What did the pangolin say! ! !

Carlos really wanted to withdraw. The situation was too weird and beyond his understanding.

The memory of the previous life gave Carlos the same sense of superiority as the prophet, and he could gain a great advantage through the asymmetry of intelligence.

But the current Ere'Thalas, the Prince Tosedrin who is completely incompatible with memory, finally made Carlos understand one thing-he is not a wise man who can feed on his intellect, and he can't hum lightly. A cry of mortal wisdom.

"This is not a problem we can solve. Call it reinforcements."

Carlos finally made a decision.


Dan Dema asked suspiciously.

However, Carlos turned his head and said to Hamuul Runetotem.

"Seek help from Cenarius. The situation here cannot be left alone, but blind actions may lead to serious consequences."

"Well, a wise decision, I will immediately notify the tutor."

As a result, before Hamuul turned around, Carlos' guards hurried over.

"Your Majesty, it's not good, your Majesty, the entrance, the entrance is closed!"

What? !

The previous entrance to the Royal Library was the breach made by the polymath Kildas on the outer wall after the violent method of Prince Tosedrin’s closure method.

After receiving the report from the guards, Carlos asked Hamuul to analyze the magic ritual of Kildas on the spot, and he and Dandema quickly returned to check the situation.

very bad……

The wall fan that had been destroyed by violence was restored, and Torsedrin's enclosed magic once again took effect. Carlos used the Starburst Abandonment Healing Station, a move that was close to incompetent rage, and could not destroy a single star.

Oh, it's over.

"Maybe we can try to destroy the door from the inside."

Dan Dema suggested.

"Although I think this suggestion is stupid, it is worth a try."

Carlos walked three hundred and sixty-five steps with his teeth, turned to the front entrance of the Royal Library, and starburst again...


"It may also be that you are tired..."

Dan Dema looked at Carlos, who was trying to output fruitlessly, comforted, but got a look that you really are an idiot.

"Go back and see what Hamuul has researched."

"Don't try the windows?"

Dan Dema asked unwillingly.

"First of all, calm down, man, your state is not right, this is not the Dan Dema I know. Secondly, apart from searching, have you really cared about this place these days? The closed magic of the Royal Library is one-piece. Window, you hit the magic enchantment with one head, do you want to try it?"

Carlos calmed his breath and opened the channel.

"Sorry, Carlos, the Battle of Black Rook... I, it was too miserable, give me some time and I will be back to normal."

Carlos nodded, then patted Dandema on the shoulder.

This explanation is reasonable and reasonable. Whether it is Dandema's emotional recollection of the tragic situation of the year or pure fear of ghosts, at least Carlos's doubts have been dispelled.

After returning from the same way, Carlos happened to see Hamuul Runetotem lying on the ground, pouting his big ass and carefully observing the ground, and the cow's tail was swept away.

"Hamuel, do you see anything?"

"Please keep quiet for the time being, my friend, give me a little more time, a little time, a little, a little..."

"Not quite right."

The moment Carlos turned his face to speak to Dandema, Hamuul disappeared under Carlos's nose.

"Damn it!"

Carlos yelled and rushed to the place where Hamuul disappeared, trying to see what the tauren was looking at just now, but Dan Dema pulled him from the ground.

"What's wrong?"

Carlos asked.

"I remember, this uneasy feeling!"

There was an epiphany look on Dandema's face.

"Don't stop, mirror..."

Before he finished speaking, Dandema disappeared in front of Carlos in an instant.

This is not magic!

Even Medivh and even Adal's teleportation spells cannot be so powerful as to be so silent.

Without any magical fluctuations, Dan Dema disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

Don't stop...

Carlos immediately moved quickly with small steps, and ordered the other soldiers who had already pulled out their blades to guard because of the unexpected situation to move, even if it seemed very stupid.

However, it was a step too late.

The soldiers also disappeared from Carlos's vision.

Mirror, what does mirror mean?

Carlos forced himself not to think about the situation of other people. Only by solving the puzzle can he get out of the predicament.

In the empty hall, the magic circle left by Kildas's magic ceremony, blood-red writing.

The soul well must be prevented from swallowing everything. What the shadows.

Don't stop, what the mirror is.

What the hell is it!

Suddenly, Carlos stopped and closed his eyes.

Open your eyes again, and the world has reached black and white.

Think of a girl!

The Wisdom King Carlos is offline, and the fierce King Barov has logged in to his account.

There is a play, I feel the flow of magic!

Feeling the flow of magic in the black and white world, Carlos walked slowly towards the center of the magic.

It was still the Royal Library and the familiar terrain. Following the flow of magic, Carlos went to the place where Torsedrin was supposed to be. Kildas held the ceremony. Hamuul and Dandema held it. The place of the ceremony, where I should have been.

The huge black Uzumaki is spinning counterclockwise on the ground.


what's the situation?

He has neither his own people nor enemies. What is it like?

Tell me to jump down? ? ?

What's the matter, I'm just preparing for a wave of recklessness, and it's not that IQ is in arrears, how can I jump down.

Carlos turned around and left without thinking about it.

However, at this time, not sure whether there was a sound or auditory hallucinations, Carlos heard a long call from the dark Uzumaki.

That is……

It was the voice of a soldier who died in front of him when he first hit the troll in the Hinterland when he was fourteen.

That is……

It was the first time to face the orc tribe, and when he was just a general, he was dying of a guard who shielded himself from the sword.

That is……

That's Aiden's voice... Is he accusing me of betrayal?

More and more voices sounded, as if to obliterate Carlos's will.

Carlos heard the whispers of the ancient gods.

In other words, Carlos finally heard Chromie's real last words.

"The flow of time is the biggest scam. Only Nesario knows where the real world is. You have the most important key. Carlos. You must open the door before the Great Enchantment of Azeroth shatters, otherwise everything will end. Will fall into endless reincarnation."

Well, time flow, Neltharion, keys, Azeroth's Great Enchantment, I know everything, but what are you talking about?

I still have the key?

What the hell.


Did I forget something.

I forgot something.


Suddenly, the bright moonlight shone on Carlos, dispelling the infinite shadows, blocking the vicious whispers, and illuminating the real way forward for Carlos.

"Elune! It's not fair. Where were you when we needed it? Why did you destroy everything I did? It was not the queen who betrayed you, but you betrayed the queen! Elune, I curse you!"

You don't need to guess that the voice belongs to Torsedlin.

Carlos temporarily pressed his question and followed the moonlight's guidance.

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