Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 554 LOA Can't Save the Troll

It is people, not one or two weapons and equipment, that determine the outcome of the war.

This is true.

But the gap of one to twenty thousand weapons and equipment is enough to cross Sinsaro.

In Carlos's opinion, even if Tustingo had two or three times more numbers than before he left, the combat effectiveness has actually fallen drastically.

War is really a cruel classroom, and all students who fail will have to die.

The original orc tribe was really terrifying.

Seeing the evil moss troll and Sinsaro's troll rooster pecking at each other, Carlos didn't fluctuate in his heart and even wanted to laugh a little.

Give me an original legion, I can kill all these trolls in this dirty city.

Therefore, after defeating such a fearful tribe, the original alliance was also without friends of the tiger.

I don't know how those old friends of mine are doing now.

The thoughts that had been suppressed came to his mind, Carlos admired the fight before him, but he was thinking about the impact of the misplaced time of the past ten years on him.

There is no more suspense. Under the armed forces of the Alliance, the moss troll has sharp teeth and claws. After losing the advantage of the terrain, the huge number can not become the capital of the Sinsalor troll's turnaround, but has become the source of chaos.

As the original owner of Sinsalor, the number of Evil Branch clan is not so large. It is because of the pressing of the moss trolls and the series of Zandalars that almost the entire Sinsalor has been added to most of Arathi’s. The trolls gathered in this city.

Everyone knows how to fight with the wind, and if you go against the wind, you can vote if you don't have the waves.

When the Sinsaro defenders who were trying to consolidate their manpower to counterattack were defeated one by one by Tustingo, the defeat was a foregone conclusion.

In this case, even the moss troll that Carlos looked down upon could still rely on the generation difference in the equipment to be crazy.

The victory seems to have come.

Then, at the top of Sinsaro, a breathtaking scream came, seeming to tell everyone that Laozi is so awesome!

"Do spiders call it too?"

Carlos asked curiously.

"Probably it will."

Eranikus was not very sure, and reluctantly gave an answer.

It can only be said that Carlos's cleaning was too successful. The original LOA god believed by the Sinsaluo evil branch clan was the wind snake, but after all traces of the suspected Haka incarnation were destroyed and cleaned, the evil branch clan seemed to have robbed the dead wood. The spiders of the clan serve as the gods to worship.

Let me talk about the so-called LOA god.

To put it bluntly, those powerful beasts in ancient times became refined.

Carefully categorize, souls with a large number of magic spirits can all be called LOA gods.

That's right, the magic spirit is the key to the LOA god, so the troll will believe in the LOA god with all his heart, thinking that the troll also possesses the magic spirit and is born with LOA affinity.

Don't think of mojos as dirty things like trolls' cloudy liquid.

The magic essence is the magic essence, and it is the active magic essence, not the crystal of large magic light fragments.

The body is just a useful tool for the LOA god. As long as the LOA god’s soul still has enough magic essence, it will not die, and the body will be destroyed. The other way is, as long as the body is filled with enough magic essence. Must be strong.

So, is there any...


On an alien trip, Carlos did not simply "wasted" ten years of time.

As the big brother, Medivh was really generous to the little brother, and some expensive knowledge was passed on to Carlos.

In the beginning, when confronting the LOA god, Carlos had only one move to destroy his body, and now, he has understood how to deal with these old Ten Thousand Years ghosts.

"The summoning ceremony seems to have not been completed yet."

"Well, the spider's feet are still fluttering, and the body probably hasn't come out yet."

"Aren't you worried?"

"I can fly."

Carlos originally wondered why Eranikus was so calm, but the big brother choked and couldn't let it out.

"Send me up."

"Isn't it big enough?"

Eranikus frowned and looked at Carlos.

"It's been too long. Some people have forgotten my name. It's time to remind them."

"you sure?"

Eranikus looked at Carlos carefully. As a human, his physique is indeed full of explosive courage, but humans...have limits.

The dragon Eranikus does not hate human Carlos, so he tried to persuade him one last time.

"I look down on people, I'm very strong."

"I know, after Lothar's death, you led the Alliance to defeat the Horde."

"No, no, I'm talking about combat power, force."

"haha oh."

The euphemistic disdain of the dragon.

Although I know that the arrogance of the dragon is rooted in his bones, but this kind of attitude is for your good, Carlos was moved and helpless, and finally had to do it himself.

The moss troll has slowed down because of the commotion, which is not good, it will be dark in two hours, and can't attack Sinsaro in one go. The night is long and dreamy.

Carlos decided to end this farce.

The best way is to defeat the enemy's last hole cards and defeat their spiritual pillars.

This is also the reason why he allowed Luther King to escape and gave up the decapitation tactics to give the chief of Sinsalor the opportunity to summon the LOA god.

It's a pity that the equipment and weapons that are in hand are not around.

Without letting Carlos wait for a long time, finally, a monster with twelve slender spider legs was finally summoned in its entirety. On the spider's body was the upper body of a troll.

"Feel the wrath of the gods!"

It's now!

At the moment when the Haki declaration was issued to frighten the trolls in the city and caused everyone to look up, Carlos launched the hammer of rage first and then came on stage.

"So he can fly too."

Eranikus thought for a while and decided to look at the situation before deciding what to do next.

The pure power of the holy light solidified into a warhammer and smashed into the face of the big spider, staggering it. Carlos, who opened the wings of the holy light, did not choose to follow the chase immediately, but hovered in the sky twice. , Uselessly wasting the power of the Holy Light to create a halo effect, just to tell all the trolls---I, Carlos, can fly and shine.


There is no more words, just a simple roar, it seems that IQ is not high, Carlos is pretending to be compelling, and at the same time assessing the strength of his opponent.

As a guardian, Medivh has gained a lot of experience in dealing with "big guys" from his ancestors, which is convenient for Carlos.

If the LOA god body descends, there is no trick, and hammering is the only solution.

But if it is to extract the magic essence of the LOA god to strengthen the body, such as the current situation, there will be a loophole.

The half-troll, half-spider monster in front of him was obviously a blood sacrifice from the evil branch troll, although it looked fierce, ninety percent of it was poisonous.

But it has a huge flaw or weakness.

That is the power borrowed or snatched, after all, it is not own.

All kinds of provocations angered his opponents, Carlos finally waited for the chance of Big Spider to accumulate his power to amplify his moves.

Although there are some conflicts in the phase of simulating arcane energy with the power of the holy light, it is still within the controllable range.

The big spider madly tuned the magic spirits, brewing in his mouth the poison that could corrode everything, but Carlos spotted the opportunity [Feng Mobo] interrupted the opposite reading.

The rioting magic spirit destroyed the new flesh, and the very fierce LOA god incarnation was "easily" killed by Carlos.

The moss trolls in Sinthalone are like a rainbow, and it seems that there is no problem in contributing to the city before dark.

"What if your little trick doesn't work?"

Eranikus understood all this and went to inquire after Carlos landed.

"How could it not take effect? ​​We robbed the Zandalar supplies. Without the materials to cast spells, they can summon some amazing things. It looks like a difficult battle, but it's just a show for a rookie."


Eranikus did not speak thoroughly, but Carlos understood what he meant.

no need.

Relying on the Dream Guard and Tustingo, Carlos can also kill the LOA spider.

Why do you have to take a risk and make a show yourself?

Carlos could not express his worries to Eranikus.

That is, does the league really need its own grand marshal now?

Does Alterac even need his own king?

In all the unknown, the troll in front of him has become Carlos's only bargaining chip.

To control these trolls, what Carlos can rely on is not force, but prestige.

LOA can't save the trolls. In order to save the league, Carlos decided to become an idol.

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