Which one is strong in magic skills, Azeroth is looking for Lan Xiang.

The Blue Dragon Flying Magic Academy has 800 beds in stainless steel, and 300 instructors are all beautiful.

Admission to school is a church, and graduation is in charge of distribution. It is a true conscience education institution.

When you meet a master master who graduated from Lan Xiang, just marry you.


Those blue-skinned catastrophes, it's right to be killed first.

Just when Carlos finally made up his mind to get out of the muddy water of Elsharas, Aesorregos studied the way out.

"The flow of magic is not the endless sea, but Silithus."


Carlos frowned, feeling like he was going to suffer.

"Your Majesty, you have made some deviations in your original guess. Well, since you know the things of the ancient gods, I will not hide it. The soul well in the mirror world is probably not to open a way to the abyss. The portal is a big bomb. The target is the seal of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj."

"Not N'Zoth, but C'Thun?"


Suffered, said that I missed my mouth.

Carlos found himself turning over a trial and error, until Ahn'Qiraj opened the door, the Alliance tribe stormed to the end, and everyone knew that the Qiraji was standing behind the corpse C'Thun.

At this time the seal had not yet been opened, and no one except the bronze dragon knew what a terrifying existence was hidden in Silithus's underground.

But it's okay.

"I got the Saratas. Blade of the Dark Empire."

There is Saratas Backpot Blade, there is nothing to worry about.

"That's it! The more terrifying guess, N'Zoth and C'Thun have merged."

It is very reasonable and reasonable. The ancient gods fight each other without breaking, and N'Zoth, who cannot protect himself, lifts the half-dead C'Thun. It is not an unimaginable thing.

The only problem is the crush on IQ.

Except for Y'Shaarj, the king of the reckless world, even the dismembered Saratas is an existence with superior intelligence.

The ancient gods were not mentally retarded, and Y'Shaarj just gave up thinking.

Let's not talk about Y'Shaarj, let's go back to El'Thalas.

"You have studied for so long, what do you think about the Well of Soul."

Carlos didn't want to tell a story with Isoregus. The night elves were in trouble with the ancient gods, and he didn't need him to lead the battle, and there was no need to take the troubles.

"You prevented a disaster from happening..."

"Don't put high hats on me and talk people's words."

Isoregus, who had been communicating with Carlos in Salas before, repeated it in lingua franca.

"You prevented a disaster from happening..."

"Come on, send..."

"I am telling the truth."

"...Then you continue."

"The principle of the mirror world is not complicated, and it is not difficult to crack it with brute force. The only problem is the soul well wrapped in the mirror world. Although I don't know where Tosidlin obtained this magic ritual, it is obvious that he I was deceived. This so-called well of souls cannot reconnect with the well of eternity. Those angered souls stir up more explosive energy, and the purpose from the beginning is very unique, exploding. Your Majesty, whether it is intentional or unintentional, you The most appropriate disposal was made. Otherwise, the entire Feralas has gone to heaven now. Heaven on the physical level."


"The front and back of the mirror world look mysterious, but it always needs a reference point. Tosidlin regards himself as that reference point. At this time, his soul has merged into the soul well, remaining in the half of the ceremony site. It's just the cornerstone of maintaining the existence of the mirror world. It is the right thing to prevent others from harming Tosidlin's body, otherwise the mirror world will collapse and the well of soul will inevitably erupt."

"So let me sum it up. We are in the crater at this time, and the volcano is about to erupt. That's what it means."


"Come and see off the guests."

"His Majesty……"

Is there anything more painful than stock speculation and becoming shareholders?

Although I don't know what is going on behind Isoregus's licking, Carlos is really ready to slip away.

The benefits are enough, so let the big men resist the trouble.

So the big men slapped Carlos in the face.

"Of course, you and your subordinates can go back at any time. If there is a shortage of manpower, I can send a dragon to help transport the extra materials."

"Your Excellency Lythone, what do you mean..."

"That's what you think, Lord Carlos."

The meaning of the Green Dragon Legion is very clear. Those who used the Dream Gate to come to Feralas can return the same way. The other panting Green Dragon Legions are not responsible.

Yes, that's great.

Although I don't know whether it was Isoregus or something else, the matter was clear.

I want to run if I take advantage, no way!

As a result, Carlos, who was waiting for Cenarius to have a feeling that he was arranged, while evacuating the trophy silently from Eretholas.

The communication with Lordaeron was fairly smooth. From the feedback, the battle between the Cult of the Curse and the "Scarlet Crusade" that Carlos babbled was still in a dark place. After all, it had a semi-official identity. The Paladins are much more convenient than the Warlocks and Liches.

In the struggle for the direction of the alliance, Carlos focused his energy on the containment of the undead plague.

Undead natural disasters, for living beings, it is not undead creatures that are truly terrifying, but natural disasters and epidemics that continue to multiply.

As long as the spread of the plague is stuck, nothing will be too bad.

That's why Carlos dared to leave Lordaeron to "tour" in Feralas.

Carlos's departure may not have been a kind of indulgence.

After the silent calculations, Carlos thought he still had time.

So when Cenarius came to Errethalas with Shandris Feathermoon who had gone and returned, Carlos didn't feel strange at all.

"The situation is terrible. Naga sent a large number of troops to block the sea passage."

Shandris Yuyue said worriedly.

"If what Isoregus said is true, then I have probably seen through their plan to me."

Cenarius frowned and said.

"Now more than half of the night elves’ army is assembled in Silithus. Once the Well of Soul erupts, the night elves’ army in Silithus is completely destroyed, and the entire Kalimdor can’t find a second one to stop it. The army of the Qiraji."

Old Lu Nan has a clear understanding of this.

"Even if the eruption of the Well of Souls is not so terrible, cutting off the land traffic in Feralas, and blocking the sea route, Silithus can't afford the needs of so many troops in the place where the birds do not shit."

Carlos couldn't help but frowned.

"And I noticed that the power of the Soul Well is flowing to Silithus. Perhaps, breaking the seal does not necessarily require a Quicksand Scepter."

Isoregus made even more terrifying guesses.

"Because of the sudden attack by the Naga, we were not prepared enough, and the ship suffered serious losses, and it was impossible to carry out a strategic contraction."

Shandris Feathermoon looked very tired, and there were many minor scratches on her bare arms.

You said a word to me, and everyone present quickly pieced together a general truth.

The well of soul is intended for night elves.

If you are not careful, the population of the night elves will be halved.

In the worst case, the Qiraji will re-emerge out of the rivers and lakes when they lose their elves.

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