Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 765 Heroes of Darrow County

Compared with the calamities suffered by other people in Lordaeron, the tragedy in Dahlone County is nothing special.

Poor people must be hateful, ignorant, narrow-minded, and greedy.

If the residents of Dahlone County retreat to the north of the Khaolin Junction as soon as possible, their life safety can be guaranteed in a short period of time.

At least the spy reported that Baron Rivendell had not fallen to the Scourge.

As the military commander elected by the Stratholme Town Council, Baron Rivendell received the baptism of the Holy Light, and the priests found no trace of the erosion of shadow power on his body.

The Alterac kingdom survived, and the alliance was not torn apart due to the destruction of Lordaeron. With reinforcements outside, Stratholme had no reason to surrender unconditionally to the enemy of living creatures.

At least the strategy of concentrating on the defense of the Kaolin intersection has effectively curbed the rampage of natural disaster minions.

Carlos is unable to break through Andorhal, the number of undead natural disasters is too large. The 200,000 minions of the Lich King piled on the periphery of Andorhal, which in itself wanted to block the possibility of Alterac's military.

But this is not to say that Anjador’s offensive and defensive battles were meaningless.

On the contrary, this battle is of great significance. It is precisely because the Lich King's attempt to block Carlos in Alterac Plateau was cut off, the Scourge had to use a large number of troops to block the periphery of Andorhal.

Lordaeron, as the largest soldier base for the Undead Scourge, has provided the Scourge Corps with more than 400,000 undead soldiers with raw materials, and roughly estimated that it can provide another 400,000.

So at the moment 700,000 undead natural disasters, at least 300,000 have been transformed from victims in other regions.

Simply draw a map and pile of chess pieces to understand that if Carlos is not fighting this offensive and defensive battle of Andorhal, then the Undead Scourge can cut off the connection between Guy Erdalon and Alterac City with a small amount of force. This means that Arthas will be done directly all the way north, instead of waiting for Lordaeron's troops to be transported to Stratholme area, while creating skeleton soldiers and ghouls in place.

Because the undead natural disasters do not sleep endlessly, but they will not be transferred instantly. Skeletal soldiers and ghouls also need to move forward step by step.

Blocking Andorhal removed the undead natural disasters around Hearthglen, which gave Stratholme's people more time to breathe and prepare.

Otherwise, how could the Scourge only use three thousand troops to wipe out Dahlong County.

Who does this look down upon.

At the same time, as the reinforcements of Stromgarde went north and Garithos conscripted for the Lordaeron refugees in Hillsbrad, the Western Group of the Undead Scourge also faced increasing pressure.

Again, there is no absolute amount of suppression, and the problem of insufficient combat power of the natural disaster minions is terrible.

In the northern part of Hillsbrad Hills, the undead Scourge is the resistance force.

The members of the Silver Dawn who were disintegrated during the tragedy of Lordaeron also reconnected with Carlos one after another, and the veterans with rich experience of the undead taught the newly formed army the knack of fighting.

In particular, the news that Uther's expeditionary army finally collected enough ships to prepare for a large-scale turnaround to Lordaeron, which greatly encouraged the morale of the remnants of Lordaeron.

If it wasn't for reason to overwhelm emotions, Carlos really wanted to directly transfer his cavalry group back from Hillsbrad.

Is it all worth it?

The city of Lordaeron was broken and the royal family was martyred. This kingdom of Lordaeron is dead.

When natural disasters are at stake, it is also natural to unite all forces that can be united.

However, as the disaster happened, the unwilling attitude of the careerists was disgusting.

Taking advantage of the conflicts between refugees and locals, some guys spread inflammatory remarks. Don’t have too many slogans such as “As long as the last Lordaeron people do not fall, the Kingdom of Lordaeron will live forever”.

These people are dreaming that those who counterattack Lordaeron can also be the king's daydream, making trouble in Hillsbrad.

Garithos didn't want to know if there was any cursed sect behind this, nor did he want to know.

He only understands that anyone who hinders the alliance is an enemy.

This is also one of the reasons Carlos value Garithos.


The identity of Garithosbriel's garrison officer is too important.

He can raise a butcher knife to an impassioned agitator, Carlos can't.

He can issue a call-up order to the restless refugees and get gratitude and trust, Carlos can't.

This is probably the price of power. It preserves the strength of the alliance to the greatest extent and leaves the alliance’s stubborn illness.

But Carlos doesn't care, I want to save you, whether you care or not.

In such an era, huge political changes must be marked by meetings of senior leaders and signing of contracts.

When the representatives of Stormwind and Ironforge arrive, and Quel'Thalas is used as a background board, the new alliance will inevitably become the alliance that Carlos likes.

Some opponents are just stupid and can't see the reality.

Others are bad and deliberately sing the opposite of their own worth, just to find a stable and comfortable position in the future.

After trying to understand these things, Carlos put aside the irritation and wavering in his heart.

Because of his strange feelings for Dalong County, he disregarded sending troops. Could it be that the life of the people of Dalong County is the life, and the life of the Alterac soldiers is not the life?

Must endure, must wait, must accumulate strength.

He will follow his promise and send troops northward within two months, but before that, the residents of Stratholme must save themselves.

Heaven saves the self-helper.

When the alliance was in chaos, Tustingo's appearance was really unexpected.

The trolls of the Hinterlands would burn incense if they didn't rebel against Carlos. Gotta Jin actually brought someone to reinforce it, which proved that he was indeed better than the guy who broke the tooth.

The number is small, just over two thousand trolls.

Carlos understands this. He eats and sleeps and fights the trolls. The Hinterlands have been punished over and over again. The civil war of the Evil Moss clan really hurt the vitality of the previous year. Gotta Jinneng brought people here, it has been proved. Carlos didn't see the wrong person.

Symbolic meaning is greater than practical help.

But Carlos thought about it, and suddenly felt like he could do something.

The mountains between Dahlone County and Guy Dahlon are an insurmountable natural danger for humans, but for trolls, they are only generally rugged.

No, not just trolls, but orcs!

There are still tens of thousands of orcs in the custody area of ​​Alterac Mountains, and it should be feasible to transfer some more orcs out.

"Gottajin, I need you to perform a task."

Carlos is ready to do it.

"The troll listens to your words."

Goota Jin Xinran took the lead.

At this time, three days had passed since Carlos gave the reply to the messenger.

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