Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 749 Battle Report

Gavinrad is probably really dead.

------"Remembrance of the Real Warrior"

There is no practical conspiracy to break through the barriers by the natural disasters of the undead, and there is no even a military strategy.

There is no double-sided attack, no roundabout, no land-air coordination.

A simple word, pile, just use your troops to attack, regardless of casualties.

The offensive began at dawn, and before dawn the next day, the barrier gate fell.

Gavinrad fought to the last moment and died under the sword of Arthas.

Even though there is not much hope for the barrier barrier, Carlos's perception is that if he wants to break the barrier barrier, the Scourge has to send a partial division to play the trick of flanking back and forth.

However, the situation was not the case with the battle report pieced together based on the fragmented information brought by the soldiers who fleeed.

Lordaeron is a treasured land of geomantic omen. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the entire eastern mountain is closed, and there is only one pass at the barrier pass.

Xiongguan is Zhenxiongguan. The only problem is that the defensive facilities are built on the mountain and cannot accommodate too many garrisons.

Therefore, Carlos believed that as long as the undead and natural disasters flanked by both sides, the barrier gate would be defeated.

Then the information collected now is not like that, there is a problem in it.

Carlos has fought a half-life battle. He is not a paper theorist on military issues. If Alsace defeats the barrier of one-sided defense from the front, then only one thing can be proved-the Lich King is in Lordan What Lun did has greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the undead and natural disasters.

This is something Carlos has to figure out.

The domestic situation is terrible.

Even after cleaning several times, there are still many hostile elements lurking in Alterac.

So Alex Barov was assassinated more than ten times in a few days.

Even Carlos had long thought that his father would be the target of the undead natural disasters and left half of the Royal National Knights with the Grand Duke of Regent.

However, only Thousand Days is a thief, there is no reason for Thousand Days to guard against thieves. The Grand Duke was still injured. The poisonous dagger did not take the Grand Duke's life, but he was in a coma for five days.

This is also why Carlos has been unable to get domestic assistance, and the entire Alterac seems to be dropped.

Carlos' henchmen concealed the information about the assassination of the Grand Duke, and fortunately they waited until the Grand Duke woke up.

So when the last two messengers arrived at Anjador almost at the same time, Carlos almost sent them to torture together.

Not only his father, in Guy Erdalon, Carlos's wife and children also encountered abduction and assassination.

However, Guy Erdalon, as the home of the Barov family, is more difficult to infiltrate the enemy, and there are fewer forces to call.

The most important thing is Giannis Barov.

The curse sect obviously despised this lady who had faded out of the world of wizards for a long time. The most hopeful and successful first hijacking operation was delayed by Carlos's mother using illusions and waited for the guards to come.

Then, there were several wonderful assassinations, but unfortunately they were all killed invisible.

Carlos was not surprised by the "betrayal" of Uncle Brick. A mage who can still persist in the study of spells in poverty, but is not discouraged by aptitude, can hardly resist the Lich King's whispers.

However, Carlos never thought of Uncle Brick's use of "betrayal" as a bargaining chip to betray the Lich King again.

It is precisely because of the outstanding performance of this "elite two or five boys" that the curse sect's action against Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Fort was completely defeated.

In the face of such feats, sensibility prevailed, Carlos thought for a long time, but he was determined to kill the wizard consultant who had accompanied him throughout his youth.

So Carlos wrote back and ordered the bricks to come to Anjador immediately from Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Fort.

This is just a domestic dynamic.

After the initial and most threatening chaos, the situation will not get worse. When Alterac's state apparatus starts to operate normally, the Scourge will only become more and more difficult if it wants to wreak havoc.

At least what Carlos received was not all bad news.

In Hillblad Hills, good news spread frequently.

The first good news is that the Silver Dawn has not vanished to the west of Lordaeron.

Although the losses were heavy, the veterans led the refugees out of the initial pursuit.

The second good news, Uther is not an elm bump after all.

Although the transfer of large forces was troublesome, a medium-sized passenger ship carrying a hundred elite paladins back to Lordaeron was his way to express his loyalty to the Menethil family.

Across Balladin Bay, this heavily overloaded medium-sized ship ran out of supplies and could only stop at South Blue for rest instead of heading north to Lordaeron's port.

This action saved two groups of people.

The first batch is naturally the Silver Hand Paladins who have returned home.

These paladins, including Mograine, can be said to be the essence of the Silver Hand for twenty years. It would be a great irony if they were unprovoked damage in the port of Lordaeron controlled by the Scourge.

The second batch are refugees who went south.

The first batch of 200,000 refugees directly impacted the normal order of the Hillsbrad hills.

If it were not for the inexplicable death of the undead and natural disasters, they would smash the Greymane Wall, west of Tarren Mill would not need the Scourge to fight, and the chaos would be over.

It was the appearance of these paladins that quickly stabilized the emotions of the refugees from Lordaeron, reminding them that the kingdom has an expeditionary army to the south.

When hope regains the soul, panic will eventually recede.

The strategic error of the Undead Scourge gave the people of Hillsbrad Hills time to deal with it. It just so happened that Carlos’s army left in Arathi finally retraced to Hillsbrad with difficulty. Under the "friendly" persuasion of the comrades, this 70,000-strong army was divided into two. The heavy and wounded infantry returned to the country as originally planned and then moved to Anjador. Another part of the elite infantry and cavalry in better condition quickly moved north. One head bumped into the Scourge and re-adjusted its direction to the south.

This battle was won cleanly, and Carlos was applauded by winning the table.

Alterac has been arrogant for more than 20 years, and after all, it has not raised a group of waste that eats military food.

In front of the formed army, the deficiencies of the undead natural disasters finally revealed.

In front of the more efficient killing machines, the huge and tireless undead army does not have that great number advantage. The horrible hatred sutures are not artillery and ballistas. The 100,000 middle and low-end undead soldiers on the opposite side are not enough to defeat Carlos. The 30,000 elite corps dragged into the fatigue battle.

The most ridiculous thing is that this Scourge regiment that went south actually lost to the Knights of the Silver Hand in terms of high-end combat power.

When it was discovered that relying on skeletons and ghouls could not defeat the human defenses, the death knights rode out on the skeleton warhorses, trying to knock down the mortals who dared to resist the Lich King with fear.

As a result, this battle gave birth to a legendary title: "Ashbringer".

Mograine Alessandro became famous in a single battle against a thousand armies.

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