Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 582 Son, Son, I'm Your Father

Carlos had three chances to kill Nefarian, but he gave up all of them.

Because God knows where Nesario is watching the show.

Arrogance is no big deal, and Archimonde can't read death at Carlos through the endless void.

But arrogance is very serious, knowing oneself and the enemy can survive a hundred battles, don't know how many catties you are, you have to take a dog every minute.

Not only Nesario, Carlos knows that he is just stepping on that thread now, and compared to those old things that have survived Ten Thousand Years, he is still very tender. Don't talk about the Dragon King, there are many among the night elves who can clean up themselves.

So in Azeroth, personal force is very important, it can ensure you survive.

But individual force is not particularly important. In the face of collective force, individual force is so pale and weak.

Take the Burning Legion, for example, this is both a positive example and a negative teaching material, a contradictory mixture of both the learning goal and the ultimate enemy.

Overall, Carlos's bizarre adventure is profitable.

Because of thinking about it carefully, Carlos understood that he might not be able to reach the current height after ten years of asceticism, not to mention the political oppression of intrigue, how much time he has to train.

But after ten years of lost time, everything seemed so urgent, and the huge pressure forced Carlos's style of dealing with things to gradually extreme.

Kel'Thuzad returned from Northrend.

The sect of the curse is about to make a huge wave in Lordaeron.

This is an established fact that Carlos cannot stop.

Because the people do not respect their king.

Compared to the painstaking persuasion, the feeling of getting something for nothing is so great.

Carlos really has no interest in being a sad savior. He is going to bear the sins of the world alone. Shouldn't the taller night elves top the sky when the sky falls?

So while he was pursuing the "rule of fear" in Alterac, he sent a messenger to formally hand out a very formal request for a meeting between Malfurion and Tyrande.

The legacy that Medivh left to him is more generous than imagined, or Aegwynn is a real boss. In the eight hundred years of battle, the footsteps of the previous generation of Guardians have almost traveled across Azeroth.

It is no longer Carlos's goal to be entangled in the human ecosphere fly camp. It is the ultimate goal to end the threat of the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

To this end, Carlos decided to condone the outbreak of natural disasters to a limited extent.

At this point, Alterac's northern border began to be blocked.

In order for the night elves to enter the game, Carlos decided to forget Thrall, the number one figure.

Whenever thinking about what Chromie did, Carlos always felt that he had overlooked something, but he couldn't think of what he had overlooked. There was always a trace of doubt in his heart.

And Neltharion and his Black Dragonflight died after the Battle of Alterac, and there were no more follow-up actions against Carlos, which was confusing.

One month after the Battle of Alterac, envoys from various countries arrived in Alterac as scheduled and asked to see Carlos.

In the same month, Alonthos Fao died of illness.

Judging from the reactions of the human nations, the Alliance has come to the brink of self-destruction after losing the tribal enemy. The slow reaction speed and internal intrigue tells that this most terrifying war beast in human history has been weakened.

Carlos suddenly understood why the bronze dragon kept insisting that there must be a Lich King.

Because only such a "strong" Scourge can lead the Alliance and the Horde to join hands against the enemy.

Although Carlos doesn't think that the tribe is a necessary thing, but the current alliance is really useless.

"The Alliance of Lordaeron" has come to an end, Carlos, as the former marshal, has begun to consider how to form the alliance that exists in memory.

It's a pity that the "Sovereign King" at this time is still a reckless tyrant, a complete political novice, except for the vision and respect for Terenas, he has no political skills.

At this time, the Stormwind Kingdom really talked about national strength, and I was afraid it was not the Alterac who had fought with the Black Dragon Legion.

Carlos's previous strategy has had a tangible effect. The secret plan of hiding his deeds broke out, and he first stabilized his basic disk before showing his sense of existence. The benefits of doing so were obviously stronger than asking the old father-in-law for help to determine his identity through the alliance.

At least Carlos's strong blockade of the northern border, few people dared to force him in front of him.

When the envoys passed by Alterac City, they were all shocked by the brutal war wounds.

As time goes by, the real battle situation in Alterac has gradually spread, and the gossip circulating in the market is no longer all lace Eight Trigrams.

Although there was sympathy for the great disasters suffered by the Alterac people, people talked more about how powerful the Knight King was.

The dilapidated Alterac City is not a good place to meet the envoys, Carlos also deliberately delayed this meeting. But in order to understand the truth, the envoys did not mind staying in Alterac City.

This gave Carlos plenty of time to meet his wife and children.

Guy Erdalon Lake Fortress, still the taste of home.

It's just that when politics is mixed into marriage, the king of Alterac doesn't know how to face his queen.

But when Galiya gave the command of the Anhador Guard to herself without reservation, Carlos understood that her little wife was still the one in his memory.

It's just that the little kid with eyebrows and nose beside her is really an eyebrow.

"Big Brother!"

Wilton Alex, who was already fat to a ball, interrupted the affectionate look between the husband and wife, put his arms around Carlos's waist, and told him how much he missed his eldest brother with his nose and tears.

Fortunately, to dilute the previous embarrassment, Carlos comforted his brother, and then changed to a more private place to talk with Jia Liya.

If there are few people, if you admire your parents, if you know lust, you adore Shaoai.

Although Galiya was an orthodox princess cultivated by the Menethil family, she was somewhat out of balance about marrying Carlos.

Because Carlos is a real hero, and he...

In ten years, Jia Liya has changed from a little girl to a light mature woman, and the looming hint of her father is no longer the ignorant and ignorant of the year. Especially after having a child, the mother's strength has supported her in battle.

But when her missing husband returned safely, Jia Liya finally put down the burden on her shoulders in the past ten years and sold her "loyal" to her soldiers for the first time.

This was also part of the original marriage contract. The lord of Anjador was Galiya, not Carlos, so the soldiers guarding Anjador were the nominal masters of Galiya. A few years after Carlos disappeared, Terenas step by step, through legal means, essentially regained control of the important place of Anjador.

After regaining control of Anjador, the fish bones between Carlos and Galiya were also indigestible.

It's a pity that there is no time to be gentle, and the silly boy who is eager to show his own existence is prepared to question his father why he has not returned home for so many years.

"What's your name?"

Carlos asked.

The boy turned his head without answering.

"Because you were not there when the child was born. It was the name given by the father, Alphonse Barov."

Jia Liya hurriedly finished the game.

"I don't like this name."

Carlos thought for a while, and said a very clear subtext.

"My name, why don't you like it, it has been missing for so many years, what right do you have to control me?"

The boy suddenly broke out in emotion and cried out in tears.

"Just rely on me as your father."

Carlos not only didn't feel guilty, but wanted to laugh instead.

I don’t understand the principle of having a dutiful son under a stick, son, Dad is very disappointed with you.

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