Regardless of whether it is a man, a ghost, a god or a devil, as long as there are real individuals, there must be a fact.

In other words, it can be the truth.

That is the ability of "people", there are limits.

It sounds nonsense, but when something happens, it is really helpless and sad.

When Carlos left Lordaeron, his mood was heavy and complicated.

He alone cannot save Azeroth.

Sargeras did not have the courage to face him.

Archimonde can't really beat him.

Kil'jaeden's arrogance was incapable of him.

Even if you have the power to stand on the pinnacle of mankind, how can you show off your incompetent rage in front of your compatriots?

Is it that hard to do something?

Sorry, it is so difficult.

It is not difficult, how can Deathwing despair to extinction.

Not difficult, why did Nozdormu Blacken become eternal.

It's not difficult, how could Azeroth suffer so many disasters.

As the most brilliant pearl of human society, Lordaeron's future has cast a huge shadow.

This is the pain of the Prophet, and Carlos clearly understands that he does not have that power.

The power of the Lich King Ner'zhul is too weird. It has lost the shackles of the body. Its spiritual power tends to be infinite under the blessing of the Ice Throne. As long as it concentrates, any place in Azeroth will be Under its watch.

Azeroth has no secrets about it.

Perhaps Titan’s secret base, such as Ulduar, may have a defense mechanism that can block the Lich King’s peeping, but what meaning does this have for humans.

Carlos didn't want to save Alsace's fate, but he didn't have this kind of power, let alone this position.

Without the help of Tichondrius and the layers of Ner'zhul's design, Arthas would have become a great king who ruled the country with power and wisdom as his father expected.

Because although Alsace's heart is full of various small entanglements, he is essentially a good person who believes in light and kindness.

It is a pity that the road is his own choice, Carlos can interfere with Alsace, but there is no reason to do so.

He needed time, and needed Ner'zhul to devote a lot of attention to Arthas.

Only in this way can Carlos become a winner in this disparity in cost.

Just like the landlord, the Burning Legion is holding Wang Zhan in his hand, and Ner'zhul is holding four twos. How can Carlos win?

Only lift the table.

Forcibly intervening in Lordaeron's affairs can only allow the Burning Legion and the ancient gods to set themselves as the primary elimination target.

Without the apple on his own chessboard, Azeroth would only usher in destruction as the bronze dragon witnessed, sooner or later.

He needs the wisdom of Velen, the legacy of Tyre, the comrades who are trapped in Draenor, and the unity of all forces that can be united to change the established destiny.

So Carlos left Lordaeron silently in compromise and concession.

Saving the world has never been a matter of the savior alone. Carlos can only expect that Arthas can stick to his will and support him until his return.

Without the interest of riding a horse, Carlos and his wife sat quietly in the carriage, but his son Alphons was riding on the pure white pony presented by his uncle, happily unable to himself.

Farina was left in Lordaeron by Carlos and ordered her to watch closely the curse of the church.

It was just a duckweed-like woman. Before his authority collapsed, Carlos did not doubt the loyalty of Farina, because at this stage Ner'zhul's bargaining chips were not enough. Kel'Thuzad could open up the bargaining chips, Carlos Give it the same. Familiar, not raw, Falena will not turn around before Carlos falls.

And North, after Summoning Stoumka. The Destroyer traced the life of Emperor Thoradin, he relentlessly accepted the leadership of Carlos and returned to Dalaran to devote himself to the work of fighting the undead plague. He is a good person, who really cares about other people's bad guys. He was so touched by the self-sacrificing mind of Thoradin and Carlos, he even volunteered to donate his property.

Alchemy really came from TMD, Carlos was shocked by North's net worth, that could serve as a huge sum of Alterac's military expenditure for two years!

Dead profiteer, big dog...

The negotiation of pardoning Tirion Fording did not go smoothly. The old father-in-law Terenas made it clear that it was an internal matter of the Knights of the Silver Hand and he would not interfere too much. However, Uther stubbornly believed that Tirion took the blame. At that time, he had already covered that as long as Fording confessed the crime and confessed to Eitrigg, everyone would be treated as if nothing happened. However, in order to uphold the justice in his heart, Tirion Fording still chose to part ways with his former comrades in arms. He could not pardon Tirion Fording, which would greatly shake the faith of the Silver Hand.

This is also an incomprehensible thing, because Carlos also believes that Uther has done nothing wrong.

Because justice is also divided into camps, Tirion Fording's choice is in line with his justice, but it goes against his camp.

Carlos recognized Tirion Fording's choice, but could not ignore the facts to obliterate his betrayal.

Things froze there temporarily.

However, sending someone to send an invitation letter to Tyran Fording's mother is still within Carlos's ability.

I believe that any child who dreams of becoming a Paladin will not refuse Carlos Barov’s invitation to test.

This is the best effort Carlos can do for Tirion Fording without violating the moral law-to reunite their father and son.

It was precisely because of this incident that Carlos did not choose to take the waterway and return to Alterac via Dalaran by boat, but chose the route eastward through Hearthglen to return home.

On the way, I ran into an old friend who was going to Lordaeron to find him, Swain.

Even without considering the ten years that Carlos lost, he and Swain are considered to be reunited after a long time.

However, after a warm hug, Sven brought him heavy news, a letter, and a large bag of broken iron.

Carlos was in a complex mood holding the letter from his former head of the guard, watching Sven open a backpack of dagger Short Sword in front of him, full of melancholy.

Carlos has the complex emotion of "Although you are still a fool if you smoke and burn your head with tattoos, but Dad loves you", Carlos has the complex emotions of cultivating the chief guard who eventually "betrayed" for women.

In the end, letting the chief guard leave instead of sending someone to kill him, Carlos was already soft-hearted.

But when he learned that the head of the bodyguard had died in love for Natalie Sellin, Carlos still had the urge to be angry.

However, this sentiment was quickly lost by Swain.

"The guy said that the dagger in his hand was the key to Natalie's murder. It was an evil magic blade, but when I went, he didn't have a dagger in his hand. I didn't know what was going on, so I just looked at the scene. Everything that looked like a dagger was taken away."

Sven nodded in satisfaction with his wit.

"So you carried this backpack from Stormwind all the way north to Lordaeron?"

Carlos stretched out his hand and weighed it, fearing that it might not be close to two hundred jin.

Aha, Sven, you are so awesome!

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