Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 702 Dragon and Karazhan

Among the stars, apart from the empty space, there is only solitude.

In the endless depths, Medivh, the astral mage, out of habit, named his brand-new mage battleship...tower, still named Karazhan.

Taking the supreme control of a Titan world, using the origin engine and Titan drawings to create a super~~~~~~~ What is the great thing about a luxurious new home?

of course not.

So is it a great achievement to run successfully before the Titans make trouble?

must be.

"Agramar is a real waste. Ten times the strength of the army was encircled and suppressed, but Archimonde was allowed to run away, and another civilized world was burned to ashes."

"It's not surprising that polluters can't see through such a simple and crude strategy."

"So Archimonde is proud at this time, eating the bait, and bending the hook into a paperclip, the Pantheon is embarrassing."

"But who can watch the pantheon jokes? Or to put it another way, who else..."

After a short conversation, there was a long silence.

"So think about it, the Titans of the Pantheon are really amazing."

"You seem to have forgotten your origin."

"After seeing so many stupid CAO works by the Creator, the awe has long since vanished."

Medivh turned his head and looked at the star map, not ready to take Chromie's words.

The war between the Pantheon and the Burning Legion is in full swing.

Three hundred Ten Thousand Years have passed since the first Great Expedition of Oman Sur to the Ten Thousand Years after the end of the last Great Expedition, Sargeras fell.

Relying on the protection of the Titans, countless planetary worlds gave birth to countless life forms, and countless upper civilizations embarked on the path of exploring the stars.

In the "core area" of the universe, the brilliance of life and civilization is so dazzling.

It's a pity that all these good things are like candles in the wind.

The fierceness of the war exceeded the expectations of all mortal races.

The Pantheon and the Burning Legion are simply the ultimate enlarged version of the Alliance and the Horde. The frantic fight between these two behemoths using the multiverse as the battlefield is a nightmare for all civilizations, and they will not wake up.

Because understanding, tolerance, and forgiveness have all become two concepts under the omni-directional battlefield grinding without dead ends-comrade-in-arms and enemy.

The Pantheon Titan Army headed by Aggramar has not discovered a fact. For those mortal races who regard them as creators, the creators of the past have become another appearance of the Burning Legion.

The Titans of the Pantheon also gradually gave up the wonderful pursuit of life evolution, distorting the important task of guarding order.

At least in Medivh's view, in Aggramar's eyes, Sargeras is the incarnation of chaos, and the Burning Legion is the greatest evil. As long as it is to fight against the Burning Legion and attack Sargeras, then everything is just.

In Medivh’s cognition, this kind of behavior is called extreme by the humans of Azeroth, which is extremely narrow, and it can only prove that Aggramar was dazzled by hatred.

However, Medivh is only an astral mage, he is not a Titan, nor can he interfere with the internal affairs of the Pantheon, nor can he affect the thoughts of Aggramar, the current highest military commander of the Pantheon, and he was even pulled up because he had stolen the high-level authority of the Pantheon. The blacklist.

If it weren't for Adar's help to cover up, Medivh might have been listed as a running dog of the Burning Legion by the Pantheon, and as a target of obliteration rather than a blacklist.

But Medivh thought it was worth it.

Whether it is the precious knowledge gained from the Origin Engine or the planetary battleship "Karazhan".

Or maybe it's the greatest fortune in the universe-where did Dad go.

There is a mystery about what happened to Aman Sur.

Adal is a naru.

Because it is a high-ranking Naaru, it cannot go against the will of the Presbyterian Church.

But this does not prevent Adal from using roundabout means to satisfy his curiosity while not violating the will of the Presbyterian Church.

For example, Sargeras had the last meeting with his brothers and sisters before his fall.

This is the fortunate secret belonging to the gods, the highest-level secret in the universe.

Even ninety-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine percent of the intelligent creatures in the universe don't even know what happened at that time.

However, an ancestor Naaru knew.

A dead ancestor Naru was on the scene.

Adal told Medivh about this and gave him the coordinates of the dark universe of the place where Naaru had died.

As for the reason...

That is, half of Carlos's "plug-in" is now in Medivh's hands.

Based on Azeroth’s time, Medivh has traveled to the astral world in less than a year in the timeline where Carlos is, but how can Medivh, the astral mage who has been in the astral world for thousands of years, fail to see The peculiarity of Carlos's soul.

If it weren't for his feelings for his hometown, Medivh didn't mind treating Carlos in a more direct way, rather than taking half of it.

But all this can't be concealed from Adal.

In the case of invalid denial, Medivh decisively chose to cooperate.

The fact is also true. Without Adal's cooperation, Medivh simply did not have enough time to complete his "Karazhan".

In the multiverse, the focus is on diversity.

It is like distorting the void and the dark universe.

As an artifact race that has experienced at least two annihilations in the universe, the Naaru has his own secret knowledge, and the dark universe is one of them.

In that unique space, most of the perception methods of the material world and even the distortion of the void are ineffective. If it were not for this newly-built starship, Medivh, as an astral mage, would not dare to easily enter the dark universe.

But with the help of "Twenty-five Boys" Adal, it is not a dangerous thing to go to the dark universe to find the remains of a dead ancestor Naaru.

Knowledge is power, and Medivh will not refuse such a request, because all that Adal asks for is to share knowledge, and this request is not excessive.

The more knowledgeable you are, the more you miss and awe your hometown.

Medivh didn't lie to Carlos, but didn't say the whole thing.

When Draenor escaped Archimonde's chase across the plane, Chromie still protected Carlos very conscientiously. In fact, Medivh saved both of them at the same time.

But Medivh hid Chromie's information, or selectively forgot about it.

The reason is simple, he needs two messengers.

After being excluded by the Great Enchantment of Azeroth, astral mage Medivh could not anchor the coordinates of Azeroth. Simply put, he couldn't go back.

The avatars of Medivh left in Azeroth were insufficient in strength and could not affect the progress of the world at all. The astral mage who had gained enough strength in the astral realm had personally cut off the possibility of saving his hometown. This is absolutely unacceptable to Medivh. of.

So Medivh was ecstatic about the arrival of Chromie and Carlos.

Because Carlos has a weaker perspective on mysticism, Medivh sent Carlos back to Azeroth first, leaving the stronger Kromi by his side.

If his conjecture is true, then Medivh has a chance to intervene in Azeroth.

This is the back story that Carlos didn't know.

However, this story has nothing to do with what Medivh is going to do now.

Adal clearly told Medivh that the "thing" he had snatched from Carlos could briefly awaken the deceased ancestor Naaru. If he speaks well, he should be able to inquire about what happened at that time.

Chromie, who never liked Eight Trigrams, stayed beside Medivh without any interest, for fear that the Astral Master would take him with him.

So troublesome!

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