Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 579 Amen, Aqian, a vine

Question: Where is Guy Elsas?

Tip 1: Not in the fleet.

Tip 2: Did not return to Dalaran.

Tip 3: Did not return to Silvermoon City.

Tip 4: Not in the siege troops.

Tip 5: The tree cave king of heaven.

Now, have you guessed the answer?

Guess you Amen, Aqian, a vine, the ghost knows if it's the fate's screenwriter who wrote that he has forgotten that Carlos is also accompanied by an elf prince.

Of course not.

The correct answer is that Guy Elsas went to unseal the weapon of Doomsday Battle.

At the beginning of the year, General Marshal Carlos Barov, who was in charge of the alliance, couldn't get out of the pit of huge weapons, and even embezzled military expenses to build steel tanks. Do you think he will give up on his lair and continue to tinker?

Impossible, a man will never grow up in his lifetime, the only change is that toys become more and more expensive.

The last order Carlos sent back to the country before "disappearing" was the appropriation notice to the relevant project team.

Having lost his support, this costly project was eventually stopped by his father. However, the two experimental prototypes were preserved and sealed in Alterac's snowfields.

In line with the principle of having coolies and no bastards, Carlos persuaded Guy Elsas to take the manpower to dig the pit.

Which excavator technology is strong?

The Elf King of Azeroth.

Whether it is the tree cave king of the night elves or the arcane puppets of the high elves, it is the development direction of mecha technology.

Based on the principle of lack of strength and momentum, Guy Elsas is actually so interested in Carlos's big toys, so he reluctantly (itches) the (difficult) (difficult) (patience).

The dwarf engineer who was in charge of the plan has passed away long ago, but his son is still working for the Barov family. According to the secret words recorded in the yellowed notepad, he decrypted it. Under the guidance of the guide, Guy Elsas found a permanent location. At the entrance to the veins in the shade of the frozen lake, the elf guards who accompanied him first searched, and quickly found the traces of artificial excavation. After confirming that there was no danger, Guy Elsas stepped into Carlos' secret workshop and began to explore the secrets of the alliance.

"This is?"

"This is my father's relic!"

The bald dwarf man was more excited than Guy Elsas.

When the switch was pulled down, the huge workshop enclosed by the ice layer was again brightly lit. The banging sound of the cylinder of the fuel engine brought the flow of electricity, and the huge canvas covered the two lumps of looks that looked like tigers.

Guy Elsas’ guards pulled apart the canvas laboriously, and Carlos’s big toy finally showed its prototype.

Guy Elsas is no stranger to playing mecha. In the highlands of the Sunwell, the Arcane Mecha of the Quel'Dorei Elves patrols the eternal brilliance non-stop throughout the night.

But Silvermoon City’s wizard technology and Carlos’s steampunk are obviously not the same.

Silvermoon City’s arcane mecha flow is nothing more than an energy core, a skeleton frame, the energy regulator and shield generator are installed, and then equipped with weapons, it is an arcane mecha, a typical horse flying brick path .

Without the energy core technology of the high elves, the mecha that Carlos presided over the research has inherited the stupid and thick style of multi-riveting and steaming. It is the kind of steel monster that automatically thinks of "Hell March" at first glance.

Guy Elsas is also not sure whether the "Dang Dang, Dang Dang Dang, Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang in his ears is the auditory hallucination or the soul cry of the steel monster in front of him.

Guy Elsas only knew that the bodies of these two monsters had been ruined.

Without the support of the Alliance, Alterac's national strength alone would not be able to support the development of this doomsday weapon.

After Carlos disappeared in Draenor, Turalyon did not have the ability and prestige to continue to transfer the alliance’s financial and material resources to Alterac, relying only on the two ironworks instigated by the Barov family and Carlos. , It is completely impossible to continue this kind of research.

So the two semi-finished products can only sit quietly on the support frame, looking down at the crawler in front of them.

"Taronicus, go check these two big guys. Sagunar, you also go help."

Ordering his chief technical adviser and deputy to check, Guy Elsas turned his head and asked the dwarf guide.

"What are the names of these two guys?"

"Uh, let me find it."

The dwarf quickly flipped through his father's notes.

"Yes, the one with longer arms on the left is called [Captain Orangutan], and the one with the cockpit on the right in the middle of the abdomen is called [Tyrannosaurus]."

"This is not Carlos's style of naming..."

Guy Elsas, who had heard about the [Steel Tank] plan, frowned.

"His Majesty Carlos was no longer there at the time. Um... I mean no longer in the guiding position."

The dwarf explained.

Because of the different technical styles, even if the High Elf Master had the core technology, it still took Talonikos nearly two hours to figure out the technical principles for the technical black hole created by Carlos.

"It's really a genius idea and shit-like craftsmanship. Your Majesty, although the two units... have been damaged due to improper storage, but because humans use common standard components, if they disassemble and reassemble and replace an energy core, Can assemble a usable one."

"Then do it, Ka Bonney, you also go to help, hurry up and finish laying the arcane route. Try to finish the work here before sunset tomorrow."

Guy Elsas just left Saladre by his side, and then chose a chair that seemed sturdy to sit down.

Originally, Carlos asked him to get some doomsday weapon. Guy Elsas refused. If you can't teach me to come, I will come.

But Carlos said that if you leave the army and give the unpredictable a chance, can you just wait and kill the enemy?

Guy Elsas thought it made sense, and came.

But it is clear that Anastrian, the Sun King, has more control over Queldo Salas than expected. Even if there are assassins against Guy Elsas, the entourage of hundreds of people still seems too much. NS.

None of the alarm devices arranged on the periphery of the secret workshop were triggered, and Guy Elsas was a little boring.

However, the most basic ability of a mage is to seize all the free learning.

By the time Guy Elsas finished reading the second book, the two steel mechas had been disassembled into parts.

When Guy Elsas finished reading the fifth book, the assembly with the relatively complete structure of [Captain Orangutan] as the main body began.

When Guy Elsas felt his eyes dry, the assembly came to an end.

Under the auspices of the astrologer Ka Bonney, the huge steel mecha integrated with the elven technology, the metaphysics was added, and it actually connected the arcane torrent channel.

"Your Majesty, the energy core we carry is not enough to start this machine."

The chief technician of Guy Elsas reported to his master with a sullen face after the deployment was completed.

MDZZ, what did you do earlier?

Guy Elsas thought for a while, resisting the urge to curse.

Have you been building blocks and having fun for more than ten hours?

Guy Elsas felt he couldn't help it anymore.


The dwarf recalled from the joy of learning and whispered as he looked at the high elven technical leaders who seemed to get into the horns.

"This stuff burns oil."

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