The truth is a bit hurtful, that is, Carlos has been missing for five days without causing any major disturbances.

Looking back with a smile, Bai Meisheng, from then on -Kun Wang did not come back early.

Dandema used the morning light as a shield, and Carlos's men actually believed in the fact that Carlos couldn't get out of the bed and couldn't get out of the tent as an excuse for the crazy black buddies.

I really believe it.

Believe it.

Although I understand, I still feel uncomfortable.

Carlos upper person syndrome has an onset, which is uncomfortable.

"You are not going well, don't let other people get angry."

Dan Dema now doesn't eat Carlos's food, is completely immune to this anger, and decisively dismantles his careful thoughts.

"Well, it's not going well."

Playing around is playing around, Carlos doesn't really want to go crazy.

The journey to the gate has come to an end for a while, and now it's time to fully attack Ere'Thalas.

On the continent of Lordaeron, Ner'zhul's plan progressed much slower than expected because of Carlos's frantic revenge against the cursed sect. A large number of upper-level figures in the alliance who were drawn by corrosion were forced to enter a dormant state.

This gave Carlos more operating time.

Good, not good.

Therefore, Carlos hopes to recruit a group of "unplanned" personnel with clear butt positions from Ere'Thalas. Otherwise, for the Alliance of Lordaeron, which has been infiltrated into a sieve, self-examination and self-correction is not "who is in the house" Sue the official" joke.

Carlos really didn't take the "legacy" of the upper elf seriously.

The most important resource is always people. In Carlos's view, Tosidlin's biggest problem is to fall into a management dilemma similar to the Thucydides trap.

Common routines in the wizarding world.

In a city or country, only the strong can protect the people, and the people blindly rely on their rulers, and finally fall into the blind obedience of giving up thinking.

Ere'Thalas regards the newly born Darnassus as a challenger. The upper elves are unwilling to compromise with the former civilian class. The dispute between arcane magic and the Druid's way seems to be due to the abuse of the power of the Well of Eternity. Will usher in the coveting of the Burning Legion. But the reality is whether it is used or not, Azeroth has actually been targeted by the Burning Legion.

I don't want to solve the problem from the root cause, and simply rely on inertial thinking. This is the essential reason for the decline of the upper elf magical civilization.

What habitual thinking?

Losing the connection with the Well of Eternity, Dasmarei Sunstrider found a suitable magic node in Quel'Thalas and rebuilt a solar well. Tosidlin chose to use the devil as the source of magic power, relying on suction.

Although knowing that using the eyes of a prophet to criticize the upper elves from the height of history is actually a shameless behavior, Carlos still believes that the upper elves do not want to make progress.

Times are different, and it’s a fact that the upper elves have lost contact with the Well of Eternity.

Can't walk out of the past glory and talk about the great revival.

At this point, Malfurion did a lot better than the Highborne.

What Carlos wants to recruit is a helper, not an uncle.

In fact, he didn't want any of those great arcanists.

Instead, he really cares about the potential civilians who consume less demon energy.

The Holy Light can definitely alleviate the symptoms of magic addiction, which is confirmed by the appearance of the blood paladin.

Although there is no blood paladin right now...

However, the upper elves who have been absorbing the magic of the devil for a long time are affected by the magic of the void, and in fact they have tended to chaos in subtle ways.

Power is inclined, and the Holy Light only saves the predestined.

The elves who blindly recruited Ere'Thalas would only be as Cenarius said, and the gains outweighed the losses.

Carlos must have a clear plan before the start of the action, and this is the reason why he can't chew too much.

Azeroth is not only humans who have the final say, it is even more stupid to break the diplomatic relationship between the high-level elves and the night elves.

Carlos repeatedly communicated with Dandema and Chenguang, and already had a general plan in his mind.

Ten days have passed since Cenarius' promise, and the first tauren had arrived in Feralas.

Really high TMD, really Fuck strong.

Carlos's first reaction to seeing the tauren was not solicitation, but doubt.

How did this powerful Fuck race get chased by centaur crazily?

Then, the tauren answered Carlos's confusion.

Because of magic.

Deviation of the world line.

In the world line chosen by the bronze dragon, Hamuul. Rune Totem reached the time when Archimonde’s seamounts travelled at the speed of light. Because of his achievements in the war, he was favored by Malfurion and taught him the Druid’s. road.

In other words, Hamuul Rune Totem is actually a student of Malfurion Stormrage.

But in Carlos' world, the situation is a little different.

It was not Malfurion who taught Hamu the Druid's way, it was Cenarius.

Hamuul Runetotem is Malfurion Stormrage's junior.

The reason for this difference lies in Maraudon.

The centaur’s life experience is not complicated. Cenarius’s child Zalta fell in love with the earth princess Celedes, the child of the same demigod, and their offspring are naturally strong.

This is how the Centaur was born.

The centaur, possessing all kinds of extraordinary powers, carries the innate wildness and anger of the combination of nature and the earth.

The part of the power inherited from the grandfather Cenarius makes the centaur rebound with damage similar to the halo of thorns, and has a natural affinity; the elemental power inherited from the grandmother Seratheon makes the centaur have hardened skin and can use shadows. strength.

Centaur is good at hand-to-hand combat and bow and arrow shooting, can domesticate beasts, and has a caster.

As a product of the combination of God's Second Generation, unlike Carlos's belief, the centaur of Azeroth is a proper and rich Second Generation race.

But it also confirms the old saying.

If you don't die, you won't die, NOZUONODIEWHYYOUCRY.

Centaur is a natural and powerful race, and it is also a natural brain pump.

Because they believed that the father Zalta was still the mother Celedes, they were in conflict and split.

Do you dare to believe it?

Because this group is split...

Zalta and Celedes are true love, but the centaur who believes in Celedes killed his father Zalta.

When he was young, Hamuul once fought Guyen and Magatha against the tyranny of the Centaur in Desolate Land.

That's right, Guy En of the Bloodhoof clan, Magatha of Grimtotem, plus Hamuul of Runetotem, they are old acquaintances, and even childhood playmates.

Then of course it failed.

The tauren is not an opponent of the centaur.

While fleeing, Hamuul strayed into the holy centaur, Maraudon.

Sneak all the way...Don't ask me why the tauren sneaks, it is better to question why Thrall can wear plate armor to discuss this.

Sneaking all the way, Hamuul saw the soul of Zalta who wandered in Maraudon and did not want to leave.

Zalta's soul probably thought that Hamuul's bones were wonderful, so he asked him.

Then, with the help of the Soul of Zalta, Hamuul escaped from Maraudon without any risk, and then straddled half of the continent of Kalimdor from the Desolate Land and finally arrived at the Poplar Valley. , And finally met Cenarius.

Hearing the news of Zalta's death, Cenarius was furious and withdrew his blessing to the centaur on the spot.

Cenarius appreciated Hamuul's actions very much, and asked the young tauren what reward he wanted.

Hamuul knelt down decisively.

"Coach, I want to be a druid!"

Thus, the rune totem rose.

Without that part of Cenarius' blessing, the centaur was only weakened.

But when the tauren also had a druid, times changed.

The centaur that once hunted the tauren from the Desolate to the Barrens, when encountering Hamuul's rune totem, the hunter became a prey.

Tauren is never meat!

This is the story of NTR hero Hamuul Runetotem.

Carlos looked forward to meeting Hamuul after simply entertaining the tauren who came first.

This is a fierce bull.

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