As the birthplace of human civilization, the Arathi Plateau is actually not that good.

It is not difficult to understand that if the Arathi area is really good, then why the city citizens of the Arathor Empire would rather turn their faces with the royal family to leave the protection of Thoradin's Wall and head to the more "dangerous" north.

Of course it is for more abundant land.

With a large number of people moving out, the originally overwhelmed land was finally able to bear the existing population of Arathi, and the food importing place during the Arathor Empire gradually became a food exporting place.

Although the drought affected the harvest in the Arathi region, the looting of the farm still greatly eased the pressure on the orcs to survive.

But Thrall understood that this was not a long-term solution.

Humans claiming to be prophets proposed a tempting plan to Thrall-leave and go to the West.

Although he has reservations about Medivh, the more he thinks about Medivh's plan, the more reasonable Thrall makes sense.

Staying in the Eastern Kingdom, the orcs will either perish or be captured and continue to be slaves sooner or later.

Very simple multiple choice question, which side is stronger with more than six million humans and less than one million detained orcs.

There is no choice at all.

Even Thrall understood that because of his actions, many innocent orcs would be angered and killed.

But Thrall did not regret it, or gave him freedom or death.

At the same time, the new warchief of the tribe who was driven off the shelves by the duck also truly experienced what it meant to be heavy pressure.

The alliance is too strong.

Or maybe Carlos's army is too strong.

Although in Carlos's opinion, these soldiers are far behind the batch that Turalyon brought to Draenor, but the alliance's perfect logistics supplies and soldier training are not comparable to the orcs in the detention center doing farm work.

No matter how powerful, the instinct is no match for the systematic training that specializes in the surgery industry.

The result of this is that Carlos is pressing forward step by step, Thrall fights and retreats.

Although the orcs did not see any signs of defeat in a short period of time, even in small-scale battles, they were quite successful, but Carlos did not panic at all.

As long as the Saldo Bridge does not fall, the orcs are destined to be unable to overcome any storms.

Once the league adapted to this rhythm, Thrall clearly felt this kind of breathless pressure.

After going around Kabuto Kabuto on the Alassi Plateau for more than half a month, Carlos was restricted by the terrain of the Refuge Valley and once again lost the opportunity to complete the first battle. Although the orcs have gradually reduced their strategic space under his oppression, it is impossible to eliminate the slave rebels led by Thrall in a short time.

It has nothing to do with the influence of the Moon God on Carlos on the subconscious level, but it is not only Thrall an orc who has gradually learned and grown in the war, but also more new generations.

Under the high pressure of Carlos and his army, the new tribe adapts to the war with a speed visible to the naked eye.

Carlos couldn't help but feel that the orcs are indeed a natural fighting race.

Fortunately I have it too.

After a long journey, the elven immigrants from Kalimdor are gradually arriving in the Eastern Kingdom, followed by glorious orcs who have undergone the "test".

The war situation is irreversibly dumped on Alterac's side.

Although Carlos has no interest in helping his old friend Danas take care of the troubles of the Talbein family, Stromgarde cannot refuse the Alliance's expropriation of the port and docks of Tol Barad.

It seems that Thrall is leading the tribe to chronic death.

In this context, Willinde Starsong arrived in the Arathi region.

It can only be said that with a face of an elf, it is really popular in human territory.

Along the way, as long as the diplomatic rhetoric "I want to see the king of cards" is issued, some people will offer delicious food and drink.

So, after more than half a month of fatigue, Villinde Starsong finally met Carlos in the Refuge Valley.

The orcs could not hold onto such a wide front, and after more than half a month of confrontation in the valley, Thrall took the initiative to retreat. But Carlos didn't have any plans to go ahead in spite of all the pigs, so the main force was stationed in the Refuge Valley for assistance.

When the guards took the priestess to the cave in the valley that was transformed into a command post, Carlos was enjoying the coolness.

The staff officers around him were busy drawing up the battle plan. Carlos pulled a horse and sat in the vent to rest. In the valley, more than 13,000 soldiers on shift were enjoying a rare rest.

If it were not for the smell of gunpowder and blood, it seemed that there was no dispute here.

With simple greetings, rough meals, and a cup of hot tea, Carlos listened patiently to the story of Willinde Starsong.

"The friend you are talking about is actually yourself."

Carlos's soul stunned, so that the violet face of Velinde Starsong couldn't conceal the blush of blood.

"Although you deceived me with lies..."

"No, it's because, I..."

"But for Dan Dema's sake, I forgive you."

"Actually... I'm sorry, it's a big deal, I can't..."

"I am a Paladin, you can always trust Carlos Barov."

"Then your Majesty, please arrange a secret place. I will show you what I hide and fear."

During the long journey, Verinde Xingge couldn't breathe under the burden of mental burden. She didn't understand why she believed in a human so easily, but while worried, she was also relieved.

Finding a hidden location is nothing for Carlos. There are many naturally formed caves at the bottom of the Refuge Valley. Carlos leads the way and leads Verinde Starsong to one of the deeper and spacious ones.

The light of the torch dissipated the dead silence of the cave. As if by magic, Velinde Xingge pulled out the Moon God's sickle from behind, and Carlos almost couldn't help going around behind her to see what this magical space magic was.

"The cause of everything is this Moon God's sickle."

Under the swaying firelight, the shadows on the cave's stone walls seemed like countless monsters with sharp teeth and claws were dancing wildly.

Carlos felt a familiar breath from the lunar sickle among the star singers, as well as an unfamiliar breath.

"Can I take a closer look at it?"

"His Majesty Carlos, this Moon God sickle is very dangerous, it..."

Carlos opened the wings of the holy light, and the pure and soft light illuminated the cave.

"...Please see."

Velinde Xingsong offered the Moon God's sickle with both hands for Carlos to see.

So, at the moment Carlos held the Moon God's sickle, a large number of illusions appeared in his mind.

There are bloody fights between elves and satyrs, the anger and frenzy of werewolves, and all kinds of broken pieces.

At the same time, there was a bleak wolf howl.

Carlos seemed to wake up from a big dream.

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