Orgrim's plan was not mysterious at all, it was nothing more than a strong man breaking his wrist.

"The faster you move, the safer we will be. When that wall is blown up, humans will panic and go to Arathi to make a big noise. The more you move, the more chances we have to escape."

Although Thrall felt that Orgrim was hiding something, he felt that the plan was feasible.

If you don't escape from the alliance's sphere of influence and escape from the encirclement of human beings, the orcs have no future.

So Thrall led the liberated orcs on a difficult long march.

And Orgrim, with a bunch of old things trapped Dunhold.

When Orgrim really blocked the city gate, the old orcs who hated him once again bowed their heads, knelt down in front of him, and called "Great Chief" respectfully.

Orcs are never afraid of death. When Orgrim convinced them with the future of the next generation, more than 8,000 orcs who were in the aging stage came forward.

Can't drag the children down.

It doesn't hurt to be able to do something for the children.

The defeated orcs who have lost their dignity and freedom are left with only racial affection.

So Orgrim succeeded.

The person who knows you best is always your enemy.

A dilapidated battle flag, Carlos held it down with a lion fighting a rabbit.

"A large group of orcs left Dunhold Castle and headed in the direction of the Hinterlands."

"The cavalry team has been patrolling the Hinterlands closely, and another five thousand people will be dispatched to defend the Hinterlands, and the orcs must be kept in the mountains."


"Also... Forget it, order the cavalry unit south of Thoradin's Wall to stand still."


Originally, Carlos wanted the cavalry on the Arathi Plateau to go north to search the mountain area for small-scale orcs that would cross the border.

But after another thought, he still had to consider Stromgarde’s attitude, and there was no need to do so, so he changed his mind and let them continue to guard Thoradin’s gate.

As the anger subsided and the influence of the Moon God returned, Carlos unconsciously began to subconsciously think about the issue of the water orcs.

According to the agreement with Orgrim, Carlos delayed the attack for two days, and the orcs did not harm the lives of the three thousand prisoners of Dunhold Castle.

So Carlos took the reason of completely annihilating the orcs and prepared for five days before he led his army to surround Dunhold Castle with the posture of Mount Hyjal pressing on the top.

Leave no room, no livelihood.

Carlos thought there were at least 30,000 orcs in the castle.

But the battle began at dawn, and the sun had not yet set, and the orcs had already shown their defeat.

It's not that the orcs are bad at fighting.

On the contrary, the excellent orc tactics that are not afraid of death caused a great obstacle to Carlos's army.

"Your Majesty, they blocked the city gate, our blasting was unsuccessful."

"How long does it take to collapse the city wall?"

"We have prepared a lot of explosives, but it will take at least three days to assemble the large trebuchet you wish."

"Send someone to dig a tunnel to blow up the city wall at night."


With Carlos's order, the battle of the day was actually over.

Orgrim counted the number after the humans retired, and there were only less than three thousand veterans left.

"We are all getting old..."

The remaining orcs are voluntary.

The living orcs sang loudly by the campfire, missed the wind and snow in Draenor, and greeted the death of tomorrow calmly.

Such a gesture made Carlos dispel the idea of ​​a night attack.

So the next day, the city wall was blown open several times.

"Warchief, what should I do? We are too few people to keep up with so many gaps!"

"Take the human captives away to block the gap."


Without any hesitation, Orgrim broke the contract.

"That bitch!"

Spartacus saw this scene, biting blood from his gums with hatred.

But just when Carlos was about to ignore the lives of the captives and launch a storm, the orcs released those captives.

The number is small, there are three gaps that cannot be filled, and one gap is one hundred people.

After the release of these prisoners, a new batch of prisoners were immediately pulled to plug the gap.

In this way, relying on three thousand human captives, Orgrim survived the sun setting again.

But it is impossible to rely on more than a thousand old and exhausted orc warriors to continue to guard Dunhold Castle.

I can't even keep it tonight.

Human beings have fifty thousand troops, and there are enough troops to replace them, but Orgrim has nothing.

So he stood on the city wall before the sun went down. "

"Carlos Barov, I want to fight you! I am Orgrim, the warchief of the Horde, your nightmare!"

Carlos, who was already considering letting the soldiers set up a campfire to prepare for the night battle, was stunned when he heard the news from the messenger.

He did not expect Orgrim to lead the orcs into the mountains at Dunhold Castle.

This is unreasonable.

Orgrim is different from other orcs. He is a rare strategist, conspirator, and even a politician among the orcs.

Although he is in his forties, his body is beginning to go downhill, but his wisdom and strategy are at the peak.

How could such an orc with an extremely important status stand guard at Dunhold Castle? !

Carlos felt something was wrong.

But this honor, no one else is eligible to receive it except him.

"Take my weapons and armor, and be armed by a war horse."

While Carlos ordered the attendants to prepare, he turned and said to the senior generals beside him: "For Anduin Lothar."

"For Sir Lothar."

There are two totems erected by Terenas Menethil II.

A named Anduin Lothar, all the citizens of Lordaeron should remember the dedication the Lord made for freedom and survival.

Another name is Carlos Barov, and the Alliance should not forget the fearless sacrifice he made in the Dark Portal.

However, Carlos came back alive.

So he could only lift Anduin Lothar up high.

At this time, any agitation and speeches are just lame bragging. Needless to say, a slogan is enough.

In less than twenty minutes, the general held the flag, the colonel led the horse, -Kun wore a battle armor, and the commander held a sharp blade. Carlos Barov was already standing at the blocked gate of Dunhold Castle.

The sun was sinking, and there was still more than an hour before darkness, Orgrim thought about what kind of words to use to make Carlos Barov agree to a duel tomorrow.

In this way, holding each other silently for a few minutes, under the embellishment of gunpowder and flames, Carlos and Orgrim watched each other at a distance of more than fifty yards, only the sound of the wind whistling.

At this time, the group of Yamanaka in the distance heard a roar, like the sound of raging waves hitting the shore on a stormy night.

Deep, depressed, but also contains surging power.

Orgrim smiled at the old guys around him.

No need to think about what words to say.

A basket carrying Orgrim slowly landed from the wall.

Although Carlos didn't know what was going on with the voice just now, it was definitely not a good thing.

So he got off his horse and walked towards Orgrim.

Hurry up and end this duel, Carlos found that he was very concerned about the roar just now, and even a little uneasy.

"long time no see."

Orgrim had broken his throat after two consecutive days of fighting. At this time, his voice was very hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of two pieces of sandpaper rubbing.

"Go ahead, the last warchief of the Horde."

Carlos untied the greatcloak and drew out the sword.

"Hahahaha, a king, my honor."

Although he understood, he didn't quite understand what it meant. Carlos stopped his mind and attacked.

Orgrim, already exhausted, was simply unable to carry out a duel that carried victory and honor, so he gave up victory and only chose honor.

Only offensive but not defensive, life is exchanged for life.

Unfortunately, after all, Carlos is stronger and younger.

Out of revenge, Carlos left Orgrim with the same wound as Sir Lothar.

As the blood burst out of the body, Orgrim's vitality flowed quickly.

He could no longer wield the battle axe, so he could only stick to the ground to support his body.

Carlos put his sword on Orgrim's neck, feeling strangely peaceful.

"The era of the tribe is over."

Orgrim's pupils had already begun to spread, and Carlos wasn't even sure if he could hear what he was talking about.

"Do not."

Orgrim said in lingua franca.

"Everything has just begun."

Then, in the cry of "lok'toga", Orgrim raised his weapon high and burst out his final strength.

Then, after spinning around for a while, he saw the earth, the mountains and the setting sun.

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