Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 707 Love The Way You Lie

The more you understand, the crazier you are, and the more you worship, the more distant you are from understanding.

The so-called reason is probably just the appearance of ignorance.

Standing on the top platform of the castle, the bricks looked at Carlos who successfully returned to Guy Erdalon with his mediation from a distance, and felt distressed.

The once high-spirited teenager, that bold guy step by step to the pinnacle of life, and then wrapped in fame, profit, love, and righteousness, willingly put on heavy shackles.

How excited the cheering crowd is, how pitiful Carlos is in the eyes of Brick.

Struggling for the illusory happiness is never able to escape the sea of ​​pain.

Only the gift of the goddess can illuminate the whole world!

When Fangzhu received the enlightenment, he asked why Carlos could not be redeemed.

The goddess replied, this is the fate of the hero.

As a result, Brick felt sorry and relieved, and the sense of guilt and morality disappeared.

This is the fate of Carlos, the return of the hero.

Let yourself quietly watch the Knight King shine with the last glory of his life.

The episode in the Eastern Kingdoms did not affect the snow in Kalimdor.

Following the traces of Elune, Chromie succeeded in finding the legendary stone that could be used to contact the Moon God in the holy ground guarded by the Owls in Winterspring Valley.

And, accepted the task assigned by the Moon God.

"I was patronizing with excitement. I really didn't expect Elune to have such a backhand in this world. It's too awkward, but it's only the knowledge given by the gods. It's too awkward, but fortunately no one around sees it."

After finishing the contact with the Moon God, Chromie looked at the big grunts around him with thick eyebrows and big eyes, coughing slightly, pretending that nothing happened.

Not ashamed, really not ashamed.

Originally, I only thought that I could trace the memories of the past, but I didn't expect to directly contact the Moon God's body.

I am overwhelmed and understandable for a while.

Chromie's brief joy was followed by calm thoughts.

The phantom of the ancient elves serving the Moon God has recovered the "sacred stone". Apart from the empty altar in the entire holy land, there is only the big owl beast that Longwei dare not approach and look at from a distance.

The cold wind in Winterspring wiped out Chromie's restless mind, and she began to think about the knowledge the Moon God had imparted to her and the arduous mission.

"Fate" is distorted, and "Oracle" is misinterpreted.

The whole world is doomed, and Chromie must correct these "errors" before the disaster really happens.

The first important thing is to go to Lordaeron to warn, remind humans, and inform them about the existence of the "Lich King".

And the second thing was that Hu Youhai's daughter went west to establish a stronghold.

The will of the Moon God is very clear. Archimonde must come to Azeroth. The actual arrival of the Defiler is itself one of the key nodes in saving the world. Damage caused by Xerath.

So Jaina, the daughter of the sea, must go west.

But the legacy of Medivh in this world belonged to Carlos. Without Medivh’s clone and phantom to act as the role of the magic stick, all "established facts" would naturally not happen.

Therefore, Chromie, who contacted the Moon God, was in danger and was ordered, and the organization had decided that you would act as the sacred stick.

Haven't seen a pig run and eaten pork this year?

Chromie is so familiar with the work of pretending to be a god stick, and the twists and turns inside are called Menerqing.

The problem is that the hands are shaking when playing such a big game.

In this timeline, the Alliance finally killed the Horde on the ground. Carlos Barov’s efforts blocked the Burning Legion from the world. The main contradiction today is the uneven distribution of benefits within the Alliance plus the Scourge. A three-way game between the ancient gods and the natives of Azeroth.

Chromie actually wanted to observe and see the final outcome of the world without the external pressure of the Burning Legion.

But it doesn't work anymore, Elune clearly told that Archimonde must come to Azeroth as a tool man.

So Chromie has to start making trouble.

It's cool to think about it.

Chromie has witnessed so many sufferings that she doesn't even need to spend time thinking about how to accomplish the mission, because in other timelines, Medivh's project does not need to be revised, just change the name and copy it all.

No, you don’t even need to change your name!

Chromie suddenly discovered that I am here to save the world. You go with a scapegoat. This kind of thing is too in line with Medivh's personality.

As a result, Chromie returned to the form of the dragon and flew high, holding the power bestowed by the Moon God, and rushing towards Karazhan at a speed that surpassed the Tianhui Dragon.

Karazhan, the largest magic net anomaly node in the Eastern Kingdom.

Chromie landed on the terrace and looked at the weird colors of the sky. During the performance, he had used his own magical induction to penetrate the barrier and came to the tower.

"Bronze dragon, I remember you, is there anything?"

A figure opened the door and walked out.

Chromie was tight behind his back, but quickly relieved.

This is just the afterimage of Medivh's clone in this world.

Who are you scaring!

Chromie returned to the dwarf form, trotting all the way to speed up.

"You are... Chromie?!"

Medivh looked at the little dwarf who was running towards him suspiciously, not knowing why.

Is this a hug?

However, Chromie succeeded in a hurry, jumped up abruptly, and kicked directly to Medivh's knee.

"Is my old lady's name also something you can call?"

Not understanding why, Chromie slammed Medivh's head with his small fist.

Even if it's just a phantom, it doesn't have the power of destroying the heavens and the earth like the Astral Master's body, but Medivh has his own dignity and pride.

But just when Medivh wanted to mobilize Karazhan's power to teach the bronze dragon a little bit of a lesson.

The blue moonlight enveloped him.

"Now, guess who is the guardian?"

Chromie grunted maliciously, absorbed the clone left by Medivh, and stole the image of Medivh.

After all, bronze dragons are not good at magic, and if they use Transfiguration, there is a risk of being broken.

In human society, giant dragons are being kept away, far less famous than Medivh’s guardian.

Successfully absorbed Medivh’s avatar, Chromie touched the face that had become Medivh, picked up the Etijesh. Volume version. Guardian’s legendary staff from the ground, and stomped twice on the spot, muttering Muttered to himself.

"Very well, the preparations are done, now it's time to go to Jaina."

After all, become a dragon and prepare to fly into the sky.

Then Chromie was stunned.

"Mistakes, mistakes."

Touching his head embarrassedly, Chromie poured magic power into the wand in his hand, his figure gradually distorted, and finally turned into a raven and flew towards the sky.

After Chromie left, the door where Medivh appeared as a clone walked out again.

In Aegwynn's eyes, what happened in the past period of time is like a video tape.

The former guardian sniffed the smell permeating the terrace, thoughtfully.

"Elune, Chromie, Jaina...interesting."

Everything that happened in the distance was too far away from Jaina, and Dalaran's life could not dilute the sorrow of the spring girl.

In the mage tower of Antonidas, in Jaina's own room, the princess of Kul Tiras was in a trance holding a book of poems, and she repeated a poem.

"If you love someone, you can even love his lies."

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