Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 586 What is the most expensive in 8102

Next, please draw the key points (knock on the blackboard).

How to explain the exclusive term "dead natural disaster"?

The answer is undead creatures and natural disasters.

Undead natural disasters, what is truly terrifying is the powerful recovery ability of the Undead Undead Legion to kill 1,000 enemies and increase by three hundred, and the incurable natural disasters and diseases.

Kil'jaeden has been in the stars for many years, and it is definitely not the first time he has dealt with such things as the ancient gods.

Unlike the Titans, who are throwing rodents, the Burning Legion said that if you kill your family, you will kill your family, and the rats will not be spared.

Under this kind of guiding ideology, it is not difficult to understand that what the Scourge really wants to clean up is definitely not humans, or the natives of Azeroth, but the ancient gods and their minions.

What is the most terrifying thing about the ancient gods?

It's not their army of creation, or their shape that loses SAN value, but their corruption and devouring ability and spiritual pollution.

The undead army has no brains at all, and can't think, perfectly avoiding the broken thoughts of the ancient gods.

Natural disasters and epidemics can pollute even the earth. It is true that there is feces on the ground, and the feces are poisonous. Do you the ancient gods come and have a bite to try?

Extinction of mankind is nothing more than easy, completely burning Azeroth is what Kil'jaeden wants to do.

The ancient gods accidentally blocked the way of the legion, nothing more.

So can the ancient gods really have to wait to die?

How could it be possible that being old and not dying is a thief, Jiang is an old spicy thief is an old slippery, the ancient god is a veritable old thief.

Even if N'Zoth, C'Thun, and Yogsalon were incompetent, they were surprisingly united when faced with the threat of the Burning Legion.

Blessing Neltharion, bewitching Ner'zhul against the water, and even helping the Alliance fight against the Legion, it is a matter of life and death that the ancient gods are good friends of mankind.

After careful consideration, Carlos realized that he really needed a Demon King, ah, slur, the Lich King.

Because the undead is indeed a weapon against the ancient gods.

However, the outbreak of undead natural disasters must not be condoned, especially the ravages of natural disasters and diseases.

Arthas had already beheaded Kel'Thuzad's body, and now Kel'Thuzad should be in the state of grandfather in the ring and was brainwashing Arthas. After losing the shackles of the flesh, Kel'Thuzad finally realized the true meaning of life-the living will eventually die, but the dead will not.

The curse of the gods began to break out.

Even if Carlos had the advantage of intelligence, he was a step late due to the sanctions and blockade of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Silga had been poached by Kel'Thuzad.

Hilgai Ravendre, a stranger among the mages of Dalaran, when other mages are obsessed with arcane energy and elemental summons, he is only interested in poisons, microbes, and modified animals. If it weren't for his extremely talented curse-type black magic, Dalaran, who is scarce of relevant talents, would have been black hands long ago. Hilge knew this well, but he couldn't resist. "Arcane magic is powerful, but what else can he do when the magician consumes all his magic power? Poison is different. It can work anytime, anywhere, and only the stupid Kirin Tor Council Will treat it as heresy.” Although the council has no excuse to restrict Hill Gai’s research, secretly they still set up various obstacles to Hill Gai’s research. So when Kel'Thuzad showed Shirgay what is called the poisonous knife of justice and the well-equipped biochemical laboratory, Shirgai knelt down on the Lich King.

Regarding the development of the pan of plague, and the one-handed promotion of the natural disaster and plague raging Shirgai, Carlos of course chose to win him over.

It's a pity that Modera is doing things...

So when the news of Silguet's disappearance came, Carlos speeded up his actions.

Things are still turning around.

I have Admiral Noth to kill Hill Gai!

North Abraham, a bad guy in the wizarding world, a noble lord with an explosive reputation, an officially certified Summoning master, and a genius pharmacist.

Many people only know about North’s soul studies, but they don’t know that he is actually the owner of the largest pharmacy workshop in Dalaran.

The life tragedy of the middle-aged gold-rich North is that he met the black widow Farina and was dragged into the pit of the Scourge.

However, because of Carlos's relationship, Farina in this world has not yet completely fallen into the abyss of desire, because the youthful beauty she desires is not only given by the shadows.

Holy light can too.

Relying on her dead husband, Farina has amazing wealth.

Relying on Carlos's relationship, Farina successfully entered the "true" upper class.

Sorry, rich and powerful can really do whatever they want.

Relying on the money, fearing that there is no shadow magic, Farina still maintains youth and beauty, which makes Kel'Thuzad's bargaining chip to lure her slightly insufficient.

At least when Silga had fallen to the Scourge, North was still hesitating.

Carlos decided to rob people.

So he advanced his trip to Lordaeron.

Because of Carlos's obstruction, the expansion of the curse of the gods was greatly affected.

Sorry, in terms of force, the Paladin is stronger.

However, through the skin of political struggle, many guys who have joined the cursed cult in anticipation of the gift of "immortality" began to set obstacles to Carlos. This is how Lordaeron's sanctions against Alterac were.

Because Tirion Fording has not resolved the case, it is difficult to take it out at the moment, so Carlos had to ask Saidan Dathrohan to take care of his wife and children along the way, while he pretended to be a little bit of a disguise, and prepared to rush to Lordaeron a few days in advance. City, so I can make a time difference.

The departure of the Alterac envoy to visit relatives attracted the attention of many people.

In the current land of Lordaeron, in the calm appearance, the biggest highlight is the fighting method between Terenas and Carlos Ong.

As an excuse for Jia Liya to take her children home to see her grandfather, many people regard this incident as a major event affecting the political situation of the future alliance.

With such an eye-catching title, Carlos succeeded in playing the dark under the light.

Before passing Brill, he quietly left the large army, and took several people with his trusted followers to enter the city of Lordaeron.

However, the envoys were attacked before they could get out of three miles.

"Your Majesty, we?"

"Believe in your comrades."

Carlos hesitated for a moment, and decided to believe in Saidan Dathrohan.

So he left without looking back.

Carlos, who took over Medivh’s magical heritage, got the support of Modra. Because of preparations in advance, Kel'Thuzad's basic set was much smaller than the original. Even with the support of Ner'zhul, the development of the Cult of the Curse is much slower than other timelines.

Lordaeron at this time has not yet become a playground for demons and monsters.

After entering Lordaeron, Carlos sat on the carriage and looked at the bustling city at night through the window, with a strange feeling in his heart.

The carriage was prepared by Modra, and Carlos was not familiar with the emblem on the carriage. It should be a new nobleman.

But it did work. The guards patrolling along the way chose to ignore the carriage, and in the middle of the night, Carlos rushed to Farina's residence.

Carlos could smell the strong shadow of shadow even without the use of investigative magic.

Oh, what a coincidence, robbing someone in front of me?

Carlos ordered the guard serving as the coachman to push the carriage to a concealed position, and then led his brothers over the wall to enter.

The talent I value, North’s wife is my former lover, Kel'Thuzad, I treat you as a brother but you want to steal my brother-in-law?

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