The fact that Elune was knocked down from the altar itself revealed unusual information.

Daelin is a good racist, but he is not a fool. After learning that Carlos' plan is to pull one wave after another, and benevolence the orcs to control the orcs, he decisively accepted Carlos's tool man theory.

The result is good, everything is good, and the result is not good. Then think of a way to get better, come and come, drink and eat meat.

As a result, the topic developed in the direction of Eight Trigrams, and naturally it came to the demigod.

"How does that feel?"

The Proudmoore family has its own mystery, but compared with the realm of a demigod, it is obviously a bit short.

Dai Lin asked with some yearning.


Carlos answered very abstractly with a combination of words.

Originally, he wanted to use the phrase [Heaven and Earth Profound Master Ten Thousand Ways] to explain the demigods, but the shackles of the different languages ​​of civilization made Carlos unable to translate Xinyada at all, so he could only give up in the end.

"Um, what do you mean?"

Dai Lin was a little confused and a little bit if he could get something.

"What do you think a god should look like, or what kind of existence can be called a god."

Carlos asked rhetorically.

"Um...all knowing and omnipotent."

Dai Lin gave his own answer after a little thought, a natural answer.

"Very good, now what kind of existence do you think the demigod should be."

"Knowing I still ask you why."

Dai Lin stunned and went back.


Carlos endured forbearance, gave up the method of persuasive temptation, and gave the answer directly.

"A demigod is half of a deity. If a deity is omniscient and omnipotent, then a demigod is omniscience."

"Huh! Not omnipotent!"

Dai Lin made a surprised voice.

"Less read the novels discovered by Dalaran. You are poisoned and unclear. Yes, the saying that knowledge is power is indeed a universal truth, but human beings have limits. Mages also have upper limits of ability, not all knowledge. Can be transformed into power, so omniscience does not mean omnipotence."

Carlos explained with emotion.

Even in a high magic world like Azeroth, the research on the nature of power is still the patent of a very small group of people. The master of a country like Dalin Proudmoore is still lacking in knowledge.

"If the demigods are omnipotent, they won't die so much."

"Has a demigod died a lot?"

"a lot of."

"I do not know how!"

"Children of the night elves know it."

"Point to face, according to age, all TMD is uncle!"

"Do you still want to listen to me?"

"I shut up, you continue."

You can throw aside your face when you talk about sorrow in the bath, Dai Lin decisively admits it.

"I also took that step to realize that the greatest benefit of becoming a demigod is not an increase in strength, but an improvement in life level."

Carlos paused for a moment, thinking about how to explain the feeling to Dalin in terms of the lack of mortal races.

"This is a human illusion, Dalaran is actually wrong."

The Proudmoore family was also the source of funds for the Tirisfal Council. Carlos thought that Dalin could understand, but he didn't explain it.

"It's not that powerful forces contributed to the demigod state, it's not."


Dalin couldn't understand what Carlos wanted to express.

"No, I thought it was before, and I succeeded. But no, after I stepped into the demigod state, I realized that it was not at all."

Dai Lin showed a look of astonishment, but he didn't make any more sounds. He silently waited for Carlos to continue speaking.

"Look at this fruit."

Carlos picked up another fruit.

"We can infer that it has a sweet and sour taste from the orange-red skin and the smell."

Dai Lin was already a little confused, and nodded blankly.

"In other words, all this is just an inference from our past experience. Before we actually eat it, we don't know what it tastes like. We don't know if there are bugs in it."

Dalin seemed to understand what Carlos meant.

"But demigods are different. After becoming a demigod, I just look at it and I know everything about it. The world itself gave me the answer."

"It is not the result of inference, but the result is right in front of your eyes, omniscient... does that mean?"

"Almost. Because after becoming a demigod, knowledge comes too easily, so the increase in power is too obvious, so it gives the mortal species an illusion, or the wrong inference, that the increase in power has contributed to the advancement of life, and the cart is upside down. "

"Wait a minute, Carlos, hearing you say this, I have a creepy feeling."

"you say."

"If it wasn't for power to make you a demigod, what was it?"

Hai's old father-in-law keenly discovered this logical loophole.


Carlos felt happy from the bottom of his heart and couldn't help but nodded. How lucky it is to have a friend who can speak freely regardless of his identity.

"I was angry when Elune dropped me into the Demigod Realm."

"Is there really Elune, the moon god?"


"Have you seen it with your own eyes?"


"Not pretty?"


"Hey, it's not interesting enough, isn't it a man? That's Elune!"

"Honorable Moon God, everything this old rascal said has nothing to do with Carlos Barov."

Carlos made a pious prayer, and then added a sentence.

"That's the true god."

"Uh, honorable Lord Luna, your admirer Daelin Proudmoore offers you the most sincere respect."

Before contacting with a lot of foreshadowing, Admiral Marine decisively admitted to the "all-knowing and omnipotent" Moon God.

"do you know."

Carlos turned to the subject.

"Speak straight!"

Dalin gave him a note of Byakugan.

"I was beaten to the demigod realm, and I am stronger."


Dalin didn't understand what Carlos meant.

"If it was the one who compensated me, what do you think this means?"

It took Dalin three glasses of wine to understand what Carlos was talking about.

"I don't know anything about the Well of Soul, and I can't give any useful advice."

"Then analyze it from the perspective of a businessman."

Kul Tiran people are all businessmen, and there is nothing wrong with this statement.

Dai Lin hesitated for a moment before speaking cautiously.

"That person doesn't want you to know what the Soul Well does, or what happened at that time."

"Yes, I actually think so. You see, using experience to infer, you can actually get results, is it meaningful?"

Carlos took a bite of the fruit in his hand. The juice was thick, slightly sour and sweet, very delicious.

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