Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 700 This damn fate is so rainy

The end of philosophy must be theology.

The old question is, what is God.

Or discuss this issue from another angle, what kind of power the gods should have.

Raise your hands and feet to destroy the world, just like Sargeras?

Or to create an era of life like the Pantheon Titans?

Perhaps to the inhabitants of Azeroth, Archimonde was like a god, even the ancient gods feared the power of the defiler.

But these are probably not the standards of the gods.

If I am not afraid of death, or even if I am not afraid of death, I am not afraid of death.

Those these forces, these strong men, what is there to be afraid of.

After thinking about it, probably only those who can control their destiny are qualified to be called gods.

If all clones are recalled, Kromi in his heyday has the power to kill most of the wild demigods, and God Loa is a scum scum who shouts and kills at will.

But Azeroth has no if.

In order to explore the truth of the flow of time, Chromie has sunk too deep, and she will never reach the peak of "fullness", and even at this time the power to gather has already consumed a little.

For this state, Chromie felt that he had a common language with the creature named Ultraman.

But she never considers herself weak.

But in front of Aisenna, Chromie's dragon soul was trembling.

That is not despair at the level of force, nor is it the suppression of life rank, but from more primitive fear and desire.

"who are you?!"

Chromie exhausted all his energy to ask questions.

"My name, Iona."

Um? ? ? ?

As a bronze dragon and a clan of guardian dragons, Chromie naturally knows the names of the gods of the Pantheon.

"Impossible, the life giver has left Azeroth long ago!"

Moreover, as the high-ranking Titan of the Pantheon, the creator of the Emerald Dream, and the spouse of Amanthur, the king of the gods, if Iona is still in Azeroth, the Burning Legion would have a fart.

Thinking with the dragon's tail, I also knew that the ball in front of me could never be that Iona.

To be more specific, this feeling of prestige... Chromie once violated Nozdormu's ban, traversed the protection and restrictions set by the King of Time and Sand in the flow of time, and returned to the point of time when the first Titan came. The view has seen the power of the Titans.

The pressure emitted by this luminous ball is definitely not the style of the Pantheon.

No, to be precise, this is not a power that a demigod can possess.

Chromie gradually broke free from his rigid thinking.


The only person in Azeroth who can possess such power is now the moon god Elune, who has embodied the world under the guise of the god of the wilderness, Assina!

After the explosion of the Well of Eternity, Elune rarely appeared in the world, and the guardian dragons also had their own guesses.

But the dragons did not doubt the real existence of Elune.

But this coercion came and went quickly. It seems that the previous dialogue did not prevent Eisana, who claims to be Iona, from continuing to work... in the ball?

In the energy well created by Illidan using two bottles of eternal well water, where the dragon kings blessed the night elves, and at the root of the world tree Nordrassil, Kromi felt that he had seen something extraordinary.

The boldest and most reasonable guess about Archimonde's death.

In all the timelines witnessed by the bronze dragon, Archimonde is a world-destroying natural disaster-level existence.

Cunning, arrogant, and cautious and arrogant, standing under the apex of the burning legion, the top powerhouse who truly honours the name of the universe.

Was blown to death by the elf?

There is no doubt that Archimonde is a senior two or five. After discovering that the power contained in the tree of the world has the possibility of challenging Sargeras, he decisively put the Burning Legion’s responsibility behind and left behind. The invincible Burning Army and the Scourge Emperor's Allied Forces crossed the endless sea in a straight line and rushed to Mount Hyjal to go around the trees.

Although mortal people praised the hymn of life, shouted the golden spirit, and admired the sacrifices made by the night elves for the world.

But sacrifice is useful, and what we need to do with strength.

Can a hundred thousand elves really blow up Archimonde to just a skull?

No one has ever calculated this problem.

It seems that even just thinking about it has caused slander and slander to those noble victims.

But the problem is the problem. If you don't think about it, it also exists there. The only difference is whether you can touch the destined problem girl.

Hmm...problem Sharon Kromi?

The original Kamui suppressed Kromi's thinking. When Kamui disappeared, Kromi's divergent thinking had already thought of a million possibilities.

However, Iona obviously had no idea of ​​staying.

Seeing that the shape of the light ball in the center of the lake gradually dimmed and blurred, Chromie understood that his time was running out and he had to choose the most core and most valuable question from the one million questions.

"I want to see Elune!"

Chromie's body is still affected by Kamui, crawling to the ground in the posture of a giant dragon, but even if the vocal cords are hoarse and magical, she still shouts out her desire with her soul.

"I have contributed to the salvation of the world, I have shed blood for all living beings, I want to see the Moon God!"

It is pronounced as Aisen, and written as Aiona, nominally the god of the wilderness, and essentially the core of the emerald dream. Just such a ball of light spoke before leaving.

The sound transmitted by the air medium is used through vibration.

"I remember you, Kronom, a peculiar anchor."

"It's my pleasure."

"The Moon God has left this world."


"But there is another gem that can be connected to the Moon God."


"You do a few things for me, and I will tell you where the gem is."

"Kronom is willing to serve you."


When there were the most clones, Chromie observed more than three hundred time streams at the same time.

Each stream of time represents a possibility in the world of Azeroth.

Each stream of time has the same meaning for Azeroth.

Although there is no distinction between high and low between time stream, Quan Chōmei is different.

Originally, in all the observed time streams, the "Official History of Warcraft" that Carlos knew well was the "best" future witnessed by the bronze dragons.

Chromie was once convinced.

Because this is a fact publicly acknowledged by His Majesty Nozdormu, the great King of Time Sand and the most powerful bronze dragon.

But with the exploration of this timeline, a large number of clones died, and Chromie began to doubt the "flow of time" itself.

Especially breaking the taboo, transcending the limit, and seeing the possibility after the end...

Chromie was already stuck in it unknowingly.

At the same time Iona gave Chromie's instructions, her figure faded and finally became invisible.

At the same time, Chromie, who has always been pitted, is seldom pitted with one leader and two big heads.

This is Nordrassil, the root of the World Tree, where the abridged, weakened, disfigured version of the Well of Eternity is sealed.

Staying here for a long time has aroused the vigilance of the emerald dragon army stationed here, and the transaction with Iona cannot be explained to outsiders, and Chromie doesn't know what excuses should have been perfunctory.

"Aha, Tenten is so angry today."

"I know you, dragon hate god... ahem, that bronze dragon Kromi, explain your intentions."

On the other side of the world, at Guy Erdalon Castle, the Barov family's wizard consultant tile suddenly felt dizzy.

"I think I need to rest for a while."

After speaking to his assistant, Fang Zhuo walked to the reclining chair aside and closed his eyes to rest.

Dizziness caused by lack of mana is too sparse and common for the mage, and the assistant of the brick does not feel strange at all, but continues to focus on recording the ongoing spell experiment.

Therefore, the assistant who carried the brick on his back did not notice the shocking message that the brick's lips moved silently and slightly.

"Yes, my goddess, your will is above all else."

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