Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 537 Muran Looking Back at Naru

This is definitely not an auditory hallucination, but a communication signal based on the Holy Light frequency band.

This is the first time Carlos has experienced what science and technology are the primary productive forces in the magical world.

In Azeroth, the kings used messenger documents to transmit messages, and the wizards used magic familiars to transmit messages. In essence, they all passed the second reprint of the message.

So is there a convenient and affordable remote communication tool?

Yes, Carlos has used "Magic Writ" before.

A magical magic item that can be used for high-latency written conversations even halfway through the Eastern Kingdom. Apart from the communication delay of up to half an hour, the biggest problem is that it is expensive. A few thin sheets of paper, measured by currency in circulation, are about seventeen times the weight of gold coins.

Therefore, the communication industry is extremely profitable, and the communication company giants.

Naru Group, the core competitiveness of Master Shengguang Communication.

Really looking for him a thousand times in the crowd, Muran looked back, but Naru was in the dim light.

After using the Holy Light spell to treat Tim Mourning, Carlos carefully left the magic fortress.

The main trauma that Tam Mourning suffered came from the complications of the body organs caused by the washing of high-intensity magic power. It was a common mage's disease. In addition to making him feel better, the Holy Light spells were not very effective in healing the wounds.

Although leaving the magic fortress at this time was suspected of selling the master, Carlos could not ignore the communication signal sent by Adal, so he had to visit in secret.

I really don't mind, even if it's a trap, I recognize it.

As long as it is the kiln visited by the Titans...Bah, it is the planet transformed by the Pantheon, then the humanoid gene is carved into the bone. Although the main species on this planet are physically different from the mainstream life on Azeroth, at a glance, it can be confirmed that they are personal creatures.

Carlos, as the new king of the Alliance of Lordaeron, the force of human society, has had a heart of rebels who dare to change the sun and the moon since childhood, and successfully implemented it. What about the hard work of others? Learned.

At least the people around him didn't know that the great knight king also had the qualification certification of Intermediate Stalker.

Wandering in the shadows, Carlos obeyed his inner call and arrived at a place similar to a manor.

At the moment of crossing the wall, sweet heart music came, which seemed to be Hong Zhong Dalu, and it was like a string of wind chimes.

In an instant, tranquility and peace restored Carlos's nervous mood.

This urinary sex, Naaru did not run away.

Power has its own attributes, and the higher the power, the more so.

It's like the Dreadlord can disguise and pretend to be any character, and can even simulate the special skills of the character it plays, but it can't use the Holy Light with its "conscience" behind its back.

Because the holy light, which is the benchmark of order, will really become a big bat of holy light...

This is the question of the extended attributes of power.

Those who use shadow power naturally have affinity with the Burning Legion of the chaotic camp, and can accept the infusion of fel energy without thinking.

Anyone who implements the Burning Legion’s conspiracy and tricks will not use the Holy Light for the success of the plan. This is not because of the [gameiness], but the tangible [humanity]. The use of the Holy Light, even if the plan is successful. Being rejected by the Burning Legion is not worth the loss.

Therefore, when the sound of harmony sounded, Carlos had determined that there really was a naru in this manor.

The only question is who this Naru is.

Regarding the origin of the Holy Light of Azeroth, Carlos specifically asked Alonthos Faor for advice.

The answer given by the archbishop was Naaru.

In the oldest record, the faculty of Stromgarde at that time drank hi during a rally. As a result, in a coma, plural faculty members dreamed of angels in geometric shapes at the same time.

After being sober, these faculty members of the Arathor Empire gained the ability to use the Holy Light.

This is the origin of the light of Azeroth.

Human beings are not a natural affinity with the holy light, but the holy light bestowed by the Naaru.

As the highest power on the order side that can fight against the evil energy, Carlos wants to make progress on the Path of the Light. Finding the Naaru is the quickest and most effective way.

This is also the reason why he wants to go to Draenor to find Velen, because Velen has at least one living Naaru next to him.

As a result, by mistake, Chromie got into Medivh's side to participate in some holy grail war, and it turned around, and Carlos actually encountered it.

It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless.

But everything must be divided into different categories.

If Carlos is willing, it is not impossible to hold a 10,000-scale holy light prayer ceremony in Azeroth, and even summon a naaru to descend on Azeroth.

But what about it.

What Carlos needs is the key to the evolutionary path, not a holy light learning machine.

Naru is also divided into six or nine ranks.

There is no doubt that among the Naaru known to mankind, Adal is undoubtedly the most powerful one.

Although there is nominally Zera, the mother of holy light, the real body of Naaru, the ancestor, is hidden in the dark space of the universe, appearing in the material world and using all incarnations.

This kind of incarnation of unclear technology and meaning, Carlos is not clear about the true strength, but in terms of body shape, Adal is definitely bigger than the incarnation of Zella.

In the world of Naaru, the size is the proof of strength.

So Carlos wanted to see Adal in his heart.

But along the way, Carlos didn't feel right.

Because this manor is too small.

Avoiding the servants of the manor all the way, thinking about the place where the holy light is the strongest, Carlos's bad premonition grew stronger.

What's a joke, Adal's size is a model of indomitable and indomitable shape. It can cover a city in Shattrath with the brilliance of a Naaru.

This little manor...

In theory, this small manor is not as large as the plane volume projection of Adal itself.

However, this rich taste of Holy Light...

Carlos entered the hall through the courtyard and saw more than a dozen people who were kneeling and sitting on the ground. On the high platform of the hall, on a soft cushion, a regular octahedron emitting a soft light was slowly rotating.

this is……

Carlos had a stomach spasm, and he was indescribably uncomfortable.

"Are you here to take my life? Your Lord Heroine."


Carlos's dark armor was incompatible with the atmosphere here. For a moment he forgot his identity as a "heroic spirit", and Carlos only noticed it when an obvious old man stood up.

He is the seventh master, the mysterious person who has never appeared.

Wait, it's impossible, it won't! ! !

Carlos suddenly felt an absurd sense of confusion.

The seventh hero is afraid that...

With that said, the octahedral luminous body, which was originally only the size of an apple, on the mat suddenly accelerated its rotation, and the surrounding magic turned into a substantial form attached to the surroundings, and a Naaru who was similar in physique to Carlos took shape.

"I think you don't have to do it first, everyone can talk about it, is it right, the Lord Paladin from a distant alien star."

Carlos took off his helmet. Although such an action was meaningless in front of Naaru, the old mage put down his guard and took a few steps back.



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