Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 516 Du Hast

Generally speaking, in the biological world, there is a general psychological criterion called body deterrence.

In layman's terms, there is an innate sense of fear when facing opponents who are 1.2 to 1.3 times their size.

This sense of fear is a self-protection mechanism produced in the process of biological evolution, allowing you to think about it before the wave of Wagggggggggggh.

In the long-term training process, soldiers will gradually suppress this innate cringe and become a tough guy who doesn't want to be counseled.

But this is not to say that this protection mechanism is unnecessary and vicious.

After all, there is no irreconcilable contradiction between race continuation and individual continuation.

Therefore, if you want to fight against the overlord Kazzak, the crowd tactics are meaningless.

There is only one Kazzak in the Legion, which is my overlord Kazzak.

The information provided by Chromie is very detailed, but Carlos knows even more than Chromie.

Twisted Void is the source of chaos, but it is not simple disorder. Although Void Demon is different, they also have races. Demon individuals of the same race have the most basic common points in physical appearance.

Unlike the horror guards after the demonization of the Eredars, the Doomsday Guards, commonly known as the 557 eldest brother, is an out-and-out distortion of the void aborigines, the backbone of the void demons.

The lord of the doomsday guard is naturally the doomsday lord.

Strictly speaking, there are many doom lords, Kazzak, Kurul, Kazloga, and Azzinoth are all doom lords.

He has a brain than the Abyssal Demon, more powerful than the Destroyer, and more loyal than the Dread Demon. The Doomsday Lord leads the Doomsday Guards to make great achievements for the Burning Legion.

And Kazzak, the BIGBOSS recognized by all doomsday guards, is the overlord.

Although Kazak is not as detached as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden in rank, he was already one of the highest commanders of the legion during the War of the Ancients in Azeroth before Ten Thousand Years.

Such an opponent can't be defeated with a round.

The size of more than forty meters gave Kazzak unparalleled strength, even if it is not practical to use shadow magic, the overlord's powerful melee ability is also a manifestation of its horror.

There are rumors that during the War of the Ancients, Kazak used numerous five-color dragons to forge a dragon king's sword using the flesh and blood scales of the guardian dragons.

Although in the end, the dragon king's sword was smashed by the demigods, Kazzak's martial arts were deeply imprinted in the memories of the night elves.

So when the Great Magisters in Silvermoon City shivered when they knew who they were going to face, the morale of humans was still high.

The ignorant is fearless...

Although Chromie has repeatedly emphasized that the ultimate goal is to destroy the hidden runestone, not to annihilate the overlord Kazzak.

But Carlos knew in his heart that what he was afraid of would come. The legion boss was racing across the universe for a few Ten Thousand Years. He had never seen any strategy and tactics. If he didn't prepare to face Kazzak, he would be killed.

Especially the planet of Draenor is not Azeroth, and there is no Azeroth great enchantment that has that layer of gods and gods to suppress the void demons. Kazzak, who can do everything with all his strength, occupies an absolute dominance in force.

In this situation, running quickly is the right thing to do.

However, Kromi's offer is really exciting.

Carlos repeatedly warned himself that it is true that the early bird gets the worm, but the early worm is eaten by the bird.

However, the wealth is moving, and the compensation given by Chromie is really...

After realizing that Carlos had retreated, the bronze dragon boss directly added compensation and promised to provide a star map to Alterac's knight king.

This is great.

It is true that the draenei are interstellar refugees, but Velen is not a stubborn brain.

The reason for stopping at Draenor is certainly because the draenei were exhausted during the thousand-year-long escape and needed to recuperate urgently.

But in terms of the results, Draenor finally became the sad place of the draenei. The population that had just recovered was exhausted under the repeated blows of the orcs and the legion, so that after the Exodar fell on Azeroth, Germany The Lenny forces acted more as a technology consultant.

When the base number falls below a certain level, it becomes extremely difficult to restore the population.

So Chromie provided the star map, and Carlos could give Velen a new choice --- go to Azeroth in advance.

Draenor was not saved, Carlos could not save Draenor, nor was the Alliance. In front of the Burning Legion, the fate of this planet had been frozen.

But there is still no problem with taking advantage of it.

Even if all the draenei were packaged and taken away, it would not pose a threat to the Alliance of Lordaeron. Carlos even doubted whether all the draenei combined had their own Alterac population.

The common belief in the Holy Light determines the innate affinity between Carlos and Velen.

At least Velen sent Messi to send the letter, which is a manifestation of this kind of friendship.

As one of the few big bosses in the universe who can talk and laugh with the Burning Legion and survive, Velen means too much to Azeroth.

In public for private, trying to preserve the draenei forces is a potential enhancement for Carlos.

So even if it was imaginary to die, Carlos still agreed to sell his life for Chromie.

The alliance's army is bluffing in a planned way. The soldiers received the news that they would carry out a large-scale suppression and then retreat. It was a very normal order.

The reality is that while all the high-level generals are united to deceive the orcs, they are also deceiving their own people.

Blind retreat is likely to cause the orcs to counterattack, so the alliance decided to use offense instead of defense.

The frontline clearance is serious. Carlos transferred all the elite forces in his hand to Turalyon. The fighting force of about 6,000 people put on a counterattack aggressively, and the remaining more than 30,000 people are in... ...Scrape the land.

There is no counterattack plan at all.

Carlos’ plan is very bachelor and rogue. At present, one-third of the Tanarian jungle is under the control of the Alliance. Put the strongest troops in the Alliance in front of the orcs’ eyeline. Tell you, Laozi is unhappy, I want to do it back. .

And the exhausted and defunct troops frantically searched for the specialties of Draenor.

Hey, everyone likes doing this. Obviously, I was in the field hospital yesterday and screamed. I can go out to catch a bird today...

But the officers also looked at it and didn't speak.

The whole army is in this situation, and the battle really can't go on.

Khadgar rushed to control the magic bomb day and night, and when the thing was completed, the retreat could begin.

In a rare occasion, everyone has something to do, and they are all sincerely fighting for the "Alliance".

The only unhappy person is probably Alleria.

Because she couldn't find the trace of Tyrone Gorefiend.

Carlos has given up to enlighten her.

Because smart people actually know everything, just can't get through the hurdles in their hearts.

So Carlos excluded Alleria from the plan of action.

This girl is really looking for death. The reason why she did not die is that on the one hand, her own strength is relatively high, and on the other hand, Turalyon, Khadgar, and other friends including herself deliberately took care of her.

A few days later, Khadgar was exhausted and notified Carlos that BIGBOOM was ready.

So Turalyon led the Alliance army to begin the final madness, and the large army began to retreat as a whole.

So Carlos was ready to set off.

Chromie didn't know where he got the three big scary strange birds. The craftsmen of the alliance are rushing to make special reins. When they are finished, they can set off.

As an advance payment, Carlos handed the star map to Messi.

"Say hello to the prophet for me, and tell him that Azeroth is very big and there is room for the draenei."

Carlos also handed the Enlightenment Crystal to Messi. The technique of using the power of the Holy Light to leave a message was not difficult. All he wanted to say to Velen was recorded in it.

After more than two months of getting along, Messi is full of good feelings for the alliance, especially because of the previous "translation" incident, and even more curious about Carlos.

If it were not for her mission, she would really like to join this adventure.

"When are you leaving?"


"Then, I will leave tomorrow."

"Well, good. Do you need me to send someone to escort you?"

"No, I am professional."





Carlos is a little strange, why Messi hasn't left yet, what should be said has already been said.

Then, Carlos secretly cursed a stupid...

It's really a war that broke my brain. Other girls have already said so bluntly.

"Then sit down for a while."


"The chair is too hard, sit on the bed."


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