Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 626 The ancestor is called a ghost!

The polymath Kildas was worthy of his title of polymath. After a brief consternation, he quickly accepted the reality and began to analyze the situation.

Where are Prince Torsedrin and Syndra under him?

Where are my three polymath colleagues?

Excluding all the impossible, the conclusion obtained is the final truth even if it is absurd.

"They are right here."

Kildas said confidently.

"His Majesty Carlos, I need a little time to prepare."

"Yes, as long as you are happy."

Carlos nodded indifferently, and watched the busy running of Kildas and his apprentices, and then casually strolled around the Royal Library, which was almost an outing.

Kildas's efficiency was unexpected by Carlos. Carlos was eating lunch and reading a book, and the polymath had already discovered something.

"I found it, I found Prince Torsedrin!"


Carlos loosened the book and put down the food and stood up, holding the handle of the knife tightly.


Kildas, panting, seemed to rush all the way, and it took him a while to calm his breath.

During this time, Carlos also thought about something wrong.

"His Royal Highness Prince Torsedlin has entered the soul world."


Carlos is a little unsure.

"Everyone, Your Royal Highness, Syndra, the high-level elves in the Royal Library, they have always been here. But they are not on the same plane as us. I used magic to explore and finally found the traces, which I can be sure. Prince Torsedrin brought everyone into the soul world. The closed barrier that enveloped the Royal Library was not simply to prevent outsiders from entering. Damn it, I didn't even see it."

"Is there a more simple and understandable explanation?"

Carlos was able to read the Elf classics smoothly and could understand every word that Kildas said, but when combined, he felt confused.

"Essence, or ghost."

The polymath is worthy of being a polymath, and he points out the key points all at once.

The muscles behind Carlos tightened for a moment, and there was a chill.

"Remove people first?"

After consulting Kildas's opinion, Carlos has already begun to consider the issue of leaving.

Because he remembered a conversation with Dan Dema not long ago.

"Dandema, you see, the upper elves of Errethalas are said to be the upper elves, but they are actually worthy of the title of the upper elves. I am afraid there are only a few hundred people. The rest are civilians similar to yours. . Why didn't Darnassus consider including them?"

"Because they have deviated from the way of nature."

"Malfurion is so overbearing? Four thousand years ago, he forced Dasmare. Sunstrider away, but now he is isolated because Erezalas did not believe in the teachings of druids?"

"Wait, how do I feel that there is a very subtle misalignment between your and my cognition? Let me think about what's wrong."

"You think about it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

"Ah, I think I understand."

"you say."

"The way of nature I'm talking about is not the way of druids."


"Have you heard that after the death of our night elves, our souls will turn into elves and return to nature."

"Yeah, um, Dandema, show me your death."

"Fuck off, don't want to hear me go."

"Don't don't don't, you say, you say, I won't interrupt anymore."

"We night elves were born in nature and grow longer than nature. After death, our souls return to nature. That's why we are called children of nature. This cycle is the most obvious way of nature. But at the end of the Kaldorei Empire, some high-level elves have begun to deviate. After the way of nature, they began to pursue immortality. Don’t look at me like that. We, the night elves, reflect on the tragedy that year. It’s not that Malfurion fights aliens. Look, Ten Thousand Years. The Druid’s Way began to rise earlier, but the Sunstriders and their followers did not begin to exile themselves until four thousand years ago. Malfurion did not publicly target the Highborne, after all, the Stormrage family itself is the Highborne Tyrande is not a populace because of her background, and a true populace can’t be Elune’s priestess.”

"Wow, this is really hard, you go on."

"Dathrema's departure is not so much the result of a struggle between the way of the druids and arcane magic, but the result of a struggle for power. The War of the Ancients was fought too hard, and the foundation of the Kaldorei Empire was shattered. , The former aristocratic lords wanted to continue the rule of the imperial period, and they encountered a serious counterattack. The people did not want another Queen Azshara to appear. This is the truth about the departure of the Sunstrider's high-level elves. Malfurion is a man. Good man, there is no need to question this."

"The Sun King... was taught, taught, what about El'Thalas?"

"Didn't I tell you, they rejected the way of nature."

"Didn't I say that I don't understand."

"You didn't say."

"I... I said it now!"

"Magic is very evil. After death, the high-level elves of Elthalas either dissipate in the heavens and the earth, or turn into ghosts in an attempt to transform their life forms and continue to be immortal. In fact, many of our night elves die and become ghosts, most of them are A particularly powerful obsession will happen. It’s not uncommon to have a single case. Many classic love stories have a beginning or ending like this. It’s not uncommon. But openly treating this kind of thing as a race policy means not treating yourself as yourself. Look at it."

"I seem to understand a little bit."

"In the past two thousand years, the climate has changed very rapidly. After the new generation came of age, they even privately shouted the slogan that the high elves were not night elves. It directly denied the fact that the high elves and the high elves were our compatriots. They even said that they did. To counterattack, count the fierce remarks of our old things."

"Sure enough, there is no peace anywhere. Without you to help me, I still treat your night elves as peaceful and peaceful. Only we humans can intrigue."

"Ha ha."

"Hahahahaha, cheers."


At that time, his attention was focused on the dark history of the night elves. Carlos didn't pay much attention to this natural way. Thinking about it now, I am afraid that there is an article in it.

"how do you want to do it?"

Carlos didn't show his ignorance more. For professional projects, it is better to consult professional talents.

"It's very troublesome. The world of the soul and the real world are completely two concepts. Prince Torsedrin gets into it first, and I can do even less."

Kildas shook his head worriedly.

"According to our agreement, you are responsible for taking me to Torsedrin, and I am responsible for solving him. Then, can I think..."

Carlos laughed something that was not a thing, but he was very happy.

"Although I don't know what His Majesty Prince Torsedlin did, I know his ultimate goal."

Kildas' tone was indescribably tired.

"Oh, I would like to hear the details."

"Re-communication to the Well of Eternity."

Carlos couldn't laugh.

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