Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 660 Postpartum Care of Sows

As long as you live long enough, you will always have some expertise.

Carlos found that he was a small night elf.

The shamelessness of these night sons is small.

Diplomacy is equivalent to war.

Diplomacy precedes combat.

Why did the midnight large-scale military meeting that I said was turned into a magical equipment exhibition?

Equipment is a link of strength, don't play if you are upset!

The so-called make-up martial arts club, make-up is just a reasonable use of magic equipment, showing off force is the real purpose of the night.

It's really stingy, Carlos signaled that his men don't have to line up to deliver it.

Don't think about it, because Carlos's pretense at the welcome ceremony forced a big success, the Night Son took it in his eyes, and waited.

The envoy that Carlos brought was not so much an envoy, but more like a guard of honor. It was originally a secret mission to the gate. All professionals were brought along, but no diplomats were brought. The Suramar trip this time was an unexpected gain. Carlos really didn't have any bad eyes.

Anyway, at this stage, the Human Alliance still has the final say, and there is no conflict of interest with the Night Son, and there is no burning legion army to suppress the realm. Suramar will deliberately engage with Carlos unless his brain is pumped.

There is really little difference between this kind of diplomatic visit and tourism without conflict of interest.

But Carlos did not expect that the eyes of these drug-addicted women (men) would be not much bigger than the eyes of horses.

This is no longer showing off force, it is a naked face slap.

Eleven human warriors wore ceremonial costumes with a defense force greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to two, holding a long sword of pure steel. Close to the limit.

Afterwards, the Glory Orcs were provoked and asked for the four to go together. Carlos was about to have an attack, but the night sons used speech skills to push him back.

The final result can only be victory or death.

Humans haven't regarded this martial arts meeting as a battlefield higher than their lives, but they just feel boring, but the selected Glory Orcs have put victory and defeat above their lives.

So Carlos intervened in the battlefield.

"I said, enough."

The Swordsman of the Night, who had spare capacity, closed his hand jokingly, but continued to provoke the orcs with small movements.

After the red-eyed orc heard Carlos's voice, after a short pause, it was indeed even more frantic to fight.

If you can't prove your worth, what's the point of being alive?

So the Night Son Swordsman showed a helpless expression at Carlos, but he shot his life with a sharp blade.

"I say!"

Carlos surpassed the obstacles of the audience with a speed beyond imagination, shattered the magical protective barrier, cut into the battlefield and kicked the dead orc, pressing his palm to return the swordsman's long sword to the scabbard.

"Enough, didn't you hear?"

Sternly reprimanded, the Glory Orc returned sensibly and left the arena unwillingly.

The Night Son’s magic skills are indeed good, and the magic barrier that Carlos has broken through with brute force is quickly restored, but Carlos’s actions have caused whispers outside the court.

When everyone thinks they are quiet, what is the difference between that wave and the flying bee.

"Want to fight? I'll accompany you!"

"Okay, according to the rules, you won. I am yours tonight. You can play whatever you want."

While talking, the swordsman clicked on his breastplate, teasing it all.

"Damn it, how did you let this crazy woman go to the ball? Why is Aluriel here! Mylandus, you are dereliction of duty!"

He did not participate in the ball, but was standing on a high place with Myrandos, the guard captain of the courtyard of the stars, watching and chatting with the chief arcanist Talissa. After hearing the swordsman speak, he recognized Aluriel for the first time. .

As one of the orthodox continuations of the magic empire Kaldorei, Suramar relies on the arcane energy of the gift of the dark night well to still preserve the state before Ten Thousand Years.

Under the circumstances of this fragmented era, the Swordsman is one of the glory of the Night's Son.

The Dark Night Fortress guards the Dark Night Well, the energy core of Suramar, and the Swordsman Legion guards the Dark Night Fortress.

Aluriel, as the daughter of a commoner blacksmith, leapfrogged into the Swordsman Legion because of the appreciation of the Great Magister Eli Sandro. Since then, he has got rid of the shackles of the status class, and has made steady progress.

At the same time, she did not live up to Eli Sandro’s appreciation. With her extraordinary magical talent and strong body, coupled with her almost self-abuse-like discipline and penance, in just a hundred years, Aluriel became a member of the Magic Swordsman Corps. Chief Magic Swordsman.

Just like now, as a magic swordsman, she did not use the power of magic at all. She defeated these war-baptized humans and orcs with only a sharp blade and powerful force.

Similarly, it was precisely because Aldoreel carefully suppressed and concealed his strength, Carlosca, who relaxed his vigilance, let his soldiers line up one by one until the orcs came on the field and were bloody abused and broke out.

The other party came here to give you human face, so keep your hands. As for the orcs, it just happens to kill Liwei.

"All six advisor families are involved, what can I do, Talissa?"

Mylandus smiled bitterly at his confidante, I'm just the captain of the guard in the courtyard of stars.

"I'm the chief arcanist, but I don't even know about it!"

Talissa felt that everything tonight was so incomprehensible, she was Eli Sandro's right-hand man, not the six special advisers, but she didn't know anything about it.

Talissa put down the magic wine in her hand, took the staff leaning against the wall, and was about to teleport herself to the scene, but Mylandus grabbed her arm.

"You... how do you know that this is not what the great magister meant."

"What do you want to say?"

Talissa looked at Myrandus suspiciously.

"Everyone is saying that Aluriel is actually the one of the Grand Magister...that, do you understand."

Talissa broke free of Melandus a little displeased.

"Captain Myrandos Guard, please respect the Chief Magic Swordsman."

After speaking, Talissa left this high platform that could overlook the ball.

So she didn't see Mylandus' distorted expression.

"Yeah, I'm just the captain of the guard in the courtyard of the stars, and I got this position based on your relationship with the chief arcanist. What qualifications do you have to talk about the chief magic swordsman behind?"

Salas was brisk and pleasant to the ear, and the dispute between Talissa and Mylandus took less than ten seconds, and the makeup martial arts scene was almost out of control.

Carlos, who didn't intend to end the game for fun at all, was dressed in a formal dress, which was not conducive to the fight, so he loosened the buttons one by one, took off his jacket, and threw them to the sidelines.

"Speaking of the rules, I like it the most. If I lose, I'll leave it to your disposal. Is it okay?"

Carlos moved his shoulders, tried to open his posture, and responded to the magic swordsman's molesting with a stubborn attitude.

So Aluriel also took off his helmet and threw it aside, tearing off a piece of cloth lining the skirt as a headband to tie up his hair.

"Extremely happy, it looks like I'm having fun tonight."

Losing the concealment of the magic helmet, Aluriel's true face appeared, and the scene instantly became hot, and some people even started to sit on the market.

"His Excellency Carlos..."

As soon as Talissa stepped into the makeup martial arts scene through the teleportation device, she was surrounded by various "acquaintances" and pulled aside.

Suramar's Twilight Lily was about to explode in anger, but heard the Patriarch of the Yue County family whisper in his ear: "Now it's not good for you to end."

Talissa suppressed her anger, looked at the frenetic atmosphere on the scene, and looked at the powerful and politicians around her, and suddenly she understood a little bit.

Suramar, who has been closed for Ten Thousand Years, is inferior and proud. They are eager for a grand performance of "national pride".

No wonder the great magister Eli Sandro has not shown up yet. Talissa understands that at this moment, she stands on the opposite side of everyone on the scene.

With this delay, Talissa lost the opportunity to rely on her identity to mediate the competition, and only heard Carlos yelling out of the game.

"Give me a weapon, a weapon that can slash people!"

As a result, the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Where is this makeup martial arts club, this is clearly a arena.

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