Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 704: My Stupid Odoudou

The question of which cosmic magic is stronger is a bit controversial.

After all, there are still a lot of people who have not been able to pretend to be fools.

But which one is the best in the universe, look for Titans in the Pantheon!

Originally, there were no starships in the Twisting Void. After Sargeras fell, there were starships.

Although the Burning Legion’s I-Thinking Dafa is very easy to use, and the magic transformation is very successful, the template used by the Chaos Demons is the same set that Sargeras brought from the Pantheon.

In a nutshell, the interstellar battleship of the Burning Legion is a technology of magic, in the final analysis, it is the power of magic, a manifestation of the chaotic nature of the distorted void.

But Medivh’s Karazhan is different.

The Pantheon leads the universe technology for three hundred Ten Thousand Years, and the ability to innovate has never lost. After obtaining the highest authority from the casting world, Medivh directly used the blueprint of the Titans to create the Karazhan, which can almost represent the highest battleship technology of the Pantheon. .

This is the rolling of tonnage and the brilliance of the caliber.

Medivh only thought for less than a thousandth of a second before he made a decision.

The wind was blowing, the clouds were flying, and the artillery blasted its mother.

In an instant, the control room seemed to disappear. In the empty universe, only Medivh and the little dwarf Chromie around him.

Medivh waved his staff, and the distance in space seemed to be a toy under the power of the Astral Master. Under the action of the "multiplier mirror", the Burning Legion starship a light-year away was visible to the naked eye like a large model.

"Full power charge."

[The main battery is fully charged]


[Command verification completed]

With the voice of the mechanical terminal, Karazhan’s star destroyer spanned a distance of light years, accurately hitting the battleship of the Burning Legion, and sent the battleship and the demons on the battleship back to the Twisting Void. Re-read the article. .

"Gosh, this is so cool!"

With Kromi's admiration, the holographic sensing system in the control room went offline, and the empty command center returned to reality again.

"Without this ship, I wouldn't go to the dark space to mess around."

Medivh recollected for a moment, then thought about the gains and losses, and determined that his judgment was in line with current interests.

So, after Kromi's brief toasting time, the Karazhan arrived at the coordinates given by Adal.

There is no earth-shattering light and shadow effect, the magic derived from the Pantheon technology directly penetrated the dimension wall, sending Medivh to the silent dark space of the universe.

This is the place where the epochs overlap, the edge between reality and illusion.

As a race that has experienced at least two generation changes, the Naaru can survive the death of the universe to the next rebirth, which has nothing to do with the dark universe.

In the material world, even inside the distorted void, there are also stars, with energy surges, and entropy increases and decreases.But in this dark cosmic space, there is true death. In this space almost as large as the material world, except for the secrets hidden by the ancestor Naaru and the naru who are still alive, there is nothing, nothing but one. The universe that exists for existence.

It is also such a special space that allows Naaru to survive the changes in the epoch of the universe.

In such a special space, there is no clear coordinate. Finding something is not called finding a needle in a haystack. It is not an exaggeration to call it finding sodium chloride in a haystack.

So when Medivh looked for the remains of the deceased ancestor Naaru mentioned by Adal, he did not receive any interference.

Perhaps this unique dark universe itself is the biggest obstacle and guarantee.

Seeing all of this in Cromi's eyes, there is a subtle twist that is difficult to guard against house thief at night and day.

But who really cares.

Salvaging the dry core of the ancestor Naaru back to the Karazhan, Medivh upholds the caution due to the mage, carefully testing its magical properties.

Nothing, like an ordinary meteorite fragment.

After thinking about the decision again, Medivh ordered the control terminal to activate the highest level of internal protection of the Karazhan, and then took out the power echo captured from Carlos, and tried to reactivate the dead ancestor Naaru.

"Uh, did it fail?"

Chromie watched Medivh put his palm on the dry core of the ancestor Naaru, and then there was no more.

The dry core didn't respond.

But Chromie didn't dare to disturb Medivh, so he waited aside.

It's just that the bronze dragon from Azeroth didn't know that Medivh's spiritual world had already set off a huge wave.

It was not only the deceased ancestor Naru who knew the secret back then, but also two other heavyweights - Aman Sur and Sargeras.

At this moment, all the conditions are in place.

The power echoes from Aman Sur, the soul fragments from Sargeras, it is expected that the ancestor Naruna will act as the dry core of the amplifier.

Medivh's consciousness was swept across his body by a torrent of power, and a majestic and vicissitudes of life sighed: "My arrogant and paranoid brother."

Although Medivh had never heard of it, he knew it, and there was a kind of tearful excitement, it was Aman Sur.

With this voice as an anchor point, Medivh witnessed a grand dispute.

After the last great expedition, the Pantheon Titans returned from Azeroth on the border of civilization.

The upper Titans perform their duties, Aman Sur continues to study life forms, and Sargeras faithfully fulfills the mission of suppressing the Twisting Void.

It seems to be no different from every day the three hundred Ten Thousand Years come.

However, the Titans of the Pantheon understood that this time the great expedition had failed in terms of purpose.

The Titans are the guardians of order, not pure life defenders. The Titans have powers comparable to the gods, but they are not gods.

Because the gods are immortal, although the Titans live a long life, they will eventually die.

This is the truth of the Pantheon's expansion of the universe-the Titans recast order in the universe and spread life, not just doing nothing and being happy, but having essential needs.

The Titans hope to find their own evolutionary path while observing the evolution of life.

However, all I got was disappointment again and again.

Regardless of the species intervened by the Titans or the native evolution, the evolution of life has not exceeded the records of the Titans database.

Those mortals who praise the power of the Creator do not understand the sorrow of the Creator at all.

Except for Aman Sur, the father of the gods, no second Titan is immortal.

Over the long years, more and more first-generation Titans and second-generation Titans are coming to the end of their lives.

In such an environment, as the First Generation Titan evolved from the Star Soul, Sargeras also inevitably fell into perplexed thinking.

As soon as human beings think, God laughs, and Sargeras' thinking makes Void Will endure for Ten Thousand Years.

How can the dreadlord disturb Sargeras' thoughts.

There is a great horror between life and death. The real source of Sargeras' depravity is its thinking about life and death, which directly shakes its understanding of existence.

So Sargeras returned to the Pantheon and asked his brother Amansur for answers.

"Are we doing something wrong? What we call recasting order also destroys the possibility of life evolution? We have turned the entire universe into what we are."

Amansur told Sargeras with few words and a lot of facts that the Pantheon was not wrong, and the past pictures flowed through Sargeras's heart like a revolving lantern with the power of Amansur.

"Life is so fragile and precious, if care is also wrong, then what is right."

Sargeras blurted out.

"Materials compete with natural selection, but in fact survive. Life is an accidental miracle, and we should not interfere."

Not overly intervening, Sargeras directly denied the Pantheon’s course of action.

There is no right or wrong in this kind of philosophical discussion, and this time the discussion broke up unhappy.

Amansur was a little unhappy.

Since his beginning, the First Generation Titan was conceived by the star soul, with a life span of 100 million Ten Thousand Years, and possessing great power.

But Aman Sur himself understood that Titan's life form was not perfect.

The Pantheon Titans that evolved based on their First Generation Titans, although they also have a long life span in units of hundreds of Ten Thousand Years, they will eventually die.

Is it really wrong?

Aman Sur used his authority to question the universe itself.

As a mighty person in control of time and space, the prophetic power of the father of the gods is almost equivalent to the restraining power of the root cause.

A tragedy was born when Amansur "attacked his shield with his spear".

As the spokesperson for the order of the universe, the moment when he began to doubt himself, the power of the chaotic will was unprecedentedly high.

During the three hundred Ten Thousand Years, the Twisted Void, as a seedbed of chaos, has been in a state of being suppressed. When Void’s will find a catharsis, Amansur foresaw a sad fact.One of himself and Sargeras must be transformed into a spokesperson for the Twisting Void.

This is the "destiny" that the father of the gods has spied on from countless possibilities.

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

Aman Sur was dissatisfied with this result. He believed that his foresight ability was not strong enough, so he requested that Iona and Norgannon be included. Brothers and sisters like Gogones helped themselves.

Amansur wants to gather the most powerful power of the Pantheon in history to discover a path to happiness for all Titans from the truth of the universe.

He wanted to save Sargeras while defending order.

However, doing so itself led to a terrible result...

Aman Sur’s consciousness diffuses into the entire universe. While he is omniscient and omnipotent, he has also lost himself.

After learning this fact, Sargeras fell into the deepest darkness.

Sargeras believes that his actions have caused the loss of Amansur, and only by burning the entire universe can he return to Amansur's will.

So, Sargeras bowed his head to Void Will, cast the demon he was imprisoned, and formed the Burning Legion.

But when the noble Sargeras turned into a fallen Titan, he was no longer him, and chaotic instincts filled his body.

As a result, Aggramar had not been summoned by Mansour and could only helplessly carry the banner of the Pantheon against Sargeras, the once most revered boss.

Putting aside the unpredictable power, this memory from the depths of Sargeras' soul fragments is completely a bloody eight-point romance drama.

Aegwynn successfully suppressed the erosion of Sargeras's soul fragments on his son Medivh, but the guardian of Azeroth did not have enough power to completely remove the soul fragments of the fallen Titan.

So Medivh must leave Azeroth and go to the astral world.

After Carlos’s body of power originating from Aman'sul was amplified by the core of annihilation of the ancestor Naaru, the soul memory in Medivh’s body was activated. go through.

"Medivine, why are you crying?"

The grievances and hatreds of Ten Thousand Years were just a flick in the eyes of Chromie, and Miss Bronze Dragon wondered why Shirahoshi World Mage shed tears.

"I'm really an idiot, I personally separated the fragments of Amansur's will and the echo of power..."


Chromie didn't understand what Medivh was talking about.

"No wonder Sargeras is so obsessed with Azeroth... Because in Azeroth, Aman'sul and the Moon God teamed up to set up the Great Enchantment of Azeroth, and Aman'sul used part of his will to forge time. flow."

"Wait, what do you mean, you mean..."

"I messed up things."

"Wait, make it clear, in the end..."

Medivh looked at his empty palms.

"I personally stifled the possibility of Aman Sur's consciousness returning... Hahaha, I don't know where the enlistment of the Burning Legion is. Is it too late for me to join now."

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