Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 552: There Is No Thor's Tail Meat

Carlos said modestly, people are calculating or something, I'm just getting started.

The Zandalar support team was slaughtered. What if the Zandalar envoy beside Luther King knew about it?

Of course it is pretending to give me X somebody's face, and everyone assumes that nothing has happened.

The premise is that the messenger is from Carlos's side.

Originally, Carlos wanted to personally complete this drama that was enough to impact the top ten leading actor of the year, but Eranikus calmly pressed him on his seat.

So Carlos understood, and he took a small look at the heroes of the world.

The Green Dragon Corps also recruits talented performers.

It turned out that the envoy of Zandalar accepted the fact that the leadership of the supporting force was completely destroyed, the materials were severely damaged, and the casualties were more than half. They asked Xi Jinglong to go back and arrange the appearance of the remaining personnel, and everyone should be dead. It would be nice if I haven't been here.

Well, that's right, the one who supports you Moss Troll is my Zandalari Five Hundred Strong Guys.

After a sorrow operation, enough time was spared, and all the disguised Dream Guards and Carlos rode the trembling Zandalar Raptors under the pressure of the dragon and marched in the direction of Sinshalo.

"Whether there is no problem with Miluen?"

Carlos can't avoid the vulgar, always caring a little bit more for beautiful things.

"It doesn't matter, don't look at Uncle Milun's mouth and shut her mouth. My two thousand years are not worth mentioning in front of her. You must know that she is Cenarius' second daughter, who participated in the War of the Ancients."

Iranikus's gentle temperament could not hide even the rough appearance of the troll.

Then Carlos was relieved.

Hello Miluen, goodbye Miluen.

This time, time was on Carlos's side.

Mixed into the interior of Sinsaro, Luther King's layout has not been completed, and Zandalar has not completely stood on the front desk, so the magnificent Carlos and the kind Eranikus almost made the same proposal.

"Anyway, the real Zandalari trolls are just so few people, they simply replaced them all to save trouble."

Just do it, and overnight, all the Zandalari trolls in Sinshalone's face have become dream guards, and the dream guards played dozens of less latecomers who could discover them.

The next day, the Zandalar envoy who came to convey important matters also turned into a member of the Green Dragon Legion and returned to Luther King.

So, after enjoying a good show, Carlos shot it.

"Who are you? Human!"

Luther King looked at Carlos grimly and motioned for the Zandalar Warrior to start.

But the Zandalar warrior beside Luther King didn't move.

"Isn't that a good idol role model? Why don't you recognize who I am."

Carlos was still teasing lightly.

"King Card?"

Gou Tajin spit out this word tremblingly and suspiciously, which caused a strong reaction from the Tustin Gou.

"No, impossible! Carlos died in Archimonde's hands, you are fake, fake! Gottajin, your tricks can't deceive me! Trolls, kill these traitors!"

Although Luther King tried to agitate the masses to make waves, the effect was not very good. The climax of the drama attracted the attention of all trolls and weakened their thinking ability.

What happened? I don’t understand.

"Oh, I said that I'm a dog. It's only been a long time before I turn my face on it."This sentence is a lingua franca, and it can be regarded as the last face that Carlos left for Luther King.


"You betrayed the promise, you abandoned us, ten years, ten years!"

Luther King hissed with crimson eyes.

His words are tantamount to confirming the identity of Carlos.

After all, only he and Carlos knew that he was a loyal dog on his knees.

The person in front of him was Carlos, and Luther King had believed it in his heart.

But here is Sinsaro, surrounded by thousands of compatriots, and he is a great chief who all trolls fear, how could he bow down and worship the humans who had sworn allegiance to him.

Can't go back, pushed step by step by power and status, until now, Luther King can't go back.

But there is a price to pay for talking but the brain.

Gou Tajin, who had given up the struggle, suddenly burst into a huge flood and huge waves.

"You are His Majesty Carlos, are you still alive?"

"Is it weird?"

"No, no, I know at that time, Draenor, me, you, that..."

"Ake... it can't kill me yet."

Carlos thought for a while, still don't call that guy's name in front of so many trolls, God knows if there will be any moths.

But Eranikus, who played the Zandalar envoy on the second wall, showed a surprised look with his ears pointed.

Carlos Barov actually faced Archimonde directly!

But it's not surprising that the green dragon is not close to humans. They don't even know that Carlos has been "dead" for ten years, and they don't care what the Alliance Expeditionary Force encountered in Draenor.

But it doesn't matter anymore. It seems that the situation is still under Carlos's control, so Eranikus can watch the play at ease.

"It's useless, Carlos, today is the day when the trolls awaken. If a Luther King falls, thousands of Luther Kings will stand up. Trolls will never be slaves!"

Luther King fell into the emotion he was knitting, shouting excitedly and tragically.

"Unless you include food and housing?"

Carlos destroyed the atmosphere with a single sentence, and Luther King was angry.

"you you you……"

"Your master will always be your master. Kneel down."

Carlos forcefully pulled Luther King to the ground and knelt on his knees.

"Leave me alone, shoot!"

Luther King roared unwillingly, and took out something from his waist with his spare hands and crushed it. Then outside the city, the artillery used to attack Sinsaro fired.

Ten Second Gate artillery, twelve twelve-pound scarlet projectiles whizzed towards the top of the city gate, where Carlos and his party were.

"Encircle King Card!"

Gottajin shouted at his subordinates to grab the shield and want to block Carlos, but Carlos kicked him away.

Carlos released his grip on Luther King and walked to the edge of the city wall in two steps, using his extraordinary dynamic vision to estimate the impact of the shells.

Well, there is no bird to use five shots on the wall. Seven shots covering this area are very threatening. I don’t know if the shot is a kidnapped human or a hard-trained troll. Seven out of twelve, good artillery skills. .

Then, between the sparks and flints, Carlos stretched out his left hand and pushed a blazing white ball of light into the air. With Carlos’s palm pushing it from flat to my all-needed posture, Carlos quickly collapsed and flattened into form. A huge holy shield blocked the threatening seven shots.

The Holy Shield had no color, and the reflected sunlight became a rainbow color.

A performance with excellent sound and light effects, when Carlos turned his back to the outside of the city, Gottajin burst into tears.

However, Luther King took advantage of Carlos's pretending gap and stepped on the air wall to return to the second layer of the city wall.

"Why don't you do it? Your Zandalar warrior just looks at it?"

Luther King questioned Zandalar's envoy angrily.

So Eranikus also regained the shape of a night elf, which shocked Luther King.

"I can answer your first question because it was my order to make them obey His Excellency Carlos's orders. And the second question, sorry, the Zandalari Warrior is not mine, I can't command, I can't give this question Give the answer."

With a slightly witty ridicule, Eranikus actually answered all Luther King’s questions, but the terrified Luther King did not have the time to think about this kind of word game, and flee to the next level. City wall.

And Eranikus just watched, and didn't mean to stop it.

"King Card, Luther King... I mean Broken Tooth escaped."

"I know."

"why not……"

"You call him Luther King, no problem, just a name."

"Why don't you stop him, kill him, and everything will go away."

Gou Tajin asked respectfully.

"Kill him, what reason do I have to bloodbath Sinsaro."

Carlos said in a straightforward tone.


Two steps closer, pulling out a short spear from Gottajin's shoulder armor decoration, Carlos stood on the wall again.

After brewing for a while, he suddenly threw the short spear in his hand with a loud shout, directly piercing the back of the head of the deputy leader of the Tustingo Mercenary Group who kept talking outside the city.

"Boys, your master is back."

With this shout, Carlos used the magic props he asked for from Eranikus, and the sound resounded within a range of two kilometers. Carlos didn't care about this, but the moss troll heard them all.

Having lost the seditious leader, looking at the head of the group Gou Tajin who was standing next to the man giving a suggestive gesture, the lurking cronies suddenly violent and killed all the "traitors" who had already taken refuge in Luther King.

Gou Tajin Master Tastin Gou has been blinded by Luther King's botched infiltration methods for more than ten years, but because he lost his way to his future, he was confused and indulged in "maybe he is right".

At this moment, with the appearance of Carlos, Gottajin once again strengthened his conviction.

"Give you half a quarter of an hour, clear the team, and then attack the city."

"Huh? This is Sinsaro!"

Gou Tajin's eyes widened, the moss troll outside the city was already in great chaos, half a quarter of an hour, siege the city? Attack Sinsaro with five walls?

This order was beyond the scope of Gotajin's understanding and made Gotajin look a little demented.

"Yeah, Sinsaro, Sinsaro who was slaughtered once when I was fourteen."

The plain tone made Gou Tajin shudder.

Oops, how did I forget, this man is Carlos Barov.

"Yes, Master, I will go right away."

"You go down to work alone, I want these people on the wall. Then let you know the bottom line, the evil moss troll and the evil branch troll, there are only ten thousand left."

Carlos snapped his fingers, and Eranikus started according to the agreement. A hundred wyrmlings emerged and rushed straight into the sky. The dragon Eranikus used the night elf's throat to let out a dragon roar that frightened the soul, and then it was huge. The dragon-shaped phantom appeared in the sky above Sinsaro. The dragons secretly arranged at the joints of Sinsaro also attacked, blocking the road with the mist of sleep.Then, the fire began to burn, and the entire Sinsaro seemed to be in a doomsday desperate situation for a while.

Carlos understands that the situation of the trolls is not that bad. These are just visual impacts. The real situation, out of disadvantage, is these scattered dream guards.

As long as the initial panic has passed, the overwhelming numerical advantage of the Troll Sinshalo is enough to swallow all the dream guards.

Therefore, he must obtain the dominance of the moss troll outside the city.

To obtain the dominance of the Moss Troll, it is necessary to take advantage of this asymmetry of information.

The residents of Sinsalor thought this was the conspiracy of the moss trolls, and the moss trolls outside the city thought it was Carlos's power.

So Carlos oppressed Gotajin, just because he didn't want to give the guys outside the city time to think.

"Go, kill the first floor, and prepare to open the door to enlarge the army to come in."

He gave the order carelessly, and Tastin Gou, who was standing on the wall, suddenly fell into a frenzy.

The trolls of the older generation have followed Carlos and fought in the tribes. Those who can be regarded as trusted by Gotakin also grew up listening to the stories of their fathers. Seeing the legendary heroes and demons reappear in the world, regardless of excitement or fear, Let's get up and talk about it.

"Is there really no problem? If your toys don't move outside the city, my men in the city will suffer a terrible loss."

I don't know when, Eranikus appeared beside Carlos.

"You quietly go around behind the big formation to make some movement, the effect will be very good."

Carlos had an idea.

"It makes sense, I took away the people on the wall."


The efficiency of the green dragon is really high. Gou Tajin has just integrated the Tustingo under the city wall to force the moss troll's large formation, and the moss troll's back formation has already become chaotic.

Because the dragon came out of the forest.

When Luther King was away, no matter who he had listened to before, other commanders couldn't ignore the views of Gotta King, the troll hero.

This is also convenient for Gottajin to integrate the will of the evil moss troll.

"Don't panic, the dragon is an ally of His Majesty Carlos, and it won't do anything to us for the time being."

"In other words, what will happen to us in the end?"

Gou Tajin suddenly felt tired talking to Gang Jing, but the patience of the green dragon didn't seem very good, and the movement in the forest was getting bigger and bigger.

"Make a choice, whether to give up unrealistic fantasy or dream forever."

"However, human beings are the enemies of trolls and the source of our suffering. We..."

Gottajin's spear pierced the hopeless fanatic.

"Gou Tajin, you... don't you miss the glory of the past at all?"

"I don't miss it. My glory is created by myself, and my legend is written by myself, not the shit Amani Empire."

"Can we really only listen to the alliance, fight with our compatriots, and shed the last drop of blood?"

"The Alliance is our home, and the Alterac Kingdom is where we belong. You are my compatriots of Gotajin. Are the trash wearing animal hair bark, understand?"

Looking at the textiles and clothes on their bodies, the moss trolls were silent.

"But before we..."

"King Ka is merciful. Just take Sinsaro and cover it up with his feats."

"Uncle Gotakin, I'm not reconciled!"

"Stop talking, he doesn't like that man."

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