Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 521 Tell me loudly: What is the armor!

The straight-line distance was three hundred meters, and the twists and turns were one kilometer. At that little distance, Carlos and his team took two full days to complete the transfer.

Perhaps it was because of the principle of black under the lamp, or perhaps because the devil didn't care about this so-called hidden rune stone. When Carlos successfully sneaked into the cave, he found that there was no demon guarding here.

The standard is tight on the outside and loose on the inside, bypassing the layers of defenses of the demon guards outside, and burying explosives in the cave is completely undisturbed.

You can even make a fire and roast a piece of meat.

Life is simply beautiful.

Hidden rune stones, the first impression of someone who has never seen it is probably a stone tablet that is dissatisfied with mysterious runes on the surface.

However... No, it is really a stone.

A huge boulder with a yellowish-brown appearance.

The appearance is not regular, and overall it looks like a huge stone of orange.

Judging from the style, it should be the handwriting of the orc, or to be precise, the handwriting of Ner'zhul.

Rough but effective.

Because he was afraid that the use of Holy Light spells would cause the devil to be alert, Carlos gave up his plan to scan with the Eye of Holy Light. "This thing is arranged on the magic node of this planet. The previous three hidden rune stones formed a triangle to cover the entire area, isolating any magical prying eyes. Although you destroyed two of them before, as long as there is this If something exists, all prophetic spells cannot be used on the area around it."

Chromie watched the fierce men bury the explosives with a knife and axe, and explained to the thoughtful Carlos.



"Destroy this thing, what do you want to investigate?"

"Of course it's the movement of the Burning Legion."


"Not only Archimonde, there are other demons."

Carlos and Chromie are young people and young dragons after all. They didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and didn't even know what they did wrong.

[Some ants are calling my name, and find them. 】

On the other side of the orc ceremonial hall, the void invisible to the naked eye, Archimonde the Defiler sensed something calling him.

Although the size of the Void Rift was not enough for Archimonde's real body to pass through, it was enough to cast his will over part of it.

As a result, the demons including Kazzak heard the command of the commander.

Because the equivalent is sufficient, there is no need to blast in depth, cut a gap at the bottom to place the explosive bag, then make a dense circle, and finally put a pocket watch fuse to set the time.

The work of burying explosives was completed in about half an hour.

"What's next?"

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, and the business was over.

"You can do sabotage, or you can go straight away."

Chromie shrugged indifferently.

"Of course it is..."

Carlos hadn't finished speaking, and a feeling of abhorrent chill swept through his body.


The other Union soldiers were okay, but Carlos and Chromie knew that something bad had happened just now.

That is a feeling that only a strong person who has reached a certain level of strength can understand.

Just now, a [monster] shrouded the entire sky.

Publicity, raging, vicious.

Unmatched, uncontestable.

Just the breath of his own existence made Carlos's body tremble slightly.

Chromie's performance was not much better, her face turned pale, like the purest snowflake in winter.

However, ignorance is the greatest original sin.

"This feeling is..."

"Archimonde is here!"

[I found you, ants. 】

In an instant, all the demons agitated, because the great legion commander gave an order to offer sacrifices.

Above the rift in the void, Archimonde used his terrifying strength to forcibly cross a distance of billions of light years, projecting part of his power onto Draenor, forming an eye.

Archimonde doesn't mind waiting patiently. Time is already on the side of the Burning Legion. Patience is a necessary character for success.

But the long wait still made Archimonde feel irritated.

So it doesn't mind venting its power to make a little fun for itself.

"Hurry up and send us away!"

Carlos shouted.

"No, the space is locked."

Chromie was already crying, and with the sharp tone of the dwarf woman, everyone knew that something had happened.

"What are you waiting for? Run!"

Carlos turned and walked to the dynamite pile, moved the pointer of the fuse pocket watch, and then took the lead to rush out of the cave.

In the escape, Carlos found a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that the demons seem to be stupid. Thinking about it carefully, they seem to be gathered directly above the hidden runestone, and various detection spells are used to make pictures. It's as stupid as playing a game and looking at the red dot on the minimap to find the task item.

The bad news is that the winged demons discovered Carlos's whereabouts, and the silly demons killed him.

In all fairness, the number of Legion demons who invaded Draenor was not that many, and most of them were still guarding the ritual of summoning Archimonde at the ceremonial hall.

The number of demons chasing Carlos and his party is roughly estimated to be around three hundred.

If these people around Carlos have the ability to fight ten, then this will be a hearty battle.

The question is can it?

No way.

Carlos himself didn't have the self-confidence to play ten, and said a bit of a blow.

Fortunately, the devil on the ground said that the game is just running away, the problem is the devil in the sky.

Among a group of text-sized shadows, there was a hornet-sized guy, and Carlos just glanced back and felt his head was bigger.

Overlord, Kazzak.

"How to do?"

"Run first."

"Can you run away?"

"It's locked."

"Fight back?"

"Can't beat it."

During strenuous exercise, there is no room for a long discussion. Carlos and Chromie's conversations are basically one word or two words.

The people brought out by this operation were not bad in physical strength. They were all good players in the alliance, and they were all muscle men among humans, but the more they ran, the more frightened they were.

Because the figure of the devil became clearer and clearer, the distance between the two sides became closer.

All the way to the north, off-road parkour, Carlos and the others finally left the bare terrain of the mountain before being overtaken by the flying demon and dived into the hilly woods together.

"What's the situation, do you want to understand?"

Chromie was not in the right state along the way, Carlos asked breathlessly during a short break.

"I'm checking my condition. It's impossible, not even Archimonde. The space is blocked without warning."

"so what?"

"It's actually me who was blocked."

Chromie cast a spell, so Carlos could also see with his naked eyes that some of the shadow energy leaking out of the void was locked in Chromie's body like a chain.

"Leave me alone, you can run for your life."

Chromie said impassionedly.

Good lord, no problem lord.

Carlos almost nodded, so he mobilized the power of the holy light to try to disperse the shadow chains, but was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not only Chromie that was locked, but also himself.

"It's the thing that comrades-in-arms should do when they are in trouble. How can you let you suffer alone."

Carlos said righteously.

"Do you believe me?"

Chromie asked.

"Believe it, I'll believe it all you say."

"Then don't run."

After Chromie finished speaking, he took out a bunch of bottles and cans and began to arrange the magic circle urgently.

In the sky, the figure of the devil is getting closer, and from a distance, the sound of the devil's footsteps is faintly heard.

Accompanied by a huge boom, Chromie forcibly used the teleportation technique.

"here it is?"

Carlos just breathed a sigh of relief and became nervous again.

This is not the camp of the Alliance.

"This is the demon ceremonial hall, where Archimonde is summoned."

Chromie explained.


"Using the magical turbulence brought about by the destruction of the hidden runestone, I used the shadow energy as a coordinate for the reverse summoning and teleportation."

After Chromie explained, Carlos suddenly understood a little.

Worthy of being a bronze dragon who fought the battle of quicksand.

The devil rushed out to chase himself and his party, and Chromie turned the stars in a single move. This is to force a change of home!

Changing houses, happy changing houses, seeking a living from death, high, it is high.

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