Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 695: The End of an Era (3)

"Thar, is the trouble down there still so fierce?"

"Yes, Orgrim, we don't have enough food, weapons, and morale... I don't feel good, it's kind of fanatical, not sensible..."

"A kind of vent, a kind of revenge."

"Yes, I think you are right, that is an abnormal state."

"You should be happy. This shows that the enslavement of the alliance for two generations has not wiped out the blood of our orcs, but you must also be careful. This irrational enthusiasm is likely to ruin us. I have seen its power. And more than once."

"Then why did you reject the proposal to attack South Blue Town?"

"Do you think we are really free now?"

Thrall faced Orgrim's question, hesitated and confused, he didn't know how to answer.

"There may be something wrong with the alliance, but the monster hasn't fallen apart yet. What do you think made us victorious? Is it our noble spirit or our powerful body? Neither, it's the indulgence of the King of Alterac. . Don’t tell anyone else after you’ve gone out, just remember it yourself. It’s human internal friction that gave us this opportunity, Thrall. Attacking South Blue Town can indeed get a lot of supplies, but at the cost? We will Truly into a desperate situation."

"You mean we want to act as a thug for that human king and bring him benefits? Use the life of our orcs!"

Thrall's emotions were a bit agitated, but he was far from the brink of explosion.

"This is politics, this is reality. Thrall, what humanity needs us to do, so it is convenient for us. What about us? If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, how long do you think it will take us to save our compatriots next time? Compromise, you have to Learn to compromise, but never get used to compromise."

Orgrim couldn't deceive himself, the long-lost power was in control, and this feeling made him feel comfortable all over.

But the ageing of his body also made him unable to do what he wanted.

Orgrim Doomhammer, that powerful orc warchief, is really old.

"The world is vast and it seems that we have a lot of choices, but Thrall, those are all illusions. There is only one way out for us, to leave."


"Yes, leave."

Orgrim motioned Thrall to stand behind him and unbuckle the black armor for himself.

The former warchief could stay in the armor for a month, but now, in just half a day, the weight of the armor makes his shoulders sore and uncomfortable.

"Human arrogance has given us an excellent opportunity. As a former enemy, it is not only humans who are studying our orcs. I am also thinking about alliances and humans."

Orgrim motioned Thrall to sit down too, and to sit closer.

"This is Hillbrad Hills."

Orgrim drew a map of the mountains and rivers on the ground.

"We are here now."

Then there is Thoradin's Wall.

"The Kingdom of Oakland is here, and the gateway to Arathi Highlands is here."

Then Orgrim punched the ground hard.

"Here, you should be familiar."

"Yes, Dunhold."

Thrall nodded.

"Do you think we can shoot down Dunhold Castle?"

Orgrim asked in a low voice.

"It may not work. There are too many old people and children. We seem to have a full 10,000 people, but it may not be half of the people who can really fight."

Thrall answered this question after a brief thought.

"Yes, that's the reason, the reason we can't attack South Blue Town."

"Um...I still don't quite understand."

Orgrim patted Thrall on the shoulder, did not speak, but continued to refine his map on the ground.

Arathi, Dalaran, Silverpine Forest...

Thrall did not speak, just watched quietly.

Although the scale is not necessarily correct, Orgrim relies on his own memory to draw the territories he once conquered on the ground.

"Except for me, there is no second orc who really knows this world."

Orgrim said proudly.

"In Hillsbrad, this is a dead place. Lordaeron and Alterac can mobilize troops to enclose us north of Thoradin's Wall at any time. This is the Carlos Barov who dared to indulge us. Don’t think about it, there must be an army ambushing south of Thoradin’s Wall. As long as we have the intention to escape, the human army will appear immediately. Our orcs’ wolf cavalry has been lost, humans There is no chance of winning as many horses as possible."

Thrall looked down at the world Orgrim had shown him, clenched his fists and said nothing.

"But we are not without opportunities."

Orgrim's words made Thrall suddenly raised his head.

"Here, here, there is a hidden road."

Orgrim nodded to the northeast of Dunhold Castle.

"Among the mountains, there is a path that humans cannot walk, and we orcs can walk. Back then, your father walked, Frostwolf clan walked, I also walked, and the Horde bypassed the Alliance at Thoradin’s Wall. The defense of the two separates Hillsbrad and Arathor Heights."

"what do you mean……"

"We must let humans pay for their arrogance, and we must let humans know that orcs will never be slaves!"

Orgrim's words made Thrall's blood boil.

"So until then, we cannot offend the King of Alterac, and cannot attack the town of South Blue. Time will not be too much, and the human king will not give us too much time. More compatriots must be rescued. , Armed with more soldiers, and then attacked Dunhold Castle, where there are at least fifty thousand orcs. As long as Dunhold Castle is down, we will be able to penetrate from the Great Yamanaka to the Arathi Highlands. Stromgarde has declined, The humans of the Alliance are in internal friction. As long as we reach Arathi, we will have food and minerals. At that time, we can truly breathe a sigh of relief. Thrall, you have to remember that the ultimate goal of our orcs is to survive and to be free. , Instead of revenge, don't compromise with the extreme shouts of others."

Thrall looked into Orgrim's eyes and nodded heavily.

"I will appease those people, I will let them listen to your opinion."

When Thrall left, Orgrim let out a long sigh of relief.

When the Frostwolf clan lived in seclusion, I still didn't feel that the wounds that Anduin Lothar left on his body began to ache in a few consecutive battles.

Orgrim stood up slowly, left the crypt that served as the command post, and looked at the bustling orcs in the camp with a mixed mood.

At the same time, in Lordaeron, Carlos had just concluded the first round of talks.

Finally, the great lords who had surplus food in Lordaeron's hands began to relax under the combined effect of enlightenment.

Without using violent means to coerce, Carlos solved this food procurement problem in the most orthodox way.

Although it is hard work, there are no hidden dangers. This is the real uprightness.

At the same time, news of orc riots in the Hillsbrad Foothills began to spread.

But after so many years, when the orcs didn't make a lot of trouble, Lordaeron didn't seem to take the news seriously.

"I still owe it to the fire."

Carlos sighed to himself.

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