If playing games is not to exercise survival skills, it is a waste of life.

After all, the kind of good thing that can get a bounty to solve the incident where you can kill a few is the greatest possibility that a person will never encounter it once in his life.

After all, if violence can solve the problem, what can we do with intelligence?

The development direction of society is becoming more and more civilized, and cases of mental retardation are also becoming rarer. This is the best proof.

Therefore, as a civilized man born in Lordaeron and raised under the banner of the Alliance Army, Carlos looked down upon the rude night elves represented by Dandema and Shandris, who were full of only hacks and slashes.

Mang is useful, but what does magic do.

"Hamuel, don't you think?"

If Carlos didn't beat the two men with one enemy and two brutal strengths, he would really have to make friends, instead of seeking a discourse consensus from the Tauren Chief.

"Yes, I also think that blind actions will only worsen the situation. The current situation is unclear, and I have reservations about your proposal."

Wait, what is a reserved opinion?

You are a tauren, don’t you believe in Mother Earth? How come this set of diplomatic rhetoric sounds so familiar? The spiritual instructor of your rune totem is not Mother Earth but a rabbit demon whose mantra is "Little money is really sweet". !

"But look, Torsedlin is right there, hands up, knife down, and it's over."

Dan Dema is still promoting his plan, but Shandris Feathermoon has fallen into a crisis of position.

Unlike her husband who only feeds on hand-to-hand combat, as a member of the Sisterhood of Elune, Shandris Feathermoon's magical attainments are actually quite good.

Don't care why Tyrande's goddaughter studies arcane magic. The night elves who ask this question all have loyalty issues!

The key point is that Shandris Feather Moon is on the back of the mirror world. At the binding PLAY scene of this large-scale magic ceremony, he feels the existence of the soul well.

"The soul is crying, anger is instigated. We are standing on the crater. Let's act quickly. Even if Tosedlin is killed with a knife in our hands, it will not be worse than our bragging and verbal fights."

Shandris Feather Moon’s speech was actually very constructive.

So you look at me, and I look at you, four people who are capable of action on the scene, and finally they all look at Carlos.

"Splitting the magic thorns on the bound soldiers is not as easy as you think, and ordinary people can't help much in this kind of occasion."

Carlos thinks it's better to explain. It's a racial talent that night elves' eyes shine. Hamuul, you old bull, looks at me like this with star eyes. It's really stressful.

"Then what are your plans?"

Dan Dema asked, he felt that his direct approach to the point was really perfect.

"I had a general understanding of his closed magic in the previous battle with Torsedrin. The four ivory towers of this royal library have a polymath who acts as a magic node on top of each tower. It was a mistake for Kildas to try. It was Torsedrin who captured Kildas to make up for the shortcomings of the enclosed magic and advance the explosion process of the soul well."

Carlos's words were a bit long-winded, because he was also sorting out the context of events in the way of memories.

But there was no really stupid person present.

"So, what you mean is that we can destroy those magic nodes, so... well, at least we can delay the time?"

Hamuul touched his chin, thinking it seemed feasible.

"One, two, three, four, you can try."

Shandris Yuyue counted the number of people and found it reliable.

"If you can, try to rescue those polymaths. I personally think that they are not taking the initiative to act as the magic node, at least not all. If these participants provide help, it will be much easier to get answers to the problem."

Carlos added explanation.

"No problem, I'll go to the ivory tower to the north."

Hamuul turned and left.

"Then I will go east."

Shandris Feathermoon enters shadow escape mode.

"Then I..."

"Wait, I have something to say!"

Dan Dema suddenly uttered a voice, and the other three people looked at him for unknown reasons.


Dandema's face was filled with joy, and read it as aggrieved.

Don't lower your head, the shield wall will shatter.

Carlos sighed.

"It is my fault."

He took off his original light cast iron sabre, poured into it the energy of the holy light equivalent to his full blow, and then handed it to Dan Dema.

"I'm going to the west."

After Carlos turned and left, Hamuul took an amulet from his neck and hung it on Dandema.

"Mother Earth will protect you."

After Hamuul also left, Shandris Feather Moon looked around to make sure that she was safe, and she tiptoed up and gave her husband a kiss.

"this is not your fault."

Then the sentry general also left.

"As a soldier, how do I feel that this is the worst time to be hacked."

Dan Dema suppressed his depression and walked to the ivory tower to the south.

The upside-down mirror world formed by the closed royal library is also connected to the formation of three independent spaces inside the Soul Well. This is a very troublesome and disgusting thing.

Although killing the Elf Prince Tosidlin in the frontal world caused the current mirror world to be temporarily out of the master’s control, it is not only the roar of the huge number of elven souls in the Well of Soul, but also other deeper darkness. Of horror.

Carlos doesn't know how other people are, but the more he walks, the more invisible his spirit is oppressed.

Climbing the ivory tower that is at most a hundred meters high, every step is so difficult.

Not physical exhaustion, but mental weakness.

Being able to make the Paladin known for his mental toughness so painful, Carlos began to worry about the situation of the other three.

Can't stop, once you stop and breathe, it will only be more difficult to start again.

Carlos gradually felt his heartbeat slower and his vision blurred.

But one step after another, the stylish steps were finally finished. After stepping over the barrier of the partition wall, on the top of the ivory tower, the polymath who was entangled by the blood-red magic vine was tied up in the air.

In a trance, Quel'Sala in Carlos's hand slid to the ground, colliding with the stone bricks on the ground with a crisp sound.

Carlos suddenly woke up.

The whole person is indescribably relaxed.

But when Carlos felt relaxed, the depressed atmosphere in the enclosed space of the Royal Library became more and more intense.

Carlos picked up Quel'Sarah tentatively, and the mental weakness struck again.


Temporarily inserting Quel'sala on the ground, Carlos gave up studying the cause.

Because he did not have the ability to rescue the polymath in that state.

"can you hear me?"

There was no response, because the polymath in front of him was not Kildas, and Carlos could not enhance the effect by calling his name, so he simply assumed that the other party was in shock.

Taking a deep breath, Carlos put his hands together in front of his chest and slowly closed his eyes.

It is extremely stupid to be unable to use weapons and use bare hands as a medium to touch the magic vine, which has obvious special effects.

Adjusting the state to the best, Carlos opened his eyes and shot out golden light, and the guard of the ancient kings in front of him reappeared.

Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler~~~~~

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