Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 752 Barov Economics

Why is it that Azeroth’s artillery technology is so advanced, but it has not entered the era of hot weapons?

Because of Mithril.

Not to mention Thorium’s unlucky stuff, the mature Thorium smelting technology Master is in the hands of the dwarves and therefore takes a large amount of foreign exchange from the hands of humans every year, if it weren’t for the Ironforge regime has been in a state of trade deficit with the nations of Lordaeron. , The fragile friendship between humans and dwarves has long since disappeared.

The grievances and grievances between humans and Thorium are too complicated to ignore, but the mature mithril smelting and forging processing technology is destined to be impossible for Azeroth to fully enter the era of hot weapons.

If the armor can defend against shrapnel, who doesn't want to be a melee man...

"So why are there so many guns and ammunition in China?"

When the bricks arrived in Anjador with enough muskets enough to arm 30,000 people to shoot them for half a year, Carlos had a WTF impulse.

"Because of the years when you disappeared, Master, there was a lot of domestic pressure."

Brick replied.

Terenas Menethil II, the real political great of Lordaeron.

When he wants to be friends with you, all you feel is the meticulous care, and even the illusion that the world and the world are all at the same time. But when Terenas started to target whom, that was the real hard way.

Alex Barov walked silently to the opposite of his old friend for his son's kingdom.

Once, Cardi thought that Terenas was not lucky and was born into the Menethil family, and he was no worse than him.

However, after ten years of political confrontation, the Grand Duke of Alterac had to admit that he was ultimately worse than his in-laws.

However, although Alex Barov admitted that he was playing politics and was not an opponent of Terenas Menethil II, as an outstanding politician second only to him, he would not easily admit defeat.

In this hidden confrontation, the Grand Duke of Regent revised the domestic development plan left by his son.

Firearms enter the households, and soldiers are hidden from the people. In addition to military weapons such as large-caliber artillery, bed crossbows, and enchanted armor, the Alterac Kingdom cannot prevent the circulation of any "civil weapons" in the country.

Come on, put it up, you have the ability to annex Alterac, I will leave you with a mess of mobs everywhere.

In order to maintain the dominance of the family, the Grand Duke of Regent initiated the process of mobization throughout the country.

The circulation of weapons in the country cannot be restrained, and the status of military personnel is strengthened by relying on prestige and power to maintain their status.

One thing is that it is very dangerous to do so. As long as the external pressure subsides, there will be riots in the country.

But what about it, the end of losing the country is much more terrible than a few riots, and Alex doesn't care at all.

Therefore, under this guiding principle, in the years when Carlos disappeared, the National Foundry alone produced a mountain of weapons and equipment, which was not regarded as the private industry of large and small noble lords.

Anyway, the leader of the eldest brother Barov’s family plays like this, and the rotten money in arms is not just for nothing.

"These weapons are only one-tenth of the national armory. In the basement of Guy Erdalon Lake Center, there can be four batches of armaments of this size. Alterac City is almost of this size. Bar."

Brick explained.

So Carlos immediately selected a car, cut open the oil tarp, and pried open the packaging cover one by one...

Good guys, flintlock muskets, hand cannons, three-stringed crossbows, longbows, explosive arrows, grenades, land mines, fierce fire oil...

"You said these are civilian materials?"

"Well, for civilian use, it can be sold directly for money."

Well, this is awesome. The only criterion for testing civilian and military use is whether it can be directly sold for money. !

"Deliver it, first arm the recruited 20,000 volunteers."


After returning to Azeroth from the star realm, Carlos has been traveling around, and he really hasn't leaned down to watch his kingdom, so much so that this situation made him feel an absurd sense of alienation.

This TMD is my Alterac?

"Where is the artillery, and the heavy bed crossbow?"

Carlos felt that something was wrong and asked one more question.

"Conquer the Arathi orcs. Most of these weapons have been transferred to Tarren Mill. Otherwise, how do you think they won the battle and dragged these big guys on the march?"

It's finally shallow on paper, and the logistics list is huge.

In Arathi, there were 70,000 mouths, and Alterac's cavalry was so large, the food transportation pressure of people eating and chewing was too much to squeeze too much logistics capacity, Carlos has not deliberately paid attention to this issue.

Now that Anjador is playing defensive battles, Carlos really has a real feeling for the term militant.

Inside the battle, the mature road transportation system, although it has been chaotic for a few days due to the assassination of Carday, the Alterac Kingdom, which has recovered, shows the power of order after all. Spell communication with Alterac City, the old man promised that at least 20 heavy artillery pieces will be shipped out of Alterac City every day. As for swords, armors, etc., just go directly to the armory to adjust the inventory, or even siege tanks. Yes, all of them will be straightened to the front for their sons.

There is no way, the Hillsbrad enclosure plan offends too many dignitaries in Lordaeron. Apart from the army and horses and other large livestock, the only remaining smelting industry in the Alterac Kingdom is competitive within the alliance.

Alterac, whose food has always been tight, needs to import materials from within the alliance every year. The Barov family is not a gold mine. In order to earn foreign exchange through exports, it will inevitably bite the fist industry and not let go.

Counting on iron farm tools to make money?

Too slow, too little profit.

Military industry is king!

Even the Bronzebeard dwarves of Ironforge invested in an assembly plant in Alterac.

The alliance purchases a certain amount of engineering equipment from the dwarves every year.

Therefore, the dwarves directly transfer the core components such as the steam engine, high-precision gears, and high-torque bearings from Ironforge. The remaining parts, such as armor plates, are purchased from Alterac, which can save a lot of money. Transportation costs and increase profit margins.

Social society, capital capital.

No wonder the Scourge wanted to turn over Dalaran for the first time. The Kirin Tor, who had not been ransacked, could get 100,000 arcane bombs!

Some didn't think about it, it was Carlos' last leisure before the war.

The forward of the Scourge has reached the outskirts of Anjador. In order to prevent plague pollution, a large number of wheat crops were burned by Carlos' orders.

The only good news is that because of the speed of the march, Alsace did not come up with a wave of recklessness, but patiently uprooted the outer strongholds, waiting for a large number of bone legions to be in place.

"Master, don't you ask me why?"

Fang Zhuan found an opportunity and finally couldn't help asking.

"Don't ask, it hurts feelings."

Carlos answered plainly.

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