Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 584 Un'Goro belongs to the Titans

This world needs heroes.

Because the end is coming.

This race needs heroes.

Because the suffering is coming.

Azeroth needs heroes.

Because it's all taken up.

However, as the nominal master of half of Azeroth, the Alliance of Lordaeron is still immersed in false glory.

Carlos was very anxious.

It was delayed for nearly a month to receive envoys from various countries, and Alterac's ruler had finally completed the initial cleansing.

The results were shocking.

In the days when he left, the Barov family was not overthrown, and he really lost his old father-in-law.

It was precisely because Terenas had ideas about Alterac's inheritance rights, and under the external repression of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Grand Duke Alex Barov was able to suppress the domestic situation with difficulty.

The reason is simple, the collapse of the "main nation".

The origins of the kingdoms of Lordaeron are the Arathor Empire. For a long time, humans in the Eastern Kingdoms did not have "nations". The lord's management of the residents in the territory is also simple. You pay taxes and I protect you.

However, the arrival of the tribe and Lothar's compromise gave all Lordaeron aristocrats a clear signal-the Arathor Empire has died.

Even Varian Wrynn relied on the support of the Alliance of Lordaeron to restore his country. As the orthodox successor of the Arathor Empire, the Kingdom of Stormwind was maintained by the support of his former ministers. What does this mean?

The princes and generals are kind of like Ning!

Although no one yelled this sentence, all the nobles who were qualified to aspire had such thoughts in their hearts.

Otherwise, why did Gilneas withdraw from the alliance?

Otherwise, why did Gene Greymane start to repair the wall with a huge loss of reputation?

Otherwise, why did Thoras Trollbane die bizarrely?

Alterac was originally one of the weakest of the seven nations, except for Alterac's easy-to-defend and difficult terrain, its true strength was not even as good as the trade-based Kul Tiras.

With the addition of the land controlled by the Barov family, the population of the entire country is only 200 to 300,000 people.

The typical occupancy of the mountain is king.

It was Carlos who took advantage of the suffering caused by the orcs and his position within the alliance to accommodate a large number of refugees after Carlos took the place, and now Alterac has the grand occasion of 800,000 taxpayers.

But please note that the nominal "old Alterac people" are not counted as war damages, only more than 200,000 people.

After the influx of a large number of new immigrants, the intensification of domestic conflicts is just a matter of course.

With the recovery of the Hillblad area and the development of Anjador, Alterac's domestic production has resumed smoothly, and the national power has become stronger due to the influx of large numbers of people. At the same time, more complicated politics have come with it. Appeal.

Even the Kingdom of Lordaeron, with such a strong national power, with a population of close to 3 million, has a standing military strength of less than 50,000. Alterac has maintained a national army of more than 100,000 since the war.

One of the important reasons for this is that they dare not disband the army.

Not only was there a fear that people would cause chaos without the suppression of the army, but also because of the fear that those soldiers would also cause chaos after the army was disbanded.

Therefore, when other countries talk about Alterac, they have ridiculed that Alterac people really love cleanliness, and they must "cleanse" every once in a while.

Carlos didn't care about the cold words, but was shocked by the results of the cleaning.

In the days when he was away, Alterac had become a garbage dump, and there were all kinds of Gyūki snake gods.

A small Alterac city, the light warlock confiscated more than a thousand.


Relying on the fame of the first killer, the legendary hero Carlos Barov relied on his fame to deter domestic changes.

This is very good. The fierce battle in Alterac city has shocked the inadequate guys, and the banner of the high elves has bluffed foreign black hands.

After determining his basic set, Carlos finally received envoys from various countries.

It's nothing more than expressing your concern, condolences to the king of cards, sorrowing deeply, I wonder if you have done too much.

Although I really want to slap the table, stare and shout "You want to teach me how to be a king"?

But considering his highly respected personality, Carlos still resisted such an impulse, one by one warmly speaking, explaining the great threat of the "cursed sect".

Only Jaina acted as the wonderful work of the envoy. The first sentence of the meeting, "You really are not dead!", made Carlos want to punch someone.

Loli, who worshipped money back then, has grown into a eldest girl. Unfortunately, Jaina, who looks old at the age of three, has an out-of-character Jaina, even if she has experienced the blow of her "lost love", she still doesn't have a long memory.

In other words, it was very good for Carlos' senses. Jaina had forgotten her status as an envoy and went directly into the small chat mode.

While listening to Carlos boasting about her legendary experience, Jaina also revealed to Carlos many fortunes that belonged to the upper-class nobles.

The future "Queen of Lordaeron" had no political consciousness at all and sold Terenas unknowingly.

From Jaina's description, Carlos sensed the ambition of the old father-in-law.

He really wanted to reproduce the flourishing age of the Arathor Empire in Alsace's generation.

It spares no effort to support the Kingdom of Stormwind and suppress and win over all countries. The former Alliance of Lordaeron was an alliance of the continent of Lordaeron, while the current Alliance of Lordaeron is an alliance of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

In ten years, the explosive growth of human population has far exceeded the scale before the war. With the marginalization of Stromgarde and Gilneas, the Kingdom of Lordaeron has become a beacon of freedom and hope.

But the alliance has changed from a military organization to the "United Nations" in memory, to a tea party for veteran officials.

This is embarrassing.

Meeting the envoy is just a small wave before the storm.

Carlos's status in the arena is too high. Although the lost "ten years" made him lose control of the situation, he was also deified due to the need for political correctness. Now that a living "god" returns to the world, even if he wants to deal with him, he must first lay Carlos off the altar.

So Carlos still has time.

After sending off the envoys of various countries, Jaina also returned to Dalaran by boat with Guy Elsa.

During the short vacuum period, no one would react to Alterac, and Carlos embarked on a major construction project impatiently.

Kel'Thuzad had returned to Lordaeron from Northrend, but under Modra's close watch, he did not reveal any flaws.

Carlos didn't know what Ner'zhul's plan was, and if he followed other people's path, he would be hammered into a dog's head sooner or later.

As the old saying goes, don’t be a licking dog, you will only have nothing at the end of the lick.

There is only one thing Carlos wants to do most at the moment --- reopen the dark door.

He wants to take his former comrades back home, wants to talk about life with Velen, and even if conditions permit, he wants to kidnap the Mag'har orcs to Azeroth.

Isn't Paladin Garrosh a great choice?

Medivh's return gave Carlos the possibility of turning adultery into reality.

Among the knowledge gifted by the Astral Master, the most important one is the introduction to the "world gate".

That is Titan's teleportation device.

Using the gate, Carlos can complete this seemingly impossible operation at a very low cost.

So you must get online with the night elves as soon as possible.

It's time to pull the savior race into the arena.

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