Fish cannot be separated from water, melon cannot be separated from seedlings, people will be hungry if they don't eat, and orcs will die if they die.

Plain and simple truth.

Although Spartacus didn't know what is called Stockholm syndrome, he knew that in the war more than ten years ago, the orcs were neither justice nor glorious.

To be honest, in the days when Carlos disappeared, his father Alex Barov was under great pressure, and treating the orc captives kindly was an empty talk. If it were not for the constant reverberation of opposition from the shadows, the Grand Duke of Alterac had to insist on two things--all the decree promulgated by Carlos Barov must be strictly enforced, and all those who refuse to implement it must be strictly enforced. It was rebellion... The life of the two hundred thousand orc captives in Alterac's custody might not be any better.

But everything is afraid of comparison.

Compared with the brutality of the kingdom of Lordaeron and other victorious nations toward orc captives, the once-orc swordmaster Spartacus could not find a reason to rebel.

Slaves, living tools, labor cheaper than mules and horses, gray animals in underground arenas, and the lowest level of society that are easily killed at every turn.

Humans have a position to retaliate against the orcs. Even if Terenas used his power to deny the massacre after the victory of the war, he would still wipe out the hatred of the injustice generation towards the orcs, and could not eliminate the fear caused by the tide of darkness.

But... Times have changed.

Spartacus and the glorious orc veterans under Carlos never denied their guilt for this wrong war, and did not hesitate to fight bravely or even Isshin's death to make up for their faults and hope to redeem the fading honor.

But the child is innocent.

Orcs are a natural fighting race, even female orcs are good hunters.

Although in the latter part of the war, Orgrim Doomhammer's final efforts caused a large number of female orcs to return to Draenor, there are still a considerable number of female warriors left in Azeroth.

Except for a few heavy-tasting strange species, human beings have almost zero interest in orc females, and after a large number of male orcs detained in detention centers died due to heavy labor and various reasons, the ratio of males to females among orc captives was unexpectedly high. It's wonderfully not so disparity.

In the case of separate detention, letting the male and female orcs "meet" has also become a means for the guards to make the orcs obedient.

In this case, the orcs actually reproduced in Azeroth.

Ha, what a irony, what was not obtained in the war was actually put down by the facility.

In Ere'Thalas, the Glory Orcs proved that they deserved the word Glory with a battle damage rate of more than 40%. Carlos has a good relationship with Dalin, but he will never put his glorious orcs into the fleet of Kul Tiras.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Carlos has no doubt that Dalin is even willing to sink his own ship and then compensate himself for a high amount of money to let the orcs sink into the sea.

Therefore, the glorious orcs who are still in Elthalas can only return in their boats after the night elves' sea transportation pressure is less stressful.

But the rewards they deserve need to be implemented.

Carlos agreed to the glorious orcs who had fought for him, and allowed their families to own their own land in the Hinterlands.

This is not only a reward, but also a comfort and restraint.

Two hundred thousand orcs are not too much, and after a full ten thousand years of manhood, Alterac is not afraid of the crooked minds of those captives.

Two hundred thousand orcs are less than a lot, and the number alone exceeds a quarter of Alterac's official population.

There was no way. At that time, when the countries were assigned to bear the prisoners, Carlos and Terenas dug a pit during their honeymoon period, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron dug a pit and proposed to share the pressure according to the proportion of the land.

According to this plan, Alterac actually only needs to bear less than 60,000 orc captives.

However, Carlos has disappeared, and Terenas is not so good at talking to his young Alex.

Didn’t Briar and Anhador carry out land exchanges? Didn’t your Barov family acquire a large number of Hillblad’s land deeds?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the more land, the heavier the task.

Alliance leader Terenas did not hesitate to include Alterac, who had lost Carlos, on the list of entrapment.

So, regardless of Stromgarde, Gilneas, or Alterac, all were dealt with by the rich and powerful Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Even when Gilneas withdrew from the group, he returned the orcs captive to Lordaeron, Terenas, disgusting.

Originally, according to Gene Greymane's idea, all should be killed.

But his dissatisfaction with Terenas even surpassed his hatred of the orcs, and Genn did not do so.

Therefore, in the case of calculations within the alliance, the orcs living within the human sphere of influence have always been above the minimum population red line for population reproduction.

Although Thrall didn't know the statistics that required a lot of manpower and material resources to collect, he knew what he had to do for his ethnic group based on his feelings.

With the support of the Frostwolf clan, Thrall gained sufficient strength.

As Durotan's son, Thrall's reputation in the Frostwolf clan was much higher than he thought.

So Thrall's plan was supported by the Frostwolf clan.

Note that it is support rather than approval.

According to the idea of ​​the Frostwolf Orcs, even if they want to rescue their compatriots, they should first attack the Alterac concentration camp, then cross the Hinterlands, follow the migration route of the Frostwolf clan from the mountains to the Arathi Highlands, and then liberate the rapids. The orcs held in the fort finally went south.

The power of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was heard by even the Frostwolf clan in the deep mountains.

One should not anger the irresistible opponent, this is the most basic rule of jungle hunting.

But because he is Thrall, the son of Durotan, and a child favored by the elements, the Frostwolf clan made a decision to support Thrall's decision.

The Frostwolf clan, who had missed the entire second orc war, didn't understand how Thrall felt about Carlos.

Thrall, who has not seen the royal guards of Lordaeron and the blade of the Knights of the Silver Hand, does not know how strong the armed forces of the Kingdom of Lordaeron are, but he understands that the Frostwolf clan must not be the opponent of the Alterac Royal Knights. .

So after calmly thinking, Thrall decided to start with Hillblad and Dunhold Castle.

Because it was where he grew up, he was familiar with everything in the castle.

Even more because Dunhold Castle is the largest orc prison in Hillblad in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

And the reason why Thrall couldn't say it, the woman who made herself understand for the first time what gentleness and kindness is——Taresha.

Carlos put all his energy on the operation of maintaining the alliance, on the lobbying of Lordaeron's dignitaries to accept the sale of food in the disaster-stricken areas in the south, and on the intrigues and intrigues within human beings. He did not think of this at all. Insignificant woman.

Even the important task of monitoring the actions of Thrall and the Frostwolf Orcs was directly delegated to Spartacus.

Blake Moore educated Thrall very well, Thrall is also very strong in learning ability, he is a qualified gladiator, and has a bright mind.

But fighting can rely on instinct, but tuition must be paid for war.

Originally, Spartacus wanted to take off his black iron helmet and pretend to be a tribe veteran who fled the forest after defeat and approached Thrall and influenced his decision to dominate this "farce".

But when he found the familiar figure, Spartacus gave up the idea.

Thrall at this time is a qualified warrior, but not a qualified hunter. He does not yet have the hunting ability that the Master Orc is best at.

So much so that Spartacus easily lured the orc he cared about from Thrall.

"Come out, lead me here, it won't be hot and uncomfortable. You want to blow the night breeze."

"You should have rotted in the forest instead of reappearing in front of the orcs. I don't know if all the old things of the Frostwolf clan are dead, but they didn't let the Frostwolf eat all your bones and scum. Say you did a good job of disguising."

"who are you?"

Spartacus took off his helmet in the bright moonlight.

The two sideburns Kakuzu's grayed orcs looked at each other for a moment.

"Spartacus, my friend, you are still alive!"

"Orgrim, my warchief, you should have died long ago."

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