Cheating, baby...

Carlos finally understood the current situation after watching the memory fragments that Meri Dongfeng extracted from Farina's mind.

The old father-in-law Terenas is dead.

The oil is exhausted, the lamp is dead, the vitality is exhausted, and the walk is peaceful.

The king of Lordaeron did not wait for his son as he expected.

But Alphons Barov's knife not only took away Grandpa's vitality, but also opened a "back door" to Terenas for the erosion of the power of shadow.

This is also the reason why the Twilight Cult can use Terenas's remains to cause trouble.

Because Terenas' soul was imprisoned in the dead body.

Now Terenas, as a living dead, still ruled his kingdom, even at the expense of tacit understanding with heretics, just to pass the throne to Arthas.

"What are you going to do? Oh~~~ Terenas has become an enemy, and the king of Lordaeron has become a villain. This script is awesome."

Meri Dongfeng speaks in the grandiose style of an aria, and the old mage is really curious about what kind of fighting spirit Carlos will explode in the face of desperation.

But Carlos didn't answer, he just watched the memory scene of Meri Dongfeng's palm over and over again.

"It's already dawn, listen, listen carefully, cheers, salutes, loyal Lordaeron is waiting for their prince, and the new king is about to become the throne."

Meri Dongfeng used his other hand to cover the auricle to make a listening gesture, and his calm tone couldn't tell whether he was ridiculing Carlos or really had a special method to penetrate the bottom to hear the outside sound.

"It's not that bad, at least we know their plan, don't we?"

Carlos finally spoke.

"Yes, His Majesty Alsace is not going to kill all the way from the gate to the palace. He is going to go the other way, first kill the nobles and nobles who will pick him up before slaughtering his own people. Well, that's good news. ."

With a wave of Meri Dongfeng's hand, Farina's memory image dissipated in his hand.

"Then, Your Majesty Carlos, what are you going to do? The entire royal guard has fallen, and you cannot get help from the Menethil family. In this city, you are helpless."


Carlos glanced at Meri Dongfeng in confusion.

"Your Excellency Meri, you underestimate me."

"Oh? Then, your Excellency the Grand Marshal of the Alliance, who was underestimated by the old man, do you see anything from the old man's acrobatics?"

There is no doubt that Meri Dongfeng thinks that Carlos's observation of memory images over and over again is a manifestation of his depression, so he speaks irritatingly.

"Of course, I saw something."

Carlos stood up and carried Farina on his back, who had been disarmed and unconscious.

"Let's go, Lord Meri Dongfeng, it's time to save the world."

Carlos strode out, calmly, without any hint of panic or decadence, Meri Dongfeng asked curiously.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Stretched out and broke my hand, barking teeth and pulling out teeth."

Carlos replied decisively.

Time goes back to five days ago.

Location: Barrier Pass.

Tirion Fording secretly met with Gavinrad.

When it comes to barriers, many people may not know where it is, but if the undead natural disasters break out, then this place will be called the barrier of the undead.

It is a place of victory to contain the areas of Lordaeron and Hearthglen. In the days when Carlos was absent, the old father-in-law Terenas built permanent defense facilities at this crucial obstacle and appointed additional defense facilities. Venrad, the commander of the First Generation Paladin.

Because Carlos married Galiya, the Menethil family and the Barov family’s Brill replacement of Andorhal planned to ease the sharpest conflict between the two families or the kingdoms, so Terenas gave up Chen Bing. Andorhal blocked Guy Erdalon's idea, and instead built a barrier at the barrier gate as a backstop.

After the victory of the war, Gavinrad did not return to the Kingdom of Stormwind to assist the young Varian in restoring the kingdom. Instead, he stayed in the Knights of the Silver Hand and stayed in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, second only to Uther in status. Er’s silver hand second in command is active in the league.

Terenas' trust in Gavinrad even gave him the responsibility of Lordaeron's city defense.

After the construction of the barrier gate was completed, the fat man was given to Gavinrad.

Why is poor fat?

Because if you don't want to take the waterway to bypass Dalaran and then pass through Alterac, the merchants in Lordaeron must pass the barrier if they want to go to Hearthglen or Stratholme.

Gavinrad led three hundred people to close the barrier, even if Alterac sent out fifty thousand troops, he would never think of breaking this place in a short time.

Lying down to collect tolls, comfortable.

In the distant Otherworld, there is only one place called Wenquanguan that can be used as the younger brother of the barrier.

Carlos never meant to be a lonely hero. When he learned that there was an accident in Alsace, Lordaeron had changed, so he chose to shake people the first time.

What can you do if you go to Lordaeron by yourself, that's nonsense.

So Tirion Fording immediately gathered the people of the Silver Dawn after receiving the emergency communication, ready to rush to help Lordaeron.

However, the barrier stood in front of him.

Carlos gave too little time, too little.

If the time is not so tight, the people of the Silver Dawn can completely sway around the barrier through the waterway.

But in order to meet Carlos's requirements within the specified time, Tirion Fording must lead his troops across the barrier.

This is forcing to brush his face.

The only luck is that Lafayette is the actor.

Fortunately, Lafayette is the bearer of the fruits of face.

"Tirion, you shouldn't have come."

"Gavinrad, I need your help."

"Your wanted warrant has not been lifted."

"This is nonsense. If it is relieved, I don't need to ask you for help, but I will give orders directly."

"Cursing the sect?"

"Yes, you know what I'm doing now, and that the issue of my identity shows that it is a disgusting thing of high-level political games."

"Go ahead, what do you want me to do?"

"I got reliable information. The curse sect is making a big move in the west. Time is too late to detour. My team and I must walk away from the barrier."

"It's impossible! I can't let you and your men go there, you know."

Without the three words that you understand, Tirion Fording might still be regarded as Gavinrad and not affectionate, but if he understands all of them, then there is nothing left to understand.

"Where is the bigger caravan? Time is too rushed. We may get ourselves trapped with fewer people. We are late but to witness a new tragedy. Gavinrad, you must help me."

"how many people?"

Of course, Gavinrad knew about the activity of Tirion Fording and the Silver Dawn this year, as well as the dangers of the Cursed Sect.

So he is willing to help old friends as much as he can.

"More than a thousand."

Tirion Fording said lightly.

"Can you please surrender yourself?"

Gavinrad turned his face directly.

After sending more than a thousand cavalry across the border, Lordaeron knew that he would not go to the military court to hell.

"I know this request is difficult, but it's not difficult, so why should I beg you."

"This is impossible."

Gavinrad said categorically.

Suddenly, Tirion Fording drew his weapon, Gavinrad's heart tightened, and he put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

However, Tirion Fording reversed his grip, pointed the blade at himself, and handed the handle to Gavinrad.

"I'm here to be a hostage. Gavinrad, please remember that you are a Paladin."

"I know!"

"So eradicating evil is more important than anything else."


"Trust me, nothing will happen, Lendanlun will not hold you accountable."

"Well, let your people be smart."

Gavinrad was finally persuaded by Tirion Fording.

In addition to the leader of the Silver Dawn, Lafayette, all obtained the qualifications to pass through the barrier.

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