Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 74-On the correct way to scroll the keyboard

Although there are many black Jainas of all kinds, Carlos couldn't help but admire: Loli, the blonde, is really beautiful in the world!

Using the convenience of his identity, Carlos could easily derive words from Nelvelu Golden Sword.

Because Jaina Proudmoore showed excellent magic talent at the age of six, Antonidas agreed to personally test Jaina Proudmoore’s magic aptitude and decide whether Jaina Proudmoore is suitable for Dalaran Genius Magic Children Special Act.

At the request of Daelin Proudmoore, Nielvelu Golden Sword will take care of her old friend's child during Jaina's participation in the Dalaran test.

However, Nielvelu Golden Sword's daughter Fenna Golden Sword was only courteously friendly to Jaina Proudmoore. Ignoring Jaina's various cuteness to please, the ten-year-old Fenna Golden Sword looked like a stranger.

Uncle Dailin, you are so fierce, Kul Tiras is also a developed country anyway, can the Proudmoore family really find someone to take care of Jaina? Let your mistress help you raise your daughter, and let your illegitimate daughter and your relatives develop relationships from an early age. You are Admiral Marine! Are you really afraid of NICEBOAT?

Carlos couldn't help but admire Fenna Jinjian's keen sixth sense, true love for life, and staying away from the Virgin is the long-lasting way.

Knowing that she was going to be separated, Elucia showed her unwillingness to her brother Carlos.

In the two days of play time, Carlos fully appreciates the charm of the magic kingdom, all kinds of magical creations that are close to science fiction, make people feel like they are in a fairy tale.

However, when Fangzhuan contacted the staff and informed Carlos that he was preparing for a meeting, Carlos was excited to find that he had finally encountered the legendary face-slapping plot, so excited he couldn't help himself.

"His Lord Carlos of the Barov family, please forgive me for being uninvited." A senior mage named Fox Hulin came uninvited.

"Although I have no right to interfere with the decisions of my brother and my colleagues, I still hope that everyone can carefully consider it again. Life is only once for everyone. As a noble mage, time is extremely precious. A mage should How to spend his life? When he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor will he be ashamed because of his inaction; when he is dying, he can say: my whole life and all my energy are all Dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world-the exploration of the mystery of magic and the true meaning of the universe." Fox Hu Lin's impassioned speech caused the wizards present to start talking in a low voice.

"Where did this silly lack come from?" Carlos asked the brick in a low voice.

"The brother of my good friend Izhaks Hulin, a deeply poisoned patient with the mage supremacy theory." Fang Zhuan replied.

The speech continued.

"I also deeply sympathize with the tragic experience of the friends of Stormwind. But don't forget that we have paid four extra special war taxes. I also hate the upcoming barbarians, but don't Forget, the mage should not change from a noble researcher to an executioner with blood on his hands. We are in the laboratory, in the ruins, on the mage stage, there are too many places where we can contribute more, why should we put ourselves His energy was spent on meaningless killing?" Fox Hu Lin's words made many people nod slightly.

"Master, don't you say something? Don't let the Fox Hu Lin mess things up. Many wizards are looking at the face of President Antonidas, and their attitude is not firm." Brick whispered. Carlos.

Carlos nodded to indicate that he knew, and then walked out.

"Life is precious, love is more expensive, if it is for freedom, both can be thrown away. When the freedom of the mages is threatened, how does this Master Fox Hulin prepare to respond." Carlos racked his brains with his voice. Come to the town venue with a short poem that doesn't suit the scene.

"I'm just a high-level mage, and I can't be called a master for the time being." Fox Hu Lin bowed to greet Carlos as a baron, but he was very arrogant, but I couldn't be called a master for the time being.

"I sincerely ask Fox Hulin Senior Mage, what do you use to defend the freedom of Dalaran, the freedom of all mages, the freedom of research, the freedom to breathe, and the freedom to live." Carlos's words became slower and slower, hat The more the deduction, the bigger it is.

"Baron Carlos, please don't be alarmist, Dalaran's magical defense is indestructible." Fox Hulin, who was short-term, said uncomfortable words, and Carlos grabbed the painful foot.

"Oh? Magic defense is indestructible? The high-level mage, you are serious?" Carlos opened the provocative mode.

God, you should catch Fox Hu Linguang's painful foot in Dalaran and accuse him of disregarding the overall situation! What kind of debate is this, what kind of questioning is that? Uncle Brick helped his forehead speechlessly.

"Oh, Lord Carlos should be a warrior. Don't you think that sword soldiers can fight against the power of magic!" Fox Hu Lin's speech made Uncle Brick cheer up again. What kind of answer is this? Whether the two sides will debate on the matter. what!

"Correct a little, I am now a Paladin, a warrior of the Holy Light." Carlos continued to tease with words.

"Oh, it's really interesting to save the dead and heal the wounded." Fox Hu Lin confronted each other.

"It seems that you are very confident in the defensive ability of magic!" Carlos Kakuzu's left mouth was about to reach the base of his ears, his expression mocking Ultimate.

"At least with your weapon, it will never be possible to break through my magical defense!" Fox Hu Lin accidentally set up FLAG.

"Okay, let's give it a try. Is 20 seconds of preparation time and 30 yards enough for you?" Carlos said as he stepped back 30 yards, drew out the Phantom Dancer and set his posture.

What's the situation? Fox Hulin was caught up and down in the air.

"His Excellency Fox Hulin, can you start the timer?" Stopping Yizhaks Hulin who wanted to help his brother round the field, Uncle Brick was on the sidelines.

There was no way, this situation was overwhelming, and Fox Hulin had to challenge.

Fox Hulin was still very capable. In just fifteen seconds, a full three layers of mana shields were constructed. With five seconds left, Fox Hulin released an unexplained magic ball around him.

Of course, to hit the opponent's most handsome half, Carlos waited for Fox Hulin to cast the Ice Shield technique overtime before starting his action.

After sprinting, the crystal-clear emerald light condenses into wings of light behind him. The power of sacred anger is infused into the blade made of enchanted Mithril, and it reacts with the power of ice contained in it, and the entire blade shows a golden darkness. Light.

"EX, curry stick~!" roaring out a battle cry that no one can understand, Carlos leaped high and smashed.

After the huge shock impact, everyone found Carlos kneeling on one knee with the sword in his left hand, the Phantom Warrior stuck straight on the floor, and the huge palm of his right hand covered Fox Hulin’s face. Fox Hulin was lying on the ground. Under him is a cracked stone floor.

Taking the palms away, everyone present heard Fox Hu Lin's heavy and hasty gasps, and they were relieved.

"Everyone, even a character like me is terrified of the coming army of orcs. What are you doing to protect the safety of people around you?" Carlos dissipated the wings of light behind him, and the glittering light turned into stars in the sky. Unspeakable and elegant.

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