Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 518 Plan T

There has never been unreasonable prestige, but it has always been correct.

As large as an empire, as small as a team of explorers, maintaining the foundation of the organization's existence is the prestige of the leader.

The Kaldorei Empire of the elves, the Alliance of Lordaeron of mankind, and even the Kobold tribe to the Burning Legion are nothing like this.

The Burning Legion is a world-destroying natural disaster in all worlds, not only because of the powerful individual strength of the Void Demon, but also not only because of the endless number of Legionnaires, and the more core problem-Sargeras.

In the eyes of the invaders, the Burning Legion is an endless army of demons.

But if you keep your eyes high and broaden your horizons, the nature of the problem becomes obvious.

The Burning Legion is Sargeras, and Sargeras is the Burning Legion, the endless army of demons, just to cover up this essential frivolous illusion.

It was Sargeras who twisted the stray and chaotic void demons into a rope with his own power, and it was Sargeras who used his unrivaled prestige to cast the void forces that had been hostile to each other for hundreds of billions of years into a burning legion.

As long as Sargeras exists, the Burning Legion will not die.

What about defeating Archimonde and Kil'jaeden? For Sargeras, time has lost its original meaning, and useful subordinates can always find it if they look for it.

However, the cruel fact is that Azeroth has not been able to defeat Sargeras' existence.

The unequal size is a huge gap in strength.

Sargeras is only the real body coming, and the natural aura can cause the planet of Azeroth to disintegrate. The incarnation that Aegwynn once defeated with all his strength is just the one that Sargeras used during the Pantheon period. With armor plus a little soul fragment.

This is the desperate future facing all creatures in Azeroth.

So the question is, is there any... ahem, excavator... hey, hey, if you have something to say, put down the forty-meter knife.

So the question is, is the future of Azeroth only destruction?

Logically speaking, yes, yes, the stars will go out, and the core of Azeroth will eventually cool down.

Hmm...I can't refute it. So, another question, is there no hope for the future of mankind?

No, hope always exists.


There is only one existence in the entire universe that can defeat Sargeras.

The bearer of the Pantheon, Amansur, the father of the gods.

The most straightforward way for humans, or the natives of Azeroth, to free themselves from the destruction of the Burning Legion is to ask for help from the Pantheon Titans.

The method is there, but it is a dead end.

Because Azeroth is no longer pure.

With Sargeras' betrayal, the Pantheon Titans have lost their peace and tolerance.

In the vast multiverse, the war between the Pantheon and the Burning Legion is endless. The Titans who were once ecstatic about the budding of life have long been transformed into Shinigami who harvested life in the war.

Because of the corruption of the ancient gods, he rashly called the Titans to lead Azeroth for the third time. I am afraid that burning glass is the ultimate fate of Azeroth.

See what's on the planet Azeroth?

Corrupted minions of the ancient gods-humans, dwarves, dwarves.

The spies of the Burning Legion - all kinds of void demons.

A devout and faithful disciple of the Cthulhu Star Realm—it's right to throw this pot to the troll.

Not counting all kinds of evil and taboo magical creations.

The natives of Azeroth are not clean.

From this point of view, there are so many reasons why the Titans want to burn glass in Azeroth!

The simplest and most straightforward way is not possible, so how can Azeroth help himself?

Complicating the original simple problem, turning it into the culprit of the endless cycle of insolvency-the god of the ancients.

First of all, it needs to be explained that the Titans are not helpless against the ancient gods.

In fact, the discovery of the ancient gods in Azeroth by the Pantheon is not the first time the Titans have seen this thing.

But when Sargeras rebelled before the revolution, he led the team to quell the Elemental Rebellion and reorganize the order of Azeroth to the second time when the Titans descended. The corruption of Sri Lanka has been quite deep.

Therefore, after the Titans blasted Y'Shaarj and resurrected from the death and weakness of C'Thun, they imprisoned N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron in a restraint device and sealed them for research.

On the one hand, I want to conduct a more in-depth study of the ancient gods, and on the other hand, I want to use the passage of time to make Azeroth heal itself. After the scars on the planet are restored, the ancient gods Pull it out from the planet.

However, but, hehehe.

Sargeras has fallen.

All exploration and discovery of the Pantheon must give way to war.

Compared with the safety of the entire universe, Azeroth's bird matter is nothing.

The Titans who dealt with this issue may have died on the front lines.

No solution.

Pounce on the street.

The Pantheon Titan, which can obviously be used as a backer, is no different from the Burning Legion for the current Azeroth.

One wanted to blow up Azeroth, and the other wanted to purify Azeroth.

The final result is all annihilation.

When Carlos suppressed his rebellion, he unconsciously thought of this.

After bumping in the air for two days and one night, the entire team lost all combat effectiveness except for Kromi.

The only result is that Carlos taught everyone a song, the beginning of which is "The bitter sand blowing sore the feeling on the face".

There is still a mountain to climb from the destination, but the rope is finally overwhelmed and broken by the repeated pulling of the strange bird.

After an emergency landing, everyone had symptoms of dizziness of varying degrees and severity, so twenty-nine brawny men could only collapse and watch a cute dwarf girl punch the riot bird and kick the prey. Herd.

After the sense of balance was restored a little, Carlos and his party were afraid that the detonator of explosives scattered on the ground did not Boom because of the impact! ! !


After gathering the supplies, it was already dark, and a sufficient sleep was enough to restore everyone's vitality.

So Carlos and Chromie took the initiative to assume the responsibility of the vigil.

The fall is not far from the legionary demon's sphere of influence, and we can still see strange-shaped UFOs in the distant sky from time to time, so Carlos forbids firing barbecues.

Simply drink some cold water, eat some dry food, and sleep with clothes. Although it is very uncomfortable and cold, dozens of hours of turbulence consumes too much energy.

Soon, the snoring sounded one after another.

"You go to sleep, too. I'll be alone in the night watch."

Chromie's eyes also shimmered yellow in the darkness, she said to Carlos seriously.

"Then I will watch the middle of the night and you will watch the next."

Carlos thought for a while and came up with a compromise plan.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten that I am a giant dragon. Running around this level is nothing to me. Don't be aggressive!"

Chromie said a little funny and angrily.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten that I am a Paladin. I have faced more severe situations on the battlefield. This is the duty of the leader, and it is my responsibility."

Carlos didn't know what he was hypocritical, but he didn't seem to be submissive.

"Sorry. Then I will rest for a while, when it's time you come to me."

Chromie seemed to be touched by Carlos's words, no longer entangled, and found a stone that could be backed up for sleep.

And Carlos looked at the distant mountains, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, there were soldiers talking in sleep.

"He said this pain in the wind and rain is nothing..."

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