Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 640 My Uncle Is Your Mother's Peanut

Human beings are so fragile and insignificant in front of the ancient gods.

This is an intuitive manifestation of the huge gap in biological personality.

The gods of the ancients are not compelling in front of the Pantheon Titans.

This is the embodiment of the most fundamental law in the vast universe.

The weak and the strong eat, you bite me if you refuse to accept it.

Amansur, the father of the gods, left his mark on Azeroth. Certain existences and races with long heritages that have survived from the ancient times have secretly remembered the names of the creator gods.

Although it is said that the arrogant Y'Shaarj was crushed by one hand by the father of the gods, there is a "little" problem.

Azeroth has experienced the arrival of the Titans twice.

For the first time, the cosmic city manager Sargeras suppressed the illegal traders of the Elemental Plane and returned the Azeroth vegetable market to a clear sky.

For the second time, the Pantheon inspection team, who came to inspect the operating order of the Azeroth vegetable market, discovered that the ancient god of food tyrants in the neighboring village actually went to the local area to bully the market and changed the security pavilions into direct selling points for cakes.

Can this be tolerated?

So the inspection team put down the camera and put on a red armband.

Open the door, and the Pantheon sends warmth.

This real historical image is kept in the hands of the Titan Guardian and is well documented.

So in theory, Amansur, the father of the gods, could not squeeze Y'Shaarj with his own hands.

Because he didn't participate in the second coming of the Titans.

Some didn't talk so much, just to explain a truth.

He makes him strong, and I choose Torbjörn. The ancient gods who are like gods in Azeroth have already been imprisoned by the even more powerful Pantheon Titans in research institutions as the subjects of research.

Even if he was imprisoned by layers of seals, the ancient gods were already able to stir the wind and rain to affect the nerves of all living creatures in Azeroth, and he was not ashamed of his name as a god.

But there is no doubt that the Titans are stronger.

It's true that the ancient gods are beyond the imagination of human beings.

The ancient gods were prisoners who didn't move or dared to move the Titans, and that's not fake.

The most jumpy Y'Shaarj has been pinched, and the most ruthless C'Thun escaped from suspended animation. Now he is still wearing -75% of all-attribute DEBUFF on his head.

As for N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron, electrotherapy is still in progress.

Apart from these famous names, G'huun and his like did not even dare to show up in front of the five big brothers of the ancient gods.

Don't ask why, ask is half price for potato chips next door.

Let alone why there are only four of the five big brothers of the ancient gods, this is common sense.

To show off in front of mortals is just a means to the ancient gods, not an end.

Their ultimate goal is to corrupt the entire Azeroth into blood food and draw power from the planet to complete the transformation and sublimation of life.

So getting out of trouble is the first priority.

After all, time is not on the side of the ancient gods.

The Burning Legion is coming.

In front of the Burning Legion, there is no difference between the ancient gods and the mortal races, they are all existences that need to be burned to ashes.

So the question is, is there a way to get out of jail quickly?

Yes, pay for the jailer.

This is what Yog-Saron did, and Loken the Guardian is now Yog-Saron’s person.

Yes, buy the jailer.

N'Zoth did the same thing, it was really persuading C'Thun, everyone pooled money to win Nesario.

I want to give you benefits, and you can't refuse.

Different from Yog-Saron's method, N'Zoth directly gave the benefits to Neltharion, and generously stated that you don't need to do anything, just treat it as a friend.

Many people have questions about the powers of the two guardian dragons, the earth guardian and the life oathbinder, because the powers of the black dragon king and the red dragon queen overlap in the form of expression.

Even for a long time, the night elves have made Neltharion and Alexstrasza the defenders of life.

This is a great misunderstanding.

Mortal species one-sided and wrongly understood the earth as the surface.

Maintaining the balance of life is Alexstrasza's accusation, and Nelthario is friendly to life only because he is an easy-going good dragon.

Neltharion’s true duty is understood as the guardian of the earth's crust or the defender of the planet. What he protects is the planet itself.

This is the tone set by Titan's blessing.

Malygos controls the coordination of magic and maintains the stability of the magic net.

Alexstrasza guarantees the reproduction of life and maintains ecological balance.

Ysera guards the Emerald Dream and ensures the security of the database.

Nozdormu monitors the time and corrects unexpected deviations.

Nesario defends the satellite ball itself, which is the most fundamental material basis.

The Pantheon is not a charity organization. They have a lofty side in reshaping the order, but for Azeroth, they also have their own interests.

If there were no ancient gods, Neltharion would still be the benevolent, powerful, and gentle black dragon king.

But if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight, just like Malygos will be driven mad by the violent and disorderly magic web, the ancient gods’ corrosion of Azeroth and the destruction of this planet will also affect Nessa. Leo caused an indelible wound.

Nesario's personality change is not a change of character, it is closer to a stress response.

The trauma of the earth is directly reflected in the guardian dragon, the guardian of the earth.

The Dragon Soul is an attempt.

Neltharion wanted to collect the power blessed by the Titans and use this power to smooth the wounds of the earth.

Because his brothers and sisters regarded the Burning Legion as the greatest threat, they did not understand Nesario's "substantial betrayal."

In the eyes of the other four guardian dragons, life and civilization are the fundamental things that need to be guarded.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I'll come!

But he failed. The explosion of the Well of Eternity not only permanently changed the geography of Azeroth, but also brought irreversible trauma to Neltharion.

They didn't understand Nesario's pain.

Think Nesario is crazy.

In the long years since then, Nesario began to go it alone.

The Black Dragon King has devoted himself to developing the power of the Black Dragon Legion for the Ten Thousand Years, and is ready to fight all unknown enemies with his own power.

The trolls are savage and ignorant, the elves are stubborn and arrogant, and other races are so common. In the long years, Neltharion has secretly gained the worship and allegiance of many races, which can not satisfy the black dragon king.

Until the rise of mankind.

In many timelines, Nesario finally reinvested in the "perfect dragon family" plan after the failure of the plan to unify mankind.

Here in Carlos, it is no exception.

After a long investigation and evidence collection, Neltharion has understood that the ancient gods are the root cause of the earth's wounds.

But the personification of Azeroth's star core has had a huge impact on the guardians of the earth.

This impact is particularly serious on the spiritual level.

Neltharion understood that he could not defeat the ancient gods by himself and the black dragon alone.

But the wailing of the earth drove him to act.

Hard choices must be made.

If the mortal species can't stand with itself to fight against the planet-level suffering, then go to death, at least it can reduce the burden on the planet.

N'Zoth whispered in Nesario's ear.

"It doesn't matter, even if you use my blessing to deal with me, it doesn't matter. Go ahead and do everything you want. This is my sincerity, my friend."

What ancient gods are in the same spirit, what is the deal with C'Thun.

In the end, there is only one ancient god, and that is me, N'Zoth.

While Carlos was preparing to solve the crisis in the Well of Souls, N'Zoth did not hesitate to sell C'Thun.

N'Zoth understood that Neltharion would not tolerate Feralas being bombed into the sky, and the guardian of the earth could not bear such a pain.

Sorry, C'Thun, I want to win.

"Azshara, you can withdraw your army."

N'Zoth conveyed his will to Queen Naga.

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