In the first invasion of the Burning Legion, Sargeras and Azeroth were only one distance away from the Well of Eternity.

In that battle, millions of Legion demons came to this planet through the Well of Eternity. Although the night elves turned the tide in the mortal heritage, the real main force of the war was the demigods of Azeroth. , Is the guardian of the dragon army, is the guardian of the Titans.

In that battle, the camp guarding Azeroth lost too much, including personnel, as well as materials and equipment.

For the bronze dragon, there is the Eye of Amanthul on the missing list.

The eye of Amansur is not the eye of Amansur, the father of the gods.

The name of the Titans is like this. The Eye of Amansur is a round gemstone given by Amansur to the bronze dragon king Nozdormu, because it looks like an eyeball, it has this name.

The gift of the father of the gods has a powerful ability to transcend time and space.

The bronze dragon searched for the Eye of Amansur in countless timelines but found nothing, because this magical gem not only helps the bronze dragon swim in the sea of ​​time, but also has the magical effect of shielding the prying eyes of fate, which makes the guardians of time seek It's very distressed.

Chromie was overjoyed, the fluctuation was as striking as Nozdormu.

There is really nowhere to look after breaking through the iron shoes, the eye of Aman'sul is actually on this world line.

With it, even Chromie can snoop on the truth she wants to know, and even find the bronze dragon king.

Mortals can't use the true power of the Eye of Aman'sul at all. This was originally the sacred item given to the bronze dragon by the father of the gods.

Even the old rivers and lakes like Chromie couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

"The Eye of Amansul, this is the Eye of Amansul!"

From the side, Senegos asked puzzledly.

"Didn't you have used it once? Why are you so emotional, Chromie, what happened? You are not in the right state."


Chromie turned into a cute little dwarf again, staring at Senegos' eyes that were bigger than half of his body with a dazed look.

"Uh, uh, uh, it's like this, you know, our bronze dragon, that, uh, it's like this, yes, yes, that's it."

Chromie didn't know what he was talking about, but Senegos had a clear look.

"Okay, okay, this is a bronze dragon. Hahahaha, not long ago, you came to me and asked me to help you talk to the head of the night son, wanting to borrow the eye of Aman'sul. It happens that their great magister owes it to me. I personally agreed to this. It's probably like this."

After the familiar Senegos said the matter in a few words, Chromie fell into contemplation again.

If "oneself" finds the Eye of Aman Sur, it must do everything possible to retrieve it. How can it be borrowed? Also looking for Senegos's mediation.


With guesswork in his mind, Chromie sighed.

"Your Excellency Senegos, can you..."

"No, those smurf elves can't speak well, their favors have been exhausted, and my old dragon has no weight."

Senegos was so mature that he directly blocked Chromie's words back.

This kind of scumbag feeling like amnesia, Chromie kissed Xiang Xiang as uncomfortable.

Originally, even if "they" died accidentally, Cromi could know what happened through the memory fragments. This was the reason why Cromi dared to die madly.

But this time, a large number of allomorphic clones died without any clues. Chromie didn’t even know what happened, or even what he had done in various timelines. The road is bitter.

"So, is there any..."

Although Chromie had made some preparations for battle, he had no idea of ​​bravely breaking into Suramar. In this ghost place of Azeroth, the dragon can't do what it wants. If you can speak well, don't show your fists.

"You can give it a try. After all, didn't the great magister agreed last time? It doesn't hurt to negotiate. Isn't it a good old saying that you should be familiar with each other once."

Cenarius seemed to give Chromie an idea, but he picked himself out of the matter, and had no intention of wandering into the muddy water.

What can I do, I am also desperate, can I say I don’t know the way?

Countless grass and mud horses galloped past on the green prairie in Kromi's heart.

"Forget it, forget it, Mr. Long, my heart is softened, I won't see the little girl wipe her tears, Stella, my little star, you can go with Chromie again."

Senegos shook his head and said.


This time, I changed to a little star and was about to cry. Don’t look at Kromi’s dwarf’s size. In front of the young dragon Stella Gotha, it’s about the same size as her dragon head, but as a notorious thorn head in the guardian dragon army. , Chromie is a super fierce existence...

Stella Gousa was afraid of her.

"Cromie, don't play with fire this time."

Senegos ignored his granddaughter's careful thoughts, and only gave the bronze dragon a bit of sentimentality.

Participated in the battle against Galakrond and witnessed the birth of the dragon kings. Senegos has lived to the present and experienced pains, both physical and spiritual.

Therefore, the old blue dragon understood that under the illusion of Chromie's cynical stubbornness was pressed to the breathless by heavy responsibility and mission.

Therefore, Senegos doesn't mind giving Cromi some help within his capacity.

How could the second leader of the Blue Dragon Legion, second only to Malygos, fail to see that when he visited the door last time, Chromie's body was on the verge of collapse. But Chromie didn't want to say it, so it was inconvenient to ask.

Now that Chromie is still well, that's enough.

Not to mention the dragon family on Asu's side for the time being. On Suramar's side, Carlos also had his own calculations after leaving the Dark Night Fortress.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Carlos is qualified to say no to Eli Sandro.

Unlike Yamaguchi Mountain, which slopes towards gameplay, the layout of the Broken Isles is too small.

In other words, the explosion of the Well of Eternity was too powerful.

The Broken Isles were blown up too broken, Suramar and Asuna had no land connection at all, and Highmountain was thousands of miles away. On the vast sea, these broken islands were not closely connected at all.

In other words, it is that the Night Son is not as important as imagined.

Aegwynn Medina sank the island where the Tomb of Sargeras was located to the bottom of the sea. Carlos is not sure if Elisandro has this huge power, but it is certain that the Night Sons did not have the power to unify the broken islands. .

Whether it is the night elves of Kalimdor or the humans of the Eastern Kingdom, they are constantly developing and growing. However, the Night Son, who is restricted by the geographical environment, has fallen into the predicament of a civilized island.

Carlos has his own calculations for this visit, but this does not include "Zhaoan" Night Son.

Because it's not time yet.

Everyone is happy to see a limited friendship, but it is out of time to form an alliance.

Because the position of the Nightborne is too similar to that of the high elves, Suramar is far from the excellent position of Quel'Thalas.

Rejecting Eli Sandro's request, on the one hand, was afraid that the Night Son would really pull himself to sign the alliance contract, on the other hand, Carlos was also instinctively afraid.

Yes, fear.

Carlos has a feeling that once he touches the Eye of Amansur, something cannot be returned.

Therefore, he chose to evade.

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