Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 686-All Humanoids Congress

Tirion Fording's persistence seemed pedantic and stubborn to Carlos, but it was not incomprehensible.

Half of Hearthglen knew that the former High Lord had returned, but his wife and children didn't.

It is legal for Terenas to deprive Fording of his position, because Tirion does have a vassal relationship with the Menethil family.

But it is not sensible.

Tirion Fording is the pride of everyone in the Hearthglen region, and a convincing lord.

So even if they were deprived of their status by the royal family and exiled by politics, the arrogant mountain people were still willing to show their loyalty to the former lord.

All beings are equal under the plague, how can the sect of the curse give up doing things here because Hearthglen is the hometown of Tirion Fording.

So after getting the news, Fording, the father of Tirion Tyrann, the calf guardian, destroyed the sect’s secret base in Hearthglen with thunderous anger.

According to the truth, it should be a warm drama between father and son.

At least Carlos thinks so.

However, God knows what Tirion Fording was doing, and after an accident, he brushed his body to hide his merits and fame, just not seeing his wife and children.

But the follow-up development was not bad, and Tyran Fording finally persuaded her mother to agree to go to Carlos as an attendant and practice the way of the holy light.

In a sense, the fate of this "future" Scarlet Crusader Lord has changed.

All this happened on the way Carlos returned from the Hinterlands to Guy Erdalon.

So when Carlos made up his mind to step into the right and wrong place of Lordaeron again, Tyran Fording came to Guy's Darron Lake.

And a hypocritical father also happened to report to Carlos.

So Carlos couldn't bear Tirion Fording, and created an opportunity for him to meet with his son.

"When you think about your son, hug him, hide in the corner and peep, is it embarrassing?"

"I am not qualified to see Taelan until I get the honor of responding."

"You are his father!"

"I am deprived of all glory."

Carlos really didn't bother to gossip with older autistic children, clapped his hands, the side door of the room opened, and Tyran Fording walked in.






Carlos didn't understand why such a brainwashed picture appeared in his mind, but the reality is that Fording and his son are speechless at each other.

Carlos walked to the young Taelan and reached out to touch his head.

"That person is Tirion Fording, an irresponsible father, an innocent husband, a fool who admits to death, an apostle of the light, a paladin defending the safety of the kingdom, and a fighting at the forefront. The nameless man, a hero who carries out his own justice. Go ahead, slap him, or give him a hug, don’t stand."

Having said this, Carlos left the room and closed the door easily.

In a fanatical organization like the Scarlet Crusade, he hasn't lost his heart. Taelan is a good seed worth cultivating, but how to get along with Tirion is a matter for the two fathers and sons, and Carlos doesn't want to interfere too much.

Tell Taelan that your father is a hero, and the affirmation from a king is enough for Taelan.

The dog-blood plot of the encounter between Fording and his son can be called love and family. Carlos has a comfortable feeling of understanding his wish.

However, it turned out that other people's children are role models. Before setting off for Lordaeron, how did Carlos see his son not pleasing to his eyes.

It stands to reason that Alphonse has reason to complain about Carlos, who was absent for ten years in his childhood.

If you change to another father, you may feel guilty towards your child.

But Carlos is no other father. Ten years in Azeroth is just an exhausting alien adventure for him.

Going home for more than three months, my son is ten years old...

I'm still a child, I'm not ready to be a father at all.

Carlos didn't realize that he hadn't adjusted his mentality to get along with Alphonse. He could only passively recall and copy what his father Alex Barov had done.

However, this is not fair to Alphonse.

Carlos is a rebirth. He started planning to usurp the country and seize power when he was six years old. He was really a good son of a good brother and father of the people.

To demand a real child by his own enchanting standards...

It's a hell if it is pleasing to the eye!

Self-cultivation, family harmony, country governance, peace of the world.

Carlos thinks that only self-cultivation can do the best.

After ten years of absence, Oakland's real master is actually his father Alex Barov. Although his father is still that father, and his father's love is still like a mountain, Carlos has not dared to meet him.

Power is a kind of responsibility, but also a kind of poison. Carlos has the whole Azeroth in his eyes, but the people of Alterac have only the Barov family in the eyes of the people.

Maintaining the current situation until attending his father's funeral may not be the best choice.

This is what Carlos' mother said to him.

In the days of his disappearance, the external pressure was too great. In order to consolidate the position of the Barov family in Alterac, Alex Barov must strengthen his own power.

This is not wrong.

But one consequence is that the Alterac kingdom must have an enemy at this time, otherwise it will collapse on its own.

This runs counter to Carlos' ideas and needs.

This is also one of the main reasons why Carlos could not make a sound in the League of Lordaeron --- the old father-in-law Terenas did a great job, and he really turned the League of Lordaeron into Luo with only one step. Alliance of the Danlun Kingdom.

Gilneas has been squeezed out, Alterac is completely isolated, Stromgarde continues to decline, and Kul Tiras is also in business competition with it.

If there is no cursed sect, no Lich King, and no coveting of the Burning Legion and the ancient gods, perhaps His Majesty Terenas Menethil II can replace the crown on his head with the imperial crown when he abdicates, and reappear Arathor. The glory of the empire.

But there is no possibility anymore. All human beings must pay for a decade of slack.

The Alliance of Lordaeron has come to the edge of substantial collapse. Although the Kingdom of Lordaeron is still strong, even stronger than ten years ago, it is so insignificant in front of the Burning Legion.

The most ridiculous point appeared.

If he pursues personal power, Carlos only needs to wait and see the changes, as long as he does nothing, the people will naturally lift him to the throne of the highest king.

However, if you take a long-term perspective, instead of confining to the immediate crisis, Carlos must protect the Kingdom of Lordaeron to the greatest extent, ensure the existence of the alliance, and even antagonize his own fundamentals.

The more he wanted to save the world, the more Carlos could appreciate Medivh's state of mind.

When the prophet crossed the endless sea to bring prophecy to the king of Lordaeron to warn the king of Lordaeron, the ears of abuse and ridicule...

So Carlos knew that Lordaeron at this time was a bottomless Uzumaki, and he decided to jump in without hesitation.

It is too difficult to conduct a wise battle with the existence of the ancient gods and the Lich King who are constantly planning the tricks of ghosts, even if they have the advantage of foresight, it is comparable to the existence of Alpha Dog.

To defeat them, it takes fearless sacrifice and absolute strength to crush them.

I saved the alliance, and the Ge map is useless, Carlos Barov said!

On this day Carlos set off for Lordaeron, Mograine was gathering with several friends in the hotel in South Blue.

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