Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 782 I'm A Legend

If Carlos didn't know the purpose of the Lich King, it would be the best choice to regain lost ground steadily.

With the help of this undead natural disaster, Carlos may really be able to reintegrate mankind and complete the renewal of the empire.

However, Carlos's long-term pain and worry is precisely because he knows so much.

It doesn't matter if Silvermoon City is caught in bloody political infighting, or that Quel'Thalas is paying the price for innovation. For Anastrian's son, Guy El'thas, to cleanse the court of the Sunstrider King, it was a small matter, and it was a big deal to waste his own strength.

The Sun King is indeed dead soon.

But this fate will soon be the fate of the high elves, and I will die soon in a hundred years.

It will not be long before the life of short-born species such as humans can be pissed off.

The Sun King, who leaned on the Sun Well and killed his political opponents himself, is invincible.

If Anastrian would listen to Carlos's advice, then Arthas had no hope of breaking through the gates of Silvermoon City.

Because standing in front of the Scourge Legion will be the strongest God of War in the Eastern Kingdom, Mowu Shuangxiu HP is bound to MP, MP is bound to Sunwell, a god suit is about equal to the invincible comrade.

But where are so many ifs.

Quel'Thalas itself was a product of political compromise, and the political system that has lasted for thousands of years has begun to malfunction. Everyone is the identity of the upper elves. Your Sunstrider family has been the king for several generations. Shouldn't the King of Quel'Thalas change his family?

A shit of the council, Quel'Thalas has never had anything to cook.

In the final stage of life, Anastrian, who had been steadfast for a lifetime, finally made up his mind to wield a blazing blow to the "conspirators".

The Sun King believed too much in the rune stone barrier set by the ancestors.

In other words, the glory of the ancestors is Anastrian's lifelong pursuit.

So he ignored Carlos' warning, but chose to form an alliance with Carlos.

The glory of the sunstrider cannot be dimmed in his own hands.

Anastrian never doubted his son's talent, but worried that the young prince would not be able to play with those thousand-year-old things.

So Carlos didn't have any fluke.

If you don't go, the ashes in the sun well will inevitably happen.

Then Archimonde will eventually descend on Azeroth.

Even if it became stronger again, Carlos still couldn't forget the creepy breath that still existed across a gap in space.

He is definitely not Archimonde's opponent. It is not the feeling of despair caused by the excessive level difference. It is precisely that Carlos's strength has just passed the line. It is like using scouting magic to have a chance of success and see the powerlessness of the target value.

Perhaps this is the reason why Elune mysteriously left the [last blow] to Carlos.

But Carlos dare not put all his hopes on the inexplicable "grace".

Regardless of defending Andorhal before or pursuing Andorhal now, Carlos's purpose has never changed.

Must retain the ability to interfere in the process of the Scourge's attack on Quel'Thalas.

Although the changing Silvermoon City is extremely weak, the potential for war in a thousand-year-old country cannot be ignored.

Carlos can not wake up people who pretend to sleep, but he can blow Alsace's head.

Because of the last meeting, Anastrian heard a few words after all.

For example, Carlos suggested that he strengthen the defensive strength of Quel'Danas Island.

For example, the most important point is to firmly control the Silvermoon City fleet.

Even if Silvermoon City falls, the Scourge cannot rely on portal spells to transfer a large amount of troops to Quel'Danas Island, and it still needs ship transportation.

As long as the Silvermoon City fleet stayed out of his mind, Arthas had to cross the wide strait if he wanted to take the Sunwell Heights.

This is not easy.

So this is why Carlos has spare time to play steadily.

Time seems to be pressing.

But if you do not pursue the preservation of the high elves, but set the goal as the sun well not to be lost, then time is not so urgent.

Originally, Carlos wanted to straighten out all the affairs of the Alliance military department before leaving, but the Ashbringer was too powerful, and an emergency military report broke the existing calm.

As a decoy unit, Alessandro Mograine led thousands of cavalry troops north to attack the transport team of the Undead Scourge, forcing Arthas to replenish the siege armament in Stratholme area, delaying the Undead Scourge Attack speed of the main force.

According to the plan, Mograine, who did not carry the Ashbringer, should lead his army all the way north to break the siege of Hearthglen, concentrate his forces and bring the reinforcements of Hearthglen to join the main force of the Alliance.

But Mograine disobeyed the military order.

Because he found that the Scourge did not contribute to Hearthglen, and Hearthglen had no ability to fight back.

The cavalry he led really went to attack the Scourge that besieged Hearthglen, tactically feasible, and strategically meaningless.

So he tentatively turned to the barrier pass, hoping to attract a part of the Scourge to help back.

In this way, the mobility of the cavalry can be used to fight an annihilation battle without being encircled.

However, the barrier pass is an important place for the military to fight for the human kingdom, but it is meaningless to the undead army.

Those undead and natural disaster commanders who still have brains have never thought about the ability of humans to regain barriers.

Simply put, the Scourge has no military deployment to reinforce barriers.

So Alessandro Mograini directly led the army to contribute to the barrier.

On the left is Lordaeron’s direction, God knows how many undead army base camps there are, and on the right is the known number of 100,000 (siege Hearthglen) plus 200,000 (siege Andorhal) at least 300,000 skeletons.

Alessandro could only contact Andorhal urgently to ask what to do next.

The breach of the barrier was only an accident, and Alessandro Mograini's purpose was nothing more than to lure the enemy to divide their forces.

How did he know that Uther had a big drama silently.

As a result, the order to stand by for help made Alessandro Mograine almost think that Uther was going to engage himself.

But the great victory in the Annihilation War in Andorhal cannot be faked.

Reinforcements continued to gather in Andorhal from various places. Uther did not hesitate to send a cavalry force of tens of thousands of people to the barrier with a large amount of supplies, and he did his best to clean up the remaining undead natural disasters.

Although simply counting the population, even if 70,000 were lost, there are still 130,000 undead soldiers besieging Andorhal, almost twice the number of the Alliance defenders in Andorhal.

But this is not the calculation.

The Alliance army has Andorhal as a gathering place, but the undead natural disasters need to divide their troops to block the three roads of Andorhal.

After losing 70,000 troops, the actual encirclement net of the Scourge has been flawed.

This is when Alessandro Mograini's capture of the barrier became an important strategic turning point.

As long as they occupy the barrier gate before the reinforcements arrive, the Alliance army can block the Scourge in the direction of Lordaeron to the west of the barrier gate with only a small amount of troops, and can almost let go of their hands and feet to clear out the remnants of natural disasters in the entire area.

After learning of the changes in the battle, Alessandro Mograine was not afraid, but asked Andorhal to send the Ashbringer to himself.

In this way, in the special place of Barrier Pass, in the case of two-sided enemy, Alessandro Mograini ordered all the soldiers to block the enemy from the east, and took over the exhausted Griffin Rider alone to send it. The Ashbringer of, blocked to the west.

During the bloody battle for two whole days and nights, the soldiers blocked three times as many natural disasters as their own, and waited for the reinforcements from Andorhal.

And Alessandro Mograine made a legend by himself with a knife.

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