"Your Majesty, I suggest that you should let the orcs on the snowy field handle this rebellion."

"Then join it?"

"Are you questioning the policy specified by your majesty?"

"I doubt your loyalty!"

Facing the quarrel between the generals at hand, Carlos had a headache.

He didn't know why he wanted to let go of those orcs, even if Thrall's uprising was so powerful.

Whenever Carlos is ready to think about the benefits and losses of this, the power of the Moon God will affect his thinking, allowing him to bypass the process and come to the conclusion that "this is justice".

However, the more terrifying reality is that because Carlos has always been correct, his generals dare not question his decision.

The only luck is that Carlos' old father-in-law Terenas Menethil II is too powerful in pulling hatred.

After Carlos returned to Azeroth from the star realm to show his identity, the relationship between the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Alterac quickly recovered. But before that, Alterac had been "sanctioned" by Lordaeron for eight years.

Yes, after Gilneas withdrew from the league, Alterac was the next unlucky one.

So when the orcs attacked Dunhold Castle and Carlos kept silent, although the generals questioned them out of professionalism, they were still very happy.

Haha, bad luck, you also have today!

This is roughly the mood.

Reason requires prevention before they happen, and the rebellious orcs must be severely suppressed; but emotions tell everyone to wait a while, watching the people of Lordaeron suffer.

No Alterac person doubted that he would be defeated, because their king was named Carlos Barov.

In the field of war, the Alliance never doubted the Knight King.

This includes Thrall.

Through Spartacus, through the Frostwolf clan, through what he saw, heard, thought, and thought, Thrall was willing to believe that Carlos had a vision of peaceful coexistence with the orcs.

At the same time, Thrall was also reflecting on what the war had brought to humans and orcs.

"This is a huge rift that our generation and even our next generation cannot fill, but someone has to do it."

It was precisely based on this realization that Thrall left behind the battlefield principles that Professor Orgrim had given him, and prolonged it for a long time because of lack of preparation.

Preparation will never be sufficient.

Thrall thought he had done a good job, hoping that his "adoptive father" could understand the current affairs and release the orcs held in Dunhold Castle in a peaceful manner.

But Blake Moore didn't think so.

This unreconciled Lordaeron officer was angered by Thrall's kindness.

Ambitious, capable, and a fanatical human supremacist.

Blake Moore does not accept the "threat" of the orcs.

So, in front of Thrall, Blake Moore beheaded the "collaborating" Tallesa, and threw her head down the city wall, rolling down in front of Thrall.

Like a mother, a sister, a teacher and a friend, the most important woman in Thrall's entire growth process, the kind woman who taught him died in front of him, because of herself, because of her "adoptive father".

For the first time, Thrall understood what an unforgettable hatred was.

Kneeling on the ground, Thrall held Taresa's head and only hugged it on his chest. Amidst the unbridled ridicule of Dunhold soldiers, Thrall turned and left, Orgrim holding a spear to help him block the sneak attack. stab in the back.

Before dawn the next day, the orcs completed the blockade and siege of Dunhold Castle.

Thrall at this time had no mercy in his heart.

Thirteen thousand orcs defended against five thousand humans.

Crickmore made a fatal mistake. He underestimated the young orc whom he named "Thal", which means "slave".

Underestimated his courage, consciousness and wisdom.

Thrall handed over the power of commanding the army to Orgrim without reservation, and personally led a capable team to sneak into Dunhold again from the route where he had escaped.

This is really an excellent irony. The guards of Dunhold Castle didn't understand the principle of remedying the situation, and did not close this loophole at all.

The defenders who could have relied on the fortified city walls to resist the orcs completely lost the will to resist after witnessing how Thrall set fire to create chaos, how to attack the castle during the chaos, and how to block Clerkmore and behead him.

Dunhold Castle, the largest orc prison on the continent of Lordaeron, was breached.

Thrall used great perseverance to contain the demon in his heart, and did not choose to kill the prisoners.

It's not because of a chosen son, or a kind heart.

Taresa's death hurt Thrall a great deal, and there was nowhere to tell his anger.

It was because Spartacus notified him and Orgrim that the Knight King had arrived.

Chromie did a good job, or the power of the Moon God is really strong.

Prisoners of war weakened by the devil's blood failure, orcs who were defeated by the tribe and ailing, and regrouped because of the encouragement of Thrall, the "son of the Chosen"? !

Just take it.

In short, the orc was over-spirited and swollen.

Although the orcs were not free to lose their freedom and tears of pain and tears after the defeat, but from the results, it was because of the human detention and slavery policy that a large number of people were restored.

"Perhaps, we can use these captives to negotiate with the Knight King."

Thrall pondered the feasibility.

"I thought you were going to design a trap to catch the Barov kid, and there are two hundred thousand of our compatriots in the forest of Alterant."

Orgrim sipped to the ground.

Orgrim Doomhammer has a natural resistance to the "Medivine" of unknown origin.

It's so alike, it's too similar to the twenty-fifth boy of Gul'dan. The breath of the god stick can be smelled eight hundred miles away.

But Thrall listened to Chromie's words.

Because it makes sense.

There is no place for orcs in the Eastern Kingdom, and the distant western continent may be where the orcs belong.

Although he understood that Orgrim was mocking his enemies, if it hadn't been to the snowy forests in Alterac Mountains, Thrall felt that he might really be tempted.

It was not the question of whether or not Carlos Barov could be beaten, but the hostility of Thrall to humans could not be subdued in a short period of time after the death of Taresa.

If it succeeds, what if the Alterac Kingdom is so embarrassed that it carries out indiscriminate massacres.

In the end, Thrall gave up this idea.

"Ready to transfer."


Orgrim asked rhetorically.

"More than 100,000 people, more than half of the old, weak, sick and disabled, where do you want to move to? We have been blocked."

Austrian Sledgehammer rubbed the soles of his feet on the ground a few times, and a concise map came out.

"This, Dunhold, we, this, Thoradin's Wall, whether it's the Hinterland or South Blue, are all heavily guarded, where are you going to withdraw?"

"Go to Arathi."

Thrall replied.

"Fly over?"

Orgrim scoffed at Thrall's statement.

"I'll take someone to drag Alterac's possible pursuit troops to Dunhold Castle, and you will take everyone to attack Thoradin's Wall."

"Then what?"

"Use the vast terrain of Arathi Highlands to pull a gap."

"And then?"

"Looking for a ship, let's go to the Western Continent."

"Aha, what a perfect plan, a brilliant idea."

Thrall didn't know whether Orgrim's admiration came from sincerity or yin and yang.

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