Now is the time for the dragon knowledge lecture.

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(Knock on the blackboard sound)

There are not many native species on the planet of Azeroth, and even fewer of them have not been disturbed by forces in their natural evolution.

Among them, there are basically two that have developed wisdom.

Primitive trolls and ancestor dragons.

The subject of trolls is too big to talk about later, today I will mainly talk about the evolution of the ancestor dragon.

As we all know, in the process of fighting against Galakrond, who was fascinated by the ancient gods, the five dragon kings are now favored by the Titans, and only then have the five-color dragons of today.

However, not all ancestor dragons are willing to accept the transformation of the Titans.

For example, the Storm Cliffs of Northrend still inhabit a large number of Primordial Primordial Dragons.

These ancestor dragons are descendants of ancestor dragons who are unwilling to accept the transformation of the Titans.

Although their body structure has evolved compared to their ancestors, the ancestors, in terms of cold resistance, their intelligence has greatly degraded, and they are no different from wild beasts.

The other part of the ancestor dragons near the Well of Eternity did not accept the transformation of the Titans, but they have been eroded by magic, and they are already different from Northrend's distant relatives in size, and are closer to the five-color dragon in size and intelligence.

The storm dragons of Stormheim in the Broken Isles are the descendants of those self-evolving ancestor dragons.

Stormheim is relatively close to Suramar. For the winged Storm Dragon, the northern cliffs of Suramar are also their habitat.

After carefully recalling the knowledge that Medivh had imparted to him, Carlos made an academic judgment about the Dragon of the Storm—it can be beaten.

Slaying a dragon roars or not, of course it roars, which war cock riding a stick doesn't want to slay the dragon, and gains both fame and fortune.

The problem is that except for the five-color dragon clan, it is not easy to kill.

Let's not talk about the question of whether the five-color dragon king's cock is not a cock, even the five-color dragon army does not dare to provoke the existence, especially the dragons have a strong vengeance mentality, and they still live for a long time with vengeance, and an improper handling is endless.

This is also one of the reasons why Carlos wants to recall memories.

After confirming that the Dragon of the Storm was safe to kill, Carlos felt relieved.

These mentally handicapped dragons inhabiting the Broken Isles will not fly over half of the endless sea to make trouble for Alterac.

The Holy Light believes that they are lacking in intelligence.

Kaisen, today, do not mass-produce one hundred and eighty dragon slayers worthy of these brothers who followed me to the north and south?

Not only Carlos is very interested in hunting dragons, but also humans and glorious orcs.

Dragon hunter, can blow things up for a lifetime.

Elisandra is really a devil, and he used this condition that Carlos couldn't refuse to lead him out of Suramar, and he was really scheming to play with human nature.

If you don't believe me, even the quest, the Night Son, became interested in setting up the hunting grounds.

Even the Son of Night has ideas about hunting dragons.

Dragon is really a good baby, and all participants are very happy if they can kill him.

The only question is what if it doesn't let you kill.

So traps need to be arranged.

Excluding Carlos, there are more than 300 soldiers left, none of whom has the ability to tear the Devil Saber.

So after eating the marching dry food as lunch, all the dragon hunters dispersed in groups of three and went hunting.

According to the plan, the large army needs to eliminate all the edible wild animals around. To put it simply, all those who can be killed are killed with meals, and all those who cannot be killed are expelled from the hunting grounds.

This can effectively reduce the foraging range of the Storm Dragon.

Then you can arrange traps and bait to catch the storm dragon that comes to forage.

Do you think this is over?

I look down on the magical skills of the Night's Son too.

Catching a storm dragon is only the beginning of the show.

The children of the night carried a portable pheromone extractor.

By extracting the pheromone of the replenished storm dragon, at least one group of storm dragons can be lured into the hunting ground.

Then, is when the feast of killing really begins.

No, these children of the night are too good at playing.

Even though Carlos was forced to be steady by the burden of his body, he was still agitated by the scenes described by the Nightborne with a knowing smile.

Killings that show off force are atrocities that trample on the dignity of life.

The problem is that the Dragon of Storm can be killed to eat meat!

Hunting for the purpose of eating is a basic right given to all creatures by nature.

Carlos is really overwhelmed at the moment.

In addition to the inedible things like cave spiders and magic dust moths, the main large creatures in the deep mangroves are the staple food of storm dragons such as magic saber leopards and bighorn deer.

As for the small creatures such as hares and forest birds, don't care about them. The energy gained by the storm dragon preying on them can't even make up for the physical energy consumption.

In terms of equipment, Carlos's men suffered a loss.

See what things the Night Son brings?

Static trap, decoy generator, magic spray net gun, slow ray wand.

What are Carlos's men?

Strong physique and outdated armor.


Among the human soldiers, with the exception of three or five people who were born in hunting tigers, relying on their superb craftsmanship to continue hunting, the others can only drive them away.

The orcs are slightly better, and the experience of sneaking wild food while serving in the frozen plateau of Alterac did not waste their gains from the era of Draenor.

But it's just a little bit better than humans.

Forget it, the suffering in the future is so deep, a happy moment is a moment, these are warriors who are ready to die at any time, so don't disturb the rare joy at this moment.

Carlos stopped the adjutant who was calm beside him.

Because his adjutant felt that everyone had gone hunting instead of guarding Carlos, which was a dereliction of duty.

But Carlos even encouraged him to participate in this wild area.

With the protection of a small group of Nightborne Swordsmen, what can happen?

Or should I ask the dignified knight king what would happen?

Are you afraid that Odin will run out of the Hall of Valor and fight yourself for three hundred rounds?


In a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, the setting sun went down.

The deep mangrove area is close to steep mountains to the northwest, Suramar to the south, and coastal forests with a steep drop in elevation to the east.

In fact, to chase away wild animals, just make sure they don’t run north.

Before sunset, all the people who had dispersed were gathered back together again.

Except for the two hapless guys who stepped on the hidden pit and got their feet on the ground, all the other three hundred people were unharmed.

As night fell, the bonfire barbecue meeting officially began. In the aroma of large meat steak barbecues, the hunting team narrowed the barriers brought about by ethnic differences.

Go to bed early and get up early. For the real pleasure of tomorrow, Carlos urges everyone to go to bed early.

That's why people follow goodness.

As a result, in the middle of the night, Carlos was awakened by the night watchman of the Night Son.

The Night Son told Carlos that he had caught a dragon in the static trap located to the south.

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