Question: How difficult is it to maintain a city with a population of one million under the production level of Azeroth’s indigenous civilization?

Answer: It is proportional to the glory of Lordaeron.

In fact, the pure city of Lordaeron, or the city within the city walls, has a population of only 400,000.

It's not that you can't put more people in it, but Terenas can't let the nobles pull all the roses in the garden and plant them with cabbage.

The million people of Lordaeron must be added to the main towns in the four directions, southeast, northwest, and rich peasants and migrant workers within a hundred miles.

This is the truth of the so-called Million Hero City.

This is why Carlos dared to go north by himself.

Because the headquarters of the Alliance is here, Lordaeron's one hundred thousand standing army that overwhelms Lordaeron is here.

At another time, Arthas destroyed this human kingdom so easily, in large part because the raging plague destroyed the connection between the various parts of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The kingdom is really too strong. Whether it is Lordaeron or Stratholme, even Hearthglen and Anhador are the top gathering places in human towns.

At the joint point where the plague is raging, shutting down the city is undoubtedly an effective epidemic prevention measure.

However, the Undead Legion ate away the rigid body of Lordaeron Kingdom bit by bit.

Carlos' plan to save Lordaeron is actually very simple, six words - I'm here, follow me.

No one knows how strong the kingdom of Lordaeron is, but Carlos knows very well that Lordaeron has enough strength to deal with the disaster caused by the cursed sect this time.

As long as the residential city of Lordaeron calmly responds.

Haha, haha, this joke is a bit cold.

Gul'dan remained in his shadow, and even after so many years of death, he still killed the world.

The death knights he left behind have become a key means of worsening the situation.

Carlos has not forgotten how he fought the unknown death knight in South Blue.

Every death knight is a natural disaster on the move, especially in densely populated places like Lordaeron, even if you think about it, your scalp is tingling.

Death knights who are good at blood power and shadow spells can work part-time as necromancers themselves, creating panic, spreading the plague and harvesting lives. They are too good at it.

It is true to want to talk to Biglas and the others, and it is also true to want to fetter these thirty-seven death knights at the entrance of the palace.

Ner'zhul's evil taste helped Carlos in a sense.

Because Carlos couldn't believe that if these thirty-seven death knights scattered all over, what a disaster could be caused.

He must give time for the Argent Dawn action, time for Lordaeron's uncorrupted resistance, and time for city residents to flee.

Therefore, Carlos suppressed his own strength and fought like Grass and the others.

Until, the Lich King interfered.

"The power I seek, the hardship I shoulder, and the power I pay for a switch can be defeated by fakes created by blood and shadow."

Carlos finally took this step, and once again launched an impact on the Demigod Realm.

The Way of the Holy Light is the Way of the Naaru.

With a little thought, you will understand that there are ready-made homework to copy.

As the ultimate carrier of the holy light, the material incarnation on the side of the cosmos order, can it be wrong to play according to the Naaru set?

Of course……

One is a creation of flesh and blood, and the other is an energy creature composed of holy light. Carlos doesn't want to become a diamond to speak for someone.

So he spent a lot of effort to simulate Adal's holy light frequency, omitting the core conversion problem, and finally made a small difference.

God does not give birth to me Carlos, Azeroth has no actor.

After compiling a large number of paladin canons, whether to open the wings has become a necessary condition for being eligible to apply for the title of senior paladin.

From Gavinrad to Tirion Fording, from Turalyon, who has been missing for more than a decade in Outland, to Uther, who is rebelling in the south, which high-level paladin is not the Wing of Light to start killing monsters?

Today, I, Carlos, solemnly announced to everyone that the same is to open the wings, and we must be divided into three, six or nine grades!

The voice of the heart like a wind chime spread with Carlos’ power, like a wide-area broadcast. Although there is no language component, Carlos calmed all the fearful and uneasy citizens of Lordaeron and told the still loyal. guard.

[Open the city gates, evacuate the people and flee, gather troops to prepare for battle. 】

People cannot understand why the sound of a wind chime can convey such a clear meaning.

However, Silver Dawn was no longer in dispute, and they acted.

At the same time, the attendants of the Knights of the Silver Hand began to restlessly.

Uther, the chief of the Knights of the Silver Hand, led the main force of the Knights to deal with the attack of the Blackrock Orcs in the south.


Gavinrad, second-in-command of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and Tirion Fording, the politically wanted man of Lordaeron, are guarding the tolls while drinking good food and wine.

Not here.

Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, all the hands were united tightly beside Uther, the head of the group, to listen to them.


Alsace, the ten-handed prince, was busy transforming the army of the undead at this time.

Have the ability to ask for instructions!

As the second noble profession in the alliance except for the Lord, the Paladin has become a good way out for many powerful and powerful Second Generation.

Although Uther's unkind training method may not be so good for these young boys and girls, their parents really think so.

So it doesn't really matter what these waiters think.

During the Second Orc War, all countries were cultivating Paladins.

But after the war, only Alterac and Lordaeron were left to continue with the high training costs.

In Alterac, with the title of the Royal State Church Knights, the status of the Paladin is directly linked to the title. Participating in Paladin training is the same as relying on civil servants, one batch every year.

From trial trainees, trainees, apprentice paladins, to junior paladins and intermediate paladins, they are tested once a year and eliminated.

In other words, the mid-level paladins in Alterac actually target the final paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The paladin attendants of the Silver Hand actually still follow the tradition that knights must serve as attendants.

No way, people are poor and there are so many tricks. Although the training of Paladins is more cost-effective than Gongfaye, it is not much cheaper.

So how could Carlos let go of this batch of paladin seedlings who stayed behind in Lordaeron.

So when he sent the signal, soon someone from the Silver Dawn came to the door.

Did you hear Carlos's full broadcast?

I heard.


Check in, Kotuwalu (but I refuse).

We are the Knights of the Silver Hand.

We are the Knights of the Silver Hand of Lordaeron.

We are the Knights of the Silver Hand that are loyal to Your Majesty Terenas.

The same idea, the same rhetoric, the same unreasonable.

The veterans of the Silver Dawn couldn't understand that the outside was chaotic. The remaining military forces in Lordaeron chose to stand by and wait for assistance, and they would not move lightly unless they were ordered by the superior.

"Is this bunch of bastards stuffed with rocks in their heads?"

"Perhaps they still think Lordaeron is indestructible."

"If you don't move, it will be too late!"

"Reunite with everyone, Carlos is still fighting, now it's us."


"Remember our vow to join the Silver Dawn?"

"Get on the thief ship..."

We are the watchers before the dawn, the first and last ones who stand firm, fearless in life, and never give up in death.

"Fulfill your vows."

Even if no one believes it, the destiny of mankind is still guarded by us.

A total of 1,087 people in the Silver Dawn, responded to the call of the Union Grand Marshal Carlos Barov to attack!

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