Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 676 My Hero

"What is the origin of the weird dagger that was put together with Stomka Fighter?"

After all, it is Carlos Barov's lair. After all, they are all shrewd and capable guards. In the case of Fangzhuan voluntarily requesting confinement in order to prove his innocence, the work of handling the scene was quickly completed.

There are only three guards left in the treasury, Garria, Alphons, and Alsace.

Well, it seems that Kel'Thuzad should be counted?

Alsace asked curiously, and Alphons answered his uncle excitedly.

He knows this!

"That is Saratas. Blade of the Dark Empire."

Arthas was also considered a man of knowledge and knowledge, but he thought about it for a moment but found nothing, so he looked at his nephew with encouraging eyes.

So, Alphonse told Alsace's old uncle to add fuel to the story his father told him.

"Oh, so this Saratas Dark Empire Blade is a treasure, but why should it be kept together with Stomka War Destroyer, wouldn't it be more appropriate to store them separately?"

"Because Saratas is a mouthpiece, and it is afraid of Stomka."


Arthas had seen some magic weapons, but it was the first time he heard about weapons with self-awareness. For a while, he didn't understand what his nephew was talking about.

So Arthas asked his sister Jia Liya if he could come closer and take a look?

Jia Liya asked the guards around her vaguely, and after getting a positive answer, Jia Liya agreed to Arthas' request.

As a member of the Silver Dawn, Carlos's loyal fanboy, this paladin guard didn't think anything bad would happen to Arthas, who was also a paladin, near Saratas. The Blade of the Dark Empire.

So Alsace walked into the treasure room with interest, circled Stomka twice, then rubbed his palm against the hem of his clothes before reaching out and touching Stomka.

"Huh! Why is there such a powerful shadow power in this sword?"

Arthas was surprised to discover Stomka's anomaly.

Then, the nephew added fuel and jealousy again to tell the old uncle about the thrilling battle between Carlos and Krasis in the tomb of Tyre.

"That's it, Thoradin the Great is really great."

Arthas stroked Stomka again, and there was no resistance in his heart.

Even though his body is old and his life span is about to run out, Thoradin the Great is still dying to defend the interests of mankind. The power of shadow contained in Stomukka is so brilliant that Thoradin’s achievements are.

So there is no accurate number of right and wrong, it all depends on personal likes and dislikes.

Although Alphons was dissatisfied with his uncle's ignoring his father's rhetoric, he couldn't be disrespectful to Thoradin and couldn't help pouting.

"Carlos... I mean why didn't brother-in-law carry Stomka with him?"

Arthas asked in a seemingly ordinary tone.

However, Jia Liya shrugged her shoulders, saying she didn't know.

Alphons thought for a while, and answered with some uncertainty.

"Probably the paladin doesn't like the power of shadow, and he took Stomka, how to suppress Saratas."

The words that Alphons took for granted, but they resonated with Alsace.

He thinks he can probably understand Carlos's thoughts.

Indeed, the paladin who uses the power of the holy light naturally does not deal with the power of the shadow, and even the name of the king's sword cannot suppress this feeling.

I feel uncomfortable. Carlos's holy light attainments are far superior to himself, so he must be uncomfortable.

With this cognitive bias, Alsace's interest in Stomka diminished.

As a result, Arthas turned his attention to Saratas.

In this regard, Kel'Thuzad wants to award Alphons the honor of the best assists of the game, which is too worry-free.

Praise the Lich King!

The more powerful you are, the easier it is to forget your compassion. Who can tell the sadness of the weak?

Saratas, who was able to speak loudly with Y'Shaarj among the Five Ancient Gods, was beaten and eaten clean by the other four because he jumped too much. Before Carlos put it in the treasure house, the Lich King Can force it to negotiate terms.

What can Saratas do?

It was also very helpless. Carlos had a deep prejudice against her, and he put a handful of Stomka around and licked it wildly. Saratas couldn't even use the deceptive ability.

Weak, helpless, and not even capable of stabbing people, it was the blade of the dark empire in vain.

Perhaps it is precisely because Saratas did not show the dark nature that it should be, so everyone present did not take him too seriously.

After receiving Jialiya's hesitant approval, Arthas put Stomkati in his hands and relaxed his suppression of Saratas.

"Now, you can talk."

Alsace commanded with disdain in curiosity.

The eyeballs on Saratas's grip turned a circle, throwing away a look in Arthas's eyes that was too lazy to take care of you.

"A living dagger, interesting."

"Uncle, you should be polite, at least Saratas is older than all of us combined."

Alphonse tried to advise Alsace, but Galiya felt that her brother and son were doing dangerous things, but she felt that stopping them was a little fuss.

"Although this living dagger is called the Blade of the Dark Empire, the shadow power it contains is less than one percent of Stomka's. Is it really that magical? It doesn't seem to be able to speak. ."

Arthas winked at his nephew, jokingly.

"Prince of man, you know nothing about true darkness."

After Sarasta slowed down from Stomka's suppression, he chose to accept his fate.

However, Arthas was aroused by the sound from deep in his heart.

Alsace suddenly took a step back and waved Stomkagg in front of him, watching Saratas vigilantly.

Arthas's overreaction caused a chain reaction from the guards, and Jia Liya pulled her son behind to protect her, and the others drew their weapons and surrounded them.

"Are you talking?"

Arthas asked tentatively.

"Don't you want to communicate with me? Or is it that your IQ is actually lacking, which is far below the human race average."

Saratas was as poisonous as ever.

"Since you can speak, why don't you tell everyone what you want to say, but tell me a person in a way of spiritual communication?"

Arthas asked loudly.

Others suddenly understood the reason for Alsace's excesses.

"This is not nonsense, of course it can't be done! The broken sword in your hand licks my magic crazily, what shall I use to make a sound?"


For the first time, Arthas encountered such a grounded artifact, and was suddenly speechless.

"Don't look at me like that. I am called the Blade of the Dark Empire because I once ended the rule of a dark empire. Not because I am a symbol of darkness, mortal, your thoughts are very rude."

Arthas became more vigilant.

"Can you read my thinking?"

"No, your expression is so easy to understand."


Others in the room watched Alsace talking to himself, not very clear about the situation, but Arthas waved his hand to signal everyone to relax.

At the same time, Arthas handed Stomka to the guard next to Jia Liya.

He felt that the man was also a Paladin, and he should be able to guard against Stomka's shadow power.

Then, Arthas stepped forward and held Saratas.

Because this dagger told him.

"Give me some magic power, even the holy light will do. I will tell you some truth about the world."

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