos has rich experience and can deal with it properly.

"Yo, the hero will be embarrassed, didn't you just talk about it? I didn't know you were so eloquent before."

It's not a laugh, and it's not appropriate to admit a mistake. Carlos watched his nose and his heart, not moving like a mountain.

"Forget it, I'm taller than Laozi, so I won't scold you. If you don't still see the handsome appearance of the old man in your face, I will settle the ledger with your mother when I go home. How can a wise man like me? Give birth to a son like you."

After many battles, Carlos didn't know that the criticism was not over yet. As long as he took the conversation, he would welcome "It's not me who said you".

"It's not that I said you, even if you move home to Jinshan Yinshan, there is no use for people, but you are going to be a king in the future, why don't you pay attention to your own safety issues so much."

Carlos figured that it was almost the end, and he would persuade him for a while.

"Don't pretend to be dumb. When I was young, your father used this trick to pretend to be pitiful and avoid your grandfather's whip many times. Your kid is still a little tender."

The revolution has not yet succeeded, so we must not break the power.

"Hey, your shameless look has the charm of Laozi back then!"

Almost there, change the subject quickly.

"Father, how much our family has lost this time?" Carlos asked.

"The final settlement has not yet been made, and the specific figures are unclear. But the last batch of goods you sent did relieve the pressure on the family to a great extent. The agreement with the dwarves is very unwise. What is the use of pure gold and silver jewelry? It is a big profit to replace it with a trade agreement! Our family can't smelt weapons and armors with great fanfare. The dwarves can, smuggling arms is the big business, I Silly son." Alex said with earnest education.

"I also accepted a bribe from the troll three hundred bags of sands." Carlos leaned into Alex's ear and whispered.

"One bag is multiple." Alex asked dismissively. He thought it was the kind of slip-on pouch commonly used by humans.

"About fifty pounds," Carlos replied.

"How much!" Alex's sudden high pitch frightened Carlos.


The people around looked at the father and son curiously, wondering why Grand Duke Alex was gaffe.

"You are fifty and fifty at a young age, you, what you did!" Alex concealed his gaffe in angrily, then flung his sleeves and left.

What? I thought that my subordinates couldn't rely on reporting the truth to my father, but I was frightened. Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

Wrong, my innocence! You pay me back, daddy!

Under the concealed guidance of other people, Carlos finally found that Alex's speech had a big problem.

I'm still a virgin! Carlos was crying inside.

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