If we spread the plague among the refugees, and then deliberately let the refugees go, wouldn't it cause greater harm to humans?

The Lich King understands the truth, but it refuses to do so.

Because it's too slow.

My Scourge is already so strong, why waste time doing these inefficient things.

One Ten Thousand Years is too long, just vying for the day.

In just five days, Lordaeron, the jewel of the human world, has become like a purgatory.

The deceased was summoned back to the world by the Summoning technique, and the soul imprisoned in the broken body was in pain, and even the freedom of thought was restrained by the power of shadow.

The 400,000 natural disaster regiment is rapidly taking shape, and subsequent replenishments are endless.

The materials accumulated in the city of Lordaeron over the centuries have all become the nourishing agent for the undead's natural disasters to strengthen the force.

After a brief silence, the Scourge attacked across the board.

This is a weird carnival.

The Lich King fulfilled its promise, and those humans who took refuge in the Scourge gained "immortal" lives. Under a twisted posture, they raised their butcher swords to their former compatriots like evil spirits who had served as a tiger.

Let us do what the Lich King disdains to do, let us do what the death knight doesn't do, know ourselves and the enemy, know ourselves and be adept in civil war, this is the sect of the curse.

With its huge military advantage, the Scourge Corps attacked from two fronts and moved forward.

This time, Ner'zhul, the master of micro-manipulation, gave up all-line control of the field, because more important things involved his attention.

Summon Archimonde.

After obtaining the Book of Medivh, Ner'zhul immediately contacted Kel'Thuzad and carefully studied the summoning ceremony.

The result is not very optimistic.

If you want to bring a strong like Archimonde to Azeroth, even if there is an artifact like the Book of Medivh as the key to open the door, the magic power required is still astronomical.

In this regard, Kel'Thuzad proposed a plan-summon Archimonde with the power of the Sunwell.

The existence of the Sunwell is the secret that the high elves of Quel'Thalas have hidden for centuries, but for a wizard like Kel'Thuzad, it is not a secret at all.

In the ancient times, Queen Azshara used the power of the Well of Eternity to summon Sargeras, so now it seems natural to use the power of the Sun Well to summon Archimonde.

It is true that the power of the Sunwell is far from being comparable to the Well of Eternity.

But Archimonde is not Sargeras after all, it seems there is no problem to match the ranks.

The principle of the summoning ritual seems to be intelligible, but its implementation is extremely cumbersome and complicated.

This requires a lot of time and energy.

It is precisely because the Scourge has a more important mission to summon Archimonde.

The refugees of Lordaeron were able to survive.

The tribe led by Thrall was keenly aware of the abnormality of the Alterac army. After a beautiful counterattack, the orcs escaped from the encirclement, rushed to Tol Barad, robbed a large number of ships, and marched towards the unknown ocean. .

Stromgarde complained about the failure of Alterac's army, but Carlos' subordinates silently endured the criticism and withdrew their troops bleakly.

The upper-level officers got hints before Carlos left, but for the vast number of grass-roots soldiers, the failure to fight the orcs was a huge blow to morale.

The 70,000 troops of Alterac Kingdom were retreating very slowly.

After all, the front line was too open before, and gathering troops to recover materials was one aspect. The deterioration of the relationship with Stromgarde and the interruption of the supply of materials from Lordaeron both hindered the withdrawal of troops.

Moreover, Carlos has not yet been able to transfer troops from Alterac by way of replacement.

For example, first mobilize 70,000 people from Alterac, and then call back the 70,000 people stranded in Arathi Highlands to fill the vacancies in the country.

Because mere numbers are meaningless, Alterac's elite soldiers are all in Arathi Highlands, and they are all assigned to fight the orcs.

At the moment, this low morale army is Alterac's strongest military force.

It can't be compared with randomly recruiting an equal number of militiamen.

Without them, Carlos was not confident that he could face the Scourge.

At the same time, Thrall's attack on the port to seize ships indirectly pitted Uther.

It is impossible to walk the Saldo Bridge. The long land maneuver can drag the expeditionary force alive to the replenishment environment of the wetland.

Don't forget, there is a food shortage in the south.

Uther wanted to go back and couldn't go back, Carlos's army couldn't walk fast, and the cavalry of Stromgarde looked unpleasant to everyone.

Had Gilneas not been there, the Hillbrad area would have suffered.

If Ner'zhul himself micromanages, he is very likely to ignore Gilneas, who is locked in the country, and directly order the undead army to go west to the Silver Pine Forest and directly go south to ravage Hillblad.

But the decentralized Lich King is now only in charge of general strategy, devoting all his energy to the complex magical ritual of summoning Archimonde.

So the Undead Scourge hit the Greymane Wall head-on.

As a sign of Gilneas' withdrawal from the alliance, the Greymane Wall was a politically humiliating defeat.

But as a permanent fortification to protect Gilneas, the Greymane Wall actually played a role.

The solid and towering city walls combined with the steep mountain terrain made the overwhelming numerical advantage of the Scourge marching westward seem cumbersome and useless.

But the Legion of the Undead without Ner'zhul's personal command is essentially headless and unhappy.

Fuck, just be hard.

The army gathered in the Silverpine Forest and slammed the Greymane Wall. The stupid strategic choice of the Scourge’s westward troops gave the humans in Hillsbrad precious time to cope.

As the main battlefield during the Second Orc War, the Hillsbrad area was the most injured area of ​​the Alliance.

Correspondingly, the residents of Hillsbrad are also the most bloody coalition people who are most vigilant against war disasters.

While other places were still confused and skeptical about the great changes in Lordaeron, the people of Hillsbrad had responded to Tarren Mill's call and began a militia transformation.

When Ner'zhul discovered that the Scourge was wasting too much time in the Wall of Greymane, and directly ordered the Legion to give up attacking Gilneas and head south, it had already missed the best opportunity to invade.

This series of events preserved a lot of human vitality.

After all, if Hillsbrad fell, Alterac would just die.

Compared with the decadent situation of the Scourge marching westward due to the wrong strategic target selection, the eastward marching troops led by Alsace are like a ruthless razor that is devastating. It took a very short time to complete the vast area east of Lordaeron. Of killing and purge.

Then, it was Chen Bing's barrier pass.

Dalaran had lost the ability to take the initiative to attack, and dispatched a troop to bypass the barrier and flanked on both sides of the barrier, and the defenders of the barrier would be defeated.

Alsace knows the truth, but the undead natural disaster is so strong, why do these bells and whistles?

Arthas chose a positive A and went up.

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