Fighting and playing chess are actually quite similar.

So there is a saying that step by step is slow.

If the Lich King seized the opportunity, there would be no way for the Lordaeron human race to survive.

If it weren't for Illidan's backstab, who was instructed by Kil'jaeden...

After Elune gave up on Carlos' personality correction, Carlos clearly understood this.

The time is temporarily on the Lich King's side, the battlefield advantage is on the Scourge's side, but the victory will eventually be on the Alliance side.

The only question is whose alliance.

This is why Carlos fought the sky of Lordaeron in an extremely irrational way.

After all, I have to say goodbye to the past.

The last wayward and presumptuous, I remember the past self.

Where is the knight king in this world? A true knight cannot be a king, and a true king cannot abide by the spirit of chivalry.

After all, the king pursues victory, not justice.

Justice may be victorious, but victory is justice.

This is Carlos' LEGALHIGH.

The powerful Kingdom of Lordaeron has not a long history.

The efforts of the Third Generation members of the Menethil family smashed the ashes in Alsace's filial piety.

In terms of jurisprudence, the last Menethil was his wife, Jia Liya.

In terms of strength, as the nominal general marshal of the alliance, Carlos Barov was not in the state of escape when Anduin Lothar went north.

In terms of morality and justice, the hundreds of thousands of refugees from Lordaeron were watching that willful battle.

Although the exhaustion and coma caused Carlos to miss the best time to cope, but from the results, it is not bad.

Lordaeron, who has been in the peace for twenty years, is indeed decayed. The contradictions concealed by the race wars invaded by the orcs are becoming more and more intensified. The once unbreakable alliance seems to be self-defeating.

However, when the crisis comes, the world needs the voice of heroes to reverberate over Lordaeron.

Gavinrad finally recognized the leadership of the Carlos Union Grand Marshal.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that everyone thought Carlos died in Draenor, on the other side of the Dark Portal.

So Terenas Menethil raised the position of his son-in-law infinitely, and brought the dead Carlos to the altar.

This is also the reason why Carlos dare not contact the league the first time after his return.

It is estimated that the one who wanted to kill him most was his old father-in-law at that time.

Even through a series of measures, Carlos finally returned to the alliance socially, essentially being isolated by the Lordaeron royal family.

For Terenas, the Alliance of Lordaeron must be an alliance of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

For the Alliance, the Kingdom of Lordaeron is the majority of the Alliance.

This is a fact, but it is not a good thing.

The Scourge defeated the most powerful kingdom of mankind in one fell swoop. For mankind, the backbone was almost compromised, but it was not entirely bad.But Carlos really felt the terrible and stubborn habit.

I felt the stubbornness and bravery of Lordaeron's people.

Everyone respected Carlos personally, admired his heroic aura, but refused to obey his orders.

Because the most important task of Lordaeron's soldiers is to encircle the "homeland".

Most of the professional soldiers who obeyed orders were trapped in Lordaeron, and a few formed units were also separated by refugees. The army gathered by Garithus was essentially a militia, and the local atmosphere was too strong.

So that Gavinrad was embarrassed to explain to Carlos.

No face to explain.

"Where are the Fording people?"

Rushing to the barrier, Carlos asked Gavinrad for the first time.

"He asked me to hold on for at least five days and return to Hearthglen by myself."

When the first wave of refugees appeared at the barrier gate, Gavinrad gave up his plan to continue to "pledge" Tirion Fording.

But Tirion Fording, who had gone lonely westward, quickly returned, and after dignifiedly looking forward to his old friend, he left again.

There is no doubt that Tirion Fording saw the forces of the undead natural disasters, saw the fireworks of Lordaeron, and maybe even saw the scene of Carlos crashing into the city wall.

Therefore, the exiled Paladin resisted the urge to fight for Lordaeron and chose to return to his homeland where he was deprived of everything.

Obviously, Tirion went back to Hearthglen to flag up his troops.

But Carlos was not optimistic about Tirion's move.

Even in another world line, the undead and natural disasters are rampant, and when humanity is in danger, some people will stand up and accuse the only surviving First Generation paladin, Galeries Lafayette, that the character is defective, not to mention Hearthglen, which has not yet been hit by the disaster at this time.

Tirion Fording didn't die on the battlefield, but he would be nailed to the ground by a pitchfork, dying like a demon hunter.

But Carlos had no time to care about Tirion.

Because the army of the dead is coming.

Although Carlos formed the Plague spread plan of the Argent Dawn to destroy the cursed sect in advance.

But after contributing to Lordaeron, everything Silver Dawn did was like a joke.

After being infected with the plague, the living will use undead magic to pull them up and become undead soldiers.

After hacking the living, it is not a soldier who uses undead magic to pull it up to carry the plague.

Does this make a difference?

The city of Lordaeron is the absolute core of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, whether it is population, materials or geographical location.

After the slaughter of Lordaeron, the virtually shattered alliance has lost the qualifications to face the undead and natural disasters.

It is not that the strength of the Undead Legion absolutely crushed the alliance.

But the Alliance simply cannot effectively gather enough power to fight the Lich King in a short period of time.

The best way to deal with the Scourge is to fight against the Scourge.

Lordaeron’s vast continent is not the Gate of Scourge, Carlos is not Sylvanas, and will trust the Royal Apothecary Association.

As long as a strong enough army is gathered, frontal combat is the best choice to reduce casualties.

The undead soldiers are not exhausted and fearless of death.

On the other hand, the living is not only physically exhausted, but also mentally tortured. Any wound may become a window for the plague to invade.

The resistance of small forces will only fall into a desperate situation.

Only by overcoming the past with the idea of ​​big army combat can effectively reduce the deadliest non-combat attrition in the fight against undead natural disasters.

Fortunately, there is still such a legion in the alliance at this time.

Carlos's army deployed in Arathi is retreating. Although Stromgarde is declining, there are still two to three thousand squeezed. The most elite expeditionary army in the Kingdom of Lordaeron is in the hands of Uther.

If these three forces can converge, then pushing the Scourge of the Lich King flat is not a wishful thinking.

It's a pity that there is no if, Carlos wants to see his army, and it will take forty days at the earliest, not to mention the chaotic Stromgarde and Uther and the Silver Hand Knights who God knows when they will be back.

The undead natural disasters are getting stronger every minute and every second.

The only available Carlos’s militia and Gavinrad’s 300 garrison.

Thinking about it makes me a headache.

After pulling the officers for a meeting, Carlos briefly explained the current situation, but the audience hesitated.

Carlos's analysis is very reasonable, the city of Lordaeron is broken, but the kingdom of Lordaeron is still strong.

If you really follow Carlos's strategy to block the enemy at all levels, you may really be able to wait for the return of Alterac's army and Uther.

But what about "my" home, "my" parents, and everything that "I" cherishes?

If "I" is gone, who will guard all this!

Carlos has no stand to blame the soldiers for this idea.

Even this kind of thinking will put more Lordaeron people into a miserable situation.

The reason is very simple. The militia brigade that Garithus converged was the last formed military force east of Lordaeron.

If this army is wiped out at the barrier gate by the undead natural disasters, then there is nothing to stop the undead natural disasters from moving eastward and northward.

As the officers debated endlessly, Carlos heartily produced the idea that Lordaeron was not worthy.

Can't take it, really can't take it.

Although Garithos tried hard to prove Carlos's strategic thinking was correct, he was accused of not understanding the pain of Lordaeron.

Finally, Gavinrad stood up.

"Whoever is willing to go, follow the marshal, and whoever is willing to stay, stick to the barrier with me."

After beheading an abusive presumptuous, Gavin Radley's sword returned to its sheath.

He turned his head and smiled at Carlos.

"I won Tirion for at least five days, and there are still two days left."

Carlos suddenly felt hot in his eyes.

Gavinrad is going to die for the kingdom!

At the same time under the command of Sir Lothar, although the two knew each other well, the relationship was so close. They were far from the brotherly feelings of Turalyon and Carlos, nor did Tirion and Carlos have similar personalities, even Uther and Carlos couldn't keep up with the awkwardness of secretly disagreeing with each other, but no one could beat each other.

But the time has passed, and the young man of the year has now happened in vain. After the time has passed, Gavinrad has developed a close relationship with Carlos accumulated over the years.

He walked slowly in front of Carlos and got close to Carlos' ear.

"Some things must be done by people, such as saving Lordaeron will be left to you, and sticking to the barrier will be left to me."

"It will die!"

Carlos controlled his emotions and snarled quietly."I know, but someone has to die."

Gavinrad patted Carlos on the shoulder and regained the distance.

"As the highest-ranking commander of Lordaeron present, I ask half of the soldiers to stay to help defend the barrier and take in more refugees to retreat, Your Excellency Marshal Carlos."

Gavinrad directly tapped the window paper that everyone had carefully avoided before, and instantly received the support of a large part of the officers.

Yes, Lordaeron's Alliance Grand Marshal is not from Lordaeron. This is the most essential contradiction.

Now Gavinrad has come forward to propose a semi-dividing...

It is not unacceptable, after all, Carlos is the general marshal of the league.

It's just that these young officers don't seem to know, or don't care, Gavinrad is not an authentic Lordaeron.

Gavinrad was born as a soldier of Ryan Wrynn.

Garithus was angered by Gavinrad's rudeness.

The young Garithos did not understand why Gavinrad wanted to split the original legion at this critical moment.

"Your Excellency Gavinrad, the enemy is very powerful, our numbers are not dominant, and the blind division of troops will only..."

"Young man, are you going to teach me to fight?"

"No, I just..."

"Ask your Grand Marshal, when he was a general, I was also a general. When he was fighting the orcs, I was also fighting the orcs. He was the First Generation Paladin, and so did I."

"not me……"

"Now, what questions do you have?"


Garithus looked at Carlos in general for help, but didn't get a response, so he could only suppress his anger and sit down.

Then, under Gavinrad's organization, Garithus's legion was split soon.

The corps that continued to absorb refugees bloated to more than nine thousand people, more than six thousand people were left by Gavinrad at the barrier gate, and the "old Lordaeron" was left by him.

Only more than three thousand refined "warriors" were assigned to Carlos.

It seemed that it was too much, and Gavinrad distributed his three-hundred garrison to two hundred Carlos.

There is no shortage of "smart people" no matter where, but those who want to get in with Garithos and follow Carlos are all forcibly recruited by Gavinrad.

"Actually, most of them are good kids, just like us back then, full of enthusiasm, but they don't know the severity."

"There is always a way, you shouldn't be so extreme."

"I know, it's just that there is no time. Dalaran has been captured. It is impossible for the enemy to defend both sides of the barrier for too long."


"So let's go after dinner. His Majesty Terenas hasn't stopped repairing roads all these years. It's not difficult to walk at night."


"I will buy time for you, and the task of saving the kingdom is left to you."

Carlos held Gavinrad's hand tightly.

Thousands of words are condensed into two words

"Take care of yourself."

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